Borel's lemma

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In mathematics, Borel's lemma, named after Émile Borel, is an important result used in the theory of asymptotic expansions and partial differential equations.


Suppose U is an open set in the Euclidean space Rn, and suppose that f0, f1 ... is a sequence of smooth, complex-valued functions on U.

If I is an any open interval in R containing 0 (possibly I = R), then there exists a complex-valued smooth function F(t, x) defined on I×U, such that

\displaystyle {\left({\frac  {\partial ^{k}}{\partial t^{k}}}F\right)(0,x)=f_{k}(x),}

for k ≥ 0 and x in U.


Proofs of Borel's lemma can be found in many text books on analysis, including Golubitsky & Guillemin (1974) and Hörmander (1990), from which the proof below is taken.

Note that it suffices to prove the result for a small interval I = (−ε,ε), since if ψ(t) is a smooth bump function with compact support in (−ε,ε) equal identically to 1 near 0, then ψ(t) ⋅ F(t, x) gives a solution on R × U. Similarly using a smooth partition of unity on Rn subordinate to a covering by open balls with centres at δ⋅Zn, it can be assumed that all the fm have compact support in some fixed closed ball C. For each m, let

\displaystyle {F_{m}(t,x)={t^{m} \over m!}\cdot \psi \left({t \over \varepsilon _{m}}\right)\cdot f_{m}(x),}

where εm is chosen sufficiently small that

\displaystyle {\|\partial ^{\alpha }F_{m}\|_{\infty }\leq 2^{{-m}}}

for |α| < m. These estimates imply that each sum

\displaystyle {\sum _{{m\geq 0}}\partial ^{\alpha }F_{m}}

is uniformly convergent and hence that

\displaystyle {F=\sum _{{m\geq 0}}F_{m}}

is a smooth function with

\displaystyle {\partial ^{\alpha }F=\sum _{{m\geq 0}}\partial ^{\alpha }F_{m}.}

By construction

\displaystyle {\partial _{t}^{m}F(t,x)|_{{t=0}}=f_{m}(x).}

Note: Exactly the same construction can be applied, without the auxiliary space U, to produce a smooth function on the interval I for which the derivatives at 0 form an arbitrary sequence.

See also

  • non-analytic smooth functions.


  • Erdélyi, A. (1956), Asymptotic expansions, Dover Publications, pp. 22–25, ISBN 0486603180 
  • Golubitsky, M.; Guillemin, V. (1974), Stable mappings and their singularities, Graduate texts in Mathematics 14, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-90072-1 
  • Hörmander, Lars (1990), The analysis of linear partial differential operators, I. Distribution theory and Fourier analysis (2nd ed.), Springer-Verlag, p. 16, ISBN 3-540-52343-X 

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