Black rot

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Prunus black Rot on a Black Cherry tree
Black rot is a name used for various diseases of cultivated plants caused by fungi or bacteria, producing dark brown discoloration and decay in the leaves of fruit and vegetables:
  • A disease of the apple, pear and quince caused by a fungus (Botryosphaeria obtusa or Physalospora cydoniae)
  • A disease of grape vines caused by a fungus (Guignardia bidwellii), affecting the aboveground part of the vine, and favored by warm, humid weather; also called grape rot
  • A disease of the potato caused by a bacterium (Erwinia atroseptica)[3]
  • A disease of the sweet potato caused by a fungus (Ceratostomella fimbriata)


  1. Sally A. Miller; F. Sahin; Randall C. Rowe. "Black Rot of Crucifers, HYG-3125-96" (web). Plant Pathology. Ohioline, The Ohio State University. Retrieved 2008-01-12. 
  2. Black Rot of Cabbage | Horticulture and Home Pest News. Integrated Pest Management at Iowa State University.
  3. Blackleg and soft rot disease of potato. College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky.
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