Biorthogonal system

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In mathematics, a biorthogonal system is a pair of indexed families of vectors

{\tilde  v}_{i} in E and {\tilde  u}_{i} in F

such that

\langle {\tilde  v}_{i},{\tilde  u}_{j}\rangle =\delta _{{i,j}},

where E and F form a pair of topological vector spaces that are in duality, , is a bilinear mapping and \delta _{{i,j}} is the Kronecker delta.

A biorthogonal system in which <var>E</var> = <var>F</var> and {\tilde  v}_{i}={\tilde  u}_{i} is an orthonormal system.

An example is the pair of sets of respectively left and right eigenvectors of a matrix, indexed by eigenvalue.[citation needed]


Related to a biorthogonal system is the projection

P:=\sum _{{i\in I}}{\tilde  u}_{i}\otimes {\tilde  v}_{i},

where \left(u\otimes v\right)(x):=u\langle v,x\rangle ; its image is the linear span of \{{\tilde  u}_{i}:i\in I\}, and the kernel is \{\langle {\tilde  v}_{i},\cdot \rangle =0:i\in I\}.


Given a possibly non-orthogonal set of vectors {\mathbf  {u}}=(u_{i}) and {\mathbf  {v}}=(v_{i}) the projection related is

P=\sum _{{i,j}}u_{i}\left(\langle {\mathbf  {v}},{\mathbf  {u}}\rangle ^{{-1}}\right)_{{j,i}}\otimes v_{j},

where \langle {\mathbf  {v}},{\mathbf  {u}}\rangle is the matrix with entries \left(\langle {\mathbf  {v}},{\mathbf  {u}}\rangle \right)_{{i,j}}=\langle v_{i},u_{j}\rangle .

  • {\tilde  u}_{i}:=(I-P)u_{i}, and {\tilde  v}_{i}:=\left(I-P\right)^{*}v_{i} then is an orthogonal system.

See also


  • Jean Dieudonné, On biorthogonal systems Michigan Math. J. 2 (1953), no. 1, 7–20
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