Benktander Gibrat distribution

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Benktander distribution of the first kind
Probability density function
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Cumulative distribution function
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Parameters a>0 (real)
b>0 (real
Support x>1
pdf e^{{-b{{\mathrm  {Log}}[x]}^{2}}}x^{{-2-a}}\left(-{\tfrac  {2b}{a}}+\left(1+a+2b{\mathrm  {Log}}[x]\right)\left(1+{\tfrac  {2b{\mathrm  {Log}}[x]}{a}}\right)\right)
CDF 1-e^{{-b{{\mathrm  {Log}}[x]}^{2}}}x^{{-1-a}}\left(1+{\tfrac  {2b{\mathrm  {Log}}[x]}{a}}\right)
Mean 1+{\tfrac  {1}{a}}
Variance {\frac  {-{\sqrt  {b}}+ae^{{{\tfrac  {(-1+a)^{2}}{4b}}}}{\sqrt  {\pi }}\operatorname {erfc}\left({\tfrac  {-1+a}{2{\sqrt  {b}}}}\right)}{a^{2}{\sqrt  {b}}}}

Benktander distribution of the first kind

Related distributions

\lim _{{b\to 0}}{\mathrm  {Benktander}}(a,b)\sim {\mathrm  {Pareto}}(1,a+1).


  • Kleiber, Christian; Kotz, Samuel (2003) Statistical size distributions in economics and actuarial sciences, Wiley-Interscience, ISBN 0-471-15064-9
  • Benktander, G.; Seherdahl, C.O. (1960) "On the analytical representation of claim distributions with special reference to excess-of-loss reinsurance". Trans. 16-th Intern. Congress Actuaries, 626-646.
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