Bengali vocabulary

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The origins of words in the Bengali vocabulary are numerous and diverse, due to centuries of contact with various languages.

Linguistic classification

Bengali (বাংলা Bangla) is one of the Magadhan languages, which form the eastern group of the Indic branch of the Indo-European language family. The core of Bengali vocabulary is thus etymologically Indo-European. However, centuries of borrowing has led to the adoption of a wide range of words with foreign origins.

Classifications of origin types

Sources of modern literary Bengali words
  Tôdbhôbo (native)
  Tôtshômo (Sanskrit reborrowings)
  Deshi (indigenous loans) and Bideshi (foreign loans)

The typical Bengali dictionary lists 75,000 separate words, of which 50,000 (67%) are considered তৎসম tôtshômo (words directly reborrowed from Sanskrit), 21,100 (28%) are তদ্ভব tôdbhôbo (native Bengali vocabulary with Sanskrit cognates), and the rest being borrowings from দেশী deshi "indigenous" (i.e. Austroasiatic) or বিদেশী bideshi "foreign" sources.

However, these figures do not take into account the fact that a huge chunk of these words are archaic or highly technical, minimizing their actual usage. The productive vocabulary used in modern literary works, in fact, is made up mostly (67%) of native tôdbhôbo words, while tôtshômo reborrowings only make up 25% of the total. Deshi and bideshi borrowings together make up the remaining 8% of the vocabulary used in modern Bengali literature.

Examples of borrowed words

Due to centuries of contact with Europeans, Mughals, Arabs, Persians, and East Asians, Bengali has absorbed countless words from foreign languages, often totally integrating these borrowings into the core vocabulary. The most common borrowings from foreign languages come from three different kinds of contact. Close contact with neighboring peoples facilitated the borrowing of words from Hindi, Assamese, Chinese, Burmese, and several indigenous Austroasiatic languages of Bengal. After centuries of invasions from Persia and the Middle East, particularly under the Mughal Empire, numerous Turkish, Arabic, and Persian words were absorbed and fully integrated into the lexicon. Later, European colonialism brought words from Portuguese, French, Dutch, and most significantly English. Some very common borrowings are shown below.

Borrowings from neighboring languages

Austroasiatic languages (দেশী Deshi)

!! Meaning
আলু alupotato
কালা kaladeaf
কুড়ি kuŗitwenty
খুকি khukigirl
খোকা khokaboy
খোঁচা khõchapoke
খোঁজ khõjnotice
চাল chal / চাউল chaulrice grains
চিংড়ি chingṛishrimp
চুলা chulaoven, stove
ঝিনুক jhinukshell
ঝোল jholgravy
ঠ্যাং ṭhêngleg
ঢোল ḍholdhol
পেট peṭbelly
বোবা bobamute
মাঠ maṭhfield, open land
মুড়ি muṛipuffed rice

Chinese (চীনা China)

Word Meaning Original form
চা chateachá
চিনি chinisugar
লিচু lichulychee茘枝 lìzhī
এলাচি elachicardamom

Japanese (জাপানি / নিহনগো Japani / Nihongo )

Word Meaning Original form
বোকা bokaFoolばか baka
হাশি hashiChopstickshashi

Burmese (বর্মী Bormi)

Word Meaning Original form
লুঙ্গি lunggi"lungi" လုံချည် lum hkyany

Borrowings from the Mughal era

Arabic (আরবি Arbi)

Word Meaning Original form
আক্কেল akkelwisdom عقل ‘aql
আলাদা aladaseparate
আসল asholrealأصل ’aṣl "root"
এলাকা elakaareaأﻻﻛﺔ ilākah
ওজন ojonweightوزن wazn "scale"
কবর kôborgraveقبر qabr
খবর khôbornewsخبر khabar
খালি khaliemptyخالي khālī
খেয়াল khêalconsideration
গরিব goribpoorغريب gharīb "strange"
জবাব jôbab / জওয়াব jôoabanswerجواب jawāb
জমা jômacollectجمع jam‘
জিনিস jinishthingجنس jins "type, sex"
তারিখ tarikhdateتاريخ tārīkh "history, date"
দুনিয়া duniaworldدﻧﯿـا dunya
নকল nôkolfakeنقل naql
ফকির fokirpoor personفقير faqīr
বই boibook
বদল bôdolexchangeبدل badl
বাকী bakiremainingبقي baqīy
মশলা môshlaspice
সাহেব shahebsirصاحب ṣāḥib "friend"
হিসাব hishab / হিসেব hishebcalculationحساب ḥisāb

Persian (ফার্সি Farsi)

Word Meaning Original form
আওয়াজ aoajsoundآواز āvāz
আন্দাজ andajguessاندازه andāzah "measure"
আয়না aenamirrorآینه āynah
আরাম aramcomfortآرام ārām
আস্তে asteslowly, softly آهسته āhistah "slowly"
কাগজ kagojpaperكاغذ kāghaz
খারাপ kharapbadخراب xarāb
খোদা khodagodخدا xoda
খুব khubveryخوب xūb "good"
গরম gôromhotگرم garm
চশমা chôshmaglassesچشم chashm "eye"
চাকরি chakrijobچاکر chākar
চাদর chadorblanketچادر chādur
জান jandearجان jān
জায়গা jaegaplaceجايگاه jāegāh
ডেগচি ḍegchipotديگچه dēgchah
দম dômbreathدم dam
দেরি derilateدير dēr
দোকান dokanstoreدكان dukān
পর্দা pôrdacurtainپرده pardah
বদ bôdbadبد bad
বাগান bagangardenباغان bāghān
মজা môjafun
রাস্তা rastaroadراسته rāstah
রোজ rojeverydayروز rōz "day"
হিন্দু HinduHinduهندو hindū
পছন্দ pôchhondolike, appreciate پسند pasand

Turkish (তুর্কি Turki)

Word Meaning Original form
উর্দু UrduUrduordu "army"
কাঁচি kãchiscissors
কোরমা kormakorma
চকমক chôkmôksparkleçakmak "flash"
দাদা dadaelder brotherdede
নানী nanimaternal grandmothernine
বাবা babafatherbaba
বাবুর্চি baburchicook, chef
বেগম begomladybegüm
লাশ lashcorpse

Borrowings from the Colonial Era

Dutch (ওলন্দাজ Olondaj)

The few borrowings from Dutch remaining in Bengali mostly involve card games.

Word Meaning Original form
ইস্কাবন ishkabôn / ইশকাপন ishkapônspadesschoppen
ইস্ক্রুপ ishkrupscrewschroef
টেক্কা ṭêkkaace
তুরুপ turuptrumptroef
রুইতন ruitôndiamondsruiten (lit. "windows")
হরতন hôrtônheartsharten

Portuguese (পর্তুগিজ Portugij)

Portuguese borrowings mostly describe household items, fruits, and religious concepts dealing with Catholicism:


Word Meaning Original form
আলমারি almaricloset, cupboardarmário
ইস্ত্রি istri / ইস্তিরি istirito ironestirar
ইস্পাত ishpatsteelespada "sword"
কামিজ kamiz / kamijshirtcamisa
গামলা gamlabasketgamela "wooden trough"
চাবি chabikeychave
জানালা janala / জানলা janlawindowjanela
তাবাক tamaktobaccotobacco
তোয়ালিয়া toalia / তোয়ালে toaletoweltoalha
পেরেক pereknailprego
ফিতা fita / ফিতে phitelace, ribbonfita
বারান্দা barandaverandahvaranda
বালতি baltipailbalde
বেহালা behalaviolaviola
বোতাম botambuttonbotão
মেজ mez / mejtablemesa
সাবান shabansoapsabão


Word Meaning Original form
আতা atacustard appleata
আনারস anarôshpineappleananás
কাজু kajucashewcaju
কপি kopicabbage, cauliflowercouve
পাউ pausliced breadpão "bread"
পেঁপে pẽpepapayapapaia
পেয়ারা pearaguavapera "pear"
সাগু shagusagosagu
সালাদ saladsaladsalada


Word Meaning Original form
ক্রুশ krushcrosscruz
গির্জা girjachurchigreja
যিশু JishuJesusJesu
পাদ্রি padriCatholic priestpadre


Word Meaning Original form
ইংরেজ ingrejEnglishinglês

French (ফরাসি Fôrashi)

Only a handful of French borrowings are still used in Bengali today.

Word Meaning Original form
আঁশ ãshplant fiber
ওলন্দাজ olondajDutchhollandaise
কার্তুজ kartujcartridgecartouche
রেস্তোরাঁ restorãrestaurantrestaurant
শেমিজ shemizchemisechemise "shirt"
পাতি patismallpetit

English (ইংরেজি Ingreji/Ingrishi)

Most borrowed words of European origin in Bengali were imported through English and involve civic and household concepts:

Civic Life

Word Original form
আপিস apish / অফিস ôfishoffice
জেল jeljail
ডাক্তার ḍaktardoctor
পুলিশ pulishpolice
ব্যাংক bêngkbank
ভোট bhoṭvote
ইস্কুল iskul / স্কুল skulschool
হাস্পাতাল hashpatalhospital from French word Ho-pi-ta


Word Original form
কাপ kapcup
গ্লাস glashglass
চেয়ার chearchair
টেবিল ṭebiltable
বাক্স bakshobox
লণ্ঠন lônṭhônlantern
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