Beltrami identity

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The Beltrami identity is a simplified and less general version of the Euler-Lagrange equation in the calculus of variations.

The Euler-Lagrange equation serves to extremize action functionals of the form[1]

I[u]=\int _{a}^{b}L[x,u(x),u'(x)]\,dx\,,

where a, b are constants and u(x) = du / dx.

For the special case of L / ∂x = 0, the Euler-Lagrange equation reduces to the Beltrami identity,[2]

L-u'{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u'}}=C\,,

where C is a constant. Thus, the Legendre transform of the Lagrangian, the Hamiltonian, is constant on the dynamical path.


The following derivation of the Beltrami identity[3] starts with the Euler-Lagrange equation,

{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u}}={\frac  {d}{dx}}{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u'}}\,.

Multiplying both sides by u,

u'{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u}}=u'{\frac  {d}{dx}}{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u'}}\,.

According to the chain rule,

{dL \over dx}={\partial L \over \partial u}u'+{\partial L \over \partial u'}u''+{\partial L \over \partial x}\,,

where u = du/dx = d2u / dx2.

Rearranging this yields

u'{\partial L \over \partial u}={dL \over dx}-{\partial L \over \partial u'}u''-{\partial L \over \partial x}\,.

Thus, substituting this expression for uL/∂u into the second equation of this derivation,

{dL \over dx}-{\partial L \over \partial u'}u''-{\partial L \over \partial x}-u'{\frac  {d}{dx}}{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u'}}=0\,.

By the product rule, the last term is re-expressed as

u'{\frac  {d}{dx}}{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u'}}={\frac  {d}{dx}}\left({\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u'}}u'\right)-{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u'}}u''\,,

and rearranging,

{d \over dx}\left({L-u'{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u'}}}\right)={\partial L \over \partial x}\,.

For the case of L / ∂x = 0, this reduces to

{d \over dx}\left({L-u'{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u'}}}\right)=0\,,

so that taking the antiderivative results in the Beltrami identity,

L-u'{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial u'}}=C\,,

where C is a constant.


An example of an application of the Beltrami identity is the Brachistochrone problem, which involves finding the curve y = y(x) that minimizes the integral

I[y]=\int _{0}^{a}{\sqrt  {{1+y'^{{\,2}}} \over y}}dx\,.

The integrand

L(y,y')={\sqrt  {{1+y'^{{\,2}}} \over y}}

does not depend explicitly on the variable of integration x, so the Beltrami identity applies,

L-y'{\frac  {\partial L}{\partial y'}}=C\,.

Substituting for L and simplifying,


which can be solved with the result put in the form of parametric equations

x=A(\phi -\sin \phi )
y=A(1-\cos \phi )

with A being half the above constant, 1/(2C ²), and φ being a variable. These are the parametric equations for a cycloid.[4]


  1. Courant R, Hilbert D (1953). Methods of Mathematical Physics. Vol. I (First English ed.). New York, New York: Interscience Publishers, Inc. p. 184. ISBN 978-0471504474. 
  2. Weisstein, Eric W. "Euler-Lagrange Differential Equation." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. See Eq. (5).
  3. This derivation of the Beltrami identity corresponds to the one at — Weisstein, Eric W. "Beltrami Identity." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
  4. This solution of the Brachistochrone problem corresponds to the one in — Mathews, Jon; Walker, RL (1965). Mathematical Methods of Physics. New York, New York: W. A. Benjamin, Inc. pp. 307–9. 

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