Bateman polynomials

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In mathematics, the Bateman polynomials are a family Fn of orthogonal polynomials introduced by Bateman (1933). The Bateman–Pasternack polynomials are a generalization introduced by Pasternack (1939).

Bateman polynomials are given by

F_{n}\left({\frac  {d}{dx}}\right)\cosh ^{{-1}}(x)=\cosh ^{{-1}}(x)P_{n}(\tanh(x))={}_{3}F_{2}(-n,n+1,(x+1)/2;1,1;1)

where Pn is a Legendre polynomial.

Pasternack (1939) generalized the Bateman polynomials to polynomials Fm

F_{n}^{m}\left({\frac  {d}{dx}}\right)\cosh ^{{-1-m}}(x)=\cosh ^{{-1-m}}(x)P_{n}(\tanh(x))

Carlitz (1957) showed that the polynomials Qn studied by Touchard (1956) , see Touchard_polynomials, are the same as Bateman polynomials up to a change of variable: more precisely

Q_{n}(x)=(-1)^{n}2^{n}n!{\binom  {2n}{n}}^{{-1}}F_{n}(2x+1)

Bateman and Pasternack's polynomials are special cases of the symmetric continuous Hahn polynomials.


The polynomials of small n read

F_{2}(x)={\frac  {1}{4}}+{\frac  {3}{4}}x^{2};
F_{3}(x)=-{\frac  {7}{12}}x-{\frac  {5}{12}}x^{3};
F_{4}(x)={\frac  {9}{64}}+{\frac  {65}{96}}x^{2}+{\frac  {35}{192}}x^{4};
F_{5}(x)={\frac  {407}{960}}x-{\frac  {49}{96}}x^{3}-{\frac  {21}{320}}x^{5};


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