Balša I

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Coat of Arms
Title Lord of Zeta
Children Đurađ
Balša II

Balša (Serbian: Балша; Albanian: Balsha 13??-1367) was a provincial lord of the Zeta region in 1360–1362, subordinate to the Serbian Emperor Uroš the Weak.[1] He is the first eponymous ancestor of the Balšić noble family.

Born of Serbian[2] or possible Albanian[3] origin, he was a nobleman and military commander during the rule of Emperor Dušan the Mighty (r. 1331–1355) but managed to expand his power after the death of Dušan (December 20, 1355) and gained control of the island of Mljet.[1][4] He begins with taking lands previously held by Lord Žarko, (south of Lake Skadar, Lower Zeta[1]), and is recognized as Oblastni gospodar (Lord) in charters of Emperor Uroš the Weak (r. 1355–1371). In 1362 his sons defeated and killed Head of Upper Zeta Đuraš Ilijić and expand further in Upper Zeta.[1] He died the same year.

He had three sons, Đurađ, Stracimir, and Balša II, two of whom ruled Zeta: Đurađ and Balša II.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Zeljko Fajfric: Sveta loza Stefana Nemanje (Projekat Rastko) Chapter 44, Oblasni gospodari: "Balša o kojem ćemo sada govoriti beše veoma siromašan zetski vlastelin i za života cara Stefana držao je samo jedno selo. Ali kad je umro car, a kako njegov sin Uroš nije bio valjan vladar, počeo je s nekoliko svojih prijatelja i sa svojim sinovima Stracimirom, Đurđem i Balšom da zauzima Donju Zetu." "Posle toga krenuo je sa svojim ljudima na osvajanje Gornje Zete, koju je držao Đuraš Ilijić i njegovi rođaci. Đuraša ubiše Balšini sinovi, neke njegove rođake zarobiše, a ostali napustiše zemlju. I tako su Balšini sinovi zagospodarili i Gornjom Zetom" "Isto tako pali su u njihove ruke Dukađini koji su imali mnogo poseda u Zeti. Neke su poubijali, a druge bacili u tamnicu. Pri osvajanju ovih i drugih pokrajina više su se služili lukavstvom i prevarama nego silom oružja"
  2. Nicol, p. 160; Gleichen, p. 108; Fine, 2006, p. 292
  3. Tsvetkov, Plamen S. (1993). A history of the Balkans: a regional overview from a Bulgarian perspective. EM Text. p. 216. ISBN 9780773419568. Retrieved 19 June 2012. "The first native Albanians, who tried to unite this great diversity of tribes and independent cities, were Charles Thopia and Balsha in the north, and Gjin Bua Sparta in the south." 
  4. Bartl, Peter (2001) [1995], Albanci : od srednjeg veka do danas (in Serbian), translated by Ljubinka Milenković, Belgrade: Clio, p. 31, ISBN 978-86-7102-017-6, OCLC 51036121, retrieved 1 February 2012, "Род Балшића (Балша) био је српског порекла. Балша I... био је заповедник у војсци Сте-фана Душана и од 1357. године као српски намесник службоваоје на острву Мљет." 


Balša I
Born: ? Died: before 1362
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Đuraš Ilijić
(Serbian Empire)
Lord of Lower Zeta
Succeeded by
Đurađ I
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