Anatole Klyosov

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Anatole A. Klyosov is a Russian scientist born Kaliningrad region, Russia, 20 November 1946, and now living in America. He is known for his work in physical chemistry, enzyme catalysis, biomedical sciences, industrial biochemistry[1] and for mathematical/statistical/ computer application on DNA genealogy studies.

He was the first person in early 1980 USSR to use global computer network that later became the Internet.[2] From the early 1980s the All Union Scientific Research Institute for Applied Computerized Systems (VNIIPAS) was working to implement data connections over the X.25 telephone protocol. A test Soviet connection to Austria in 1982 existed, in 1982 and 1983 there were a series of "world computer conferences" at VNIIPAS initiated by the U. N. where the USSR was represented by a team of scientists from many Soviet Republics headed by Anatole Klyosov. The other participating countries were the UK, USA, Canada, Sweden, FRG, and Finland; the following countries did not have direct computer communications and participated with the conference teams via telephone: GDR, Italy, Philippines, Guatemala, Japan, Thailand, Luxembourg, Denmark, Brazil and New Zealand.[3]

Klyosov has been prominent in the Russian mass media concerning his controversial theories of the origin of the Slavic peoples and the Arkaim historic site. Klyosov has offered a theory of haplogroup R1a as the Proto Indo-Europeans and the legendary Aryans.[4][5] He calculated the MRCA of Slavs, Serbs, Russian, Mongolians, Filipinos among other nations and tribes[6][7][8][9] [10][11][12] and the field of DNA genealogy and the study of history of species through DNA "Molecular History". Klyosov have 32 research studies in Pub Med the medical research hub of NIH and hundreds of research papers in Google Scholar and 79 research studies in the doi system . He is Fellow, the World Academy of Art and Science [13] (since 1989).

Through he self-publishes the "The Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy" [14][15] and the "Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy Boston-Moscow-Tsukuba".[16]


  1. "Russians catch the nu-food bug". New Scientist: 543. 26 May 1983. 
  3. (Russian) Двадцать лет спустя, или как начинался Интернет в Советском Союзе — expanded article originally from Ogonyok magazine №45, 2001.
  4. Klyosov, Anatole A. (2012). "Haplogroup R1a as the Proto Indo-Europeans and the Legendary Aryans as Witnessed by the DNA of Their Current Descendants". Advances in Anthropology 02 (01): 1–13. 
  6. Klyosov, Anatole A. (2012). "Haplogroup R1a as the Proto Indo-Europeans and the Legendary Aryans as Witnessed by the DNA of Their Current Descendants". Advances in Anthropology 02 (01): 1–13. doi:10.4236/aa.2012.21001. 
  7. Rozhanskii, Igor L.; Klyosov, AA (2012). "Haplogroup R1a, Its Subclades and Branches in Europe During the Last 9,000 Years". Advances in Anthropology 02 (03): 139–156. doi:10.4236/aa.2012.23017. 
  8. Klyosov, AA (May 2011). "Biological chemistry as a foundation of DNA genealogy: the emergence of "molecular history".". Biochemistry. Biokhimiia 76 (5): 517–33. doi:10.1134/S0006297911050026. PMID 21639832. 
  9. Klyosov A (2009). "DNA genealogy, Mutation rates, and some historical evidence written in Y-chromosome, Part I: Basic Principles and the Method". Journal of Genetic Genealogy 5 (2): 198. 
  10. Klyosov A (2009). "DNA genealogy, mutation rates, and some historical evidence written in Y-chromosome, Part II: Walking the map". Journal of Genetic Genealogy 5 (2): 217–256. 
  11. Klyosov, Anatole Alex (8 October 2009). "A comment on the paper: Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish Priesthood by M.F. Hammer, D.M. Behar, T.M. Karafet, F.L. Mendez, B. Hallmark, T. Erez, L.A. Zhivotovsky, S. Rosset, K. Skorecki, Hum Genet, published online 8 August 2009". Human Genetics 126 (5): 719–724. doi:10.1007/s00439-009-0739-1. 
  12. Klyosov A (2010). "'Origin of the Jews and the Arabs: Date of their most recent common ancestor is written in their Y-chromosomes - However, there were two of them". Nature Precedings. 
  13. "World Academy of Art and Science". 
  14. "More First Edition of Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy". 
  15. "Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy". Üntaç Güner. Retrieved 19 November 2013. 
  16. "Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy". Retrieved 14 November 2013. 

Books in English:

Klyosov A. A. Wood-Plastic Composites. John Wiley & Sons, 2007, 698 pp. (Translated to Chinese, Science Press, China, 2010; translated to Russian, НОТ Publishing House, 2010, 736 с.)

Enzyme Engineering (ed., L. Wingard, I. Berezin, A. Klyosov), Plenum Press, 1980, 521 pp.

Carbohydrate Drug Design (ed., A.A. Klyosov et al.), Oxford University Press, 2006, 323 pp.

Galectins (ed., A.A. Klyosov et al.), John Wiley & Sons, 2008, 279 pp.

Glycobiology and Drug Design (ed., A.A. Klyosov), Oxford University Press, 2013, 331 pp.

Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics (eds., A.A. Klyosov and P.G. Traber), American Chemical Society, 2013, 456 pp.

Books in Russian:

Березин И. В., Клёсов А. А. Практический курс химической и ферментативной кинетики, Изд-во Московского университета, 1976, 320 с. (Practical Course of Chemical and Enzyme Kinetics)

Клёсов А. А., Березин И. В. Ферментативный катализ, т.1. Изд-во Московского университета, 1980, 263 с. (Enzyme Catalysis, Vol. 1)

Клёсов А. А. Ферментативный катализ, т.2. Изд-во Московского университета, 1984, 216 с. (Enzyme Catalysis, Vol. 2)

Березин И. В., Клёсов А. А. и др. Инженерная энзимология. Изд-во «Высшая школа», М., 1987, 143 с. (Enzyme Engineering)

Клёсов А. А. Интернет (Заметки научного сотрудника). Изд-во Московского университета, 2010, 512 с. ISBN 978-5-211-05804-0 (The Internet. Notes of a Scientist)

Клёсов А. А., Тюняев А. А. Происхождение человека (по данным археологии, антропологии и ДНК-генеалогии). 2010, 1024 стр. (Origin of Man)

Клёсов А. А. Происхождение славян и других народов. Очерки ДНК-генеалогии. — 2011. — 645 с. (Origin of Slavs and Other Peoples. Essays in DNA Genealogy)

Клёсов А. А. Происхождение славян. ДНК-генеалогия против «норманнской теории». Изд-во «Алгоритм», М., 2013, 512 стр. (Origin of Slavs. DNA Genealogy Against the "Norman Theory")

Клёсов А. А. Занимательная ДНК-генеалогия. Изд-во «БукиВедия" М., 2013, 168 стр. (Entertaining DNA Genealogy).

Анатолиј A. Кљосов. Порекло Словена. Осврти на ДНК-генеалогију. Мирослав, Белград, 2013, 440 стр. (Origin of Slavs. Essays in DNA Genealogy), Belgrade, in Serbian.

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