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Afrighid dynasty
Territory, Kingdom, Vassal Kingdom and Satrapy during the Sassanid empire
Map of the Afrighid dynasty (Green color)
Capital Kat[1]
Languages Khwarezmian language, Middle Persian
Religion Zoroastrianism, later Islam in the 9th century.[2]
Political structure Territory, Kingdom, Vassal Kingdom and Satrapy during the Sassanid empire
Historical era Middle Ages
 -  Established 305
 -  Ma'munid conquest of Khwarmezian. 995
History of Greater Iran
Until the rise of modern nation-states

The Afrighids (from 305 to 995 AD) (Persian: آفریغیان-آل آفریغ) were a native Chorasmian Iranian[3][4][5] dynasty who ruled over the ancient kingdom of Chorasmia until 995 AD. Over time, they were under the suzerenaity of the Sassanid Empire, the Hephthalite Empire, the Göktürk Khaganate, the Umayyad Caliphate and the Samanid Dynasty.


Abu Rayhan Biruni, the native Chorasmian scholar, mentions twenty-two members of the Afrighid dynasty for a total span of 690 years with an average rule of 31 years for each ruler.[6] According to him, the Afrighids ruled from 305 AD, through the Arab conquests under Qotayba b. Moslem in 93/712, and up to their overthrow in 385/995 by the rising rival family of Ma'munids. The main source on the Afrighids prior to Islam is also Abu Rayhan Biruni. Part of the reason for the gap in information about this dynasty is mentioned by Biruni.

Biruni states:

When Qutaibah bin Moslem under the command of Al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf was sent to Khwarazmia with a military expedition and conquered it for the second time, he swiftly killed whoever wrote in the Khwarazmian native language and knew of the Khwarazmian heritage, history, and culture. He then killed all their Zoroastrian priests and burned and wasted their books, until gradually the illiterate only remained, who knew nothing of writing, and hence the regions history was mostly forgotten.


It has been suggested that 'Afrigh' is the Arabicized of 'Abriz' in Persian (آبریز where water flows, a reference to the geography of Khwarazm and its abundant water). However, Dr. Parviz Azkai, in his annotations on Biruni's Chornology of Ancient Nations, explains that this is a popular etymology. Azkai explains that Afrigh was originally Ap-Air-ig meaning from the Aryan descent: ap or af is the same in 'afrashtan' (Persian: افراشتن) to raise; air is the root meaning Aryan as seen in Iraj, and Eran/Iran (land of Aryan); and -ig is the suffix of relation in Iranian languages and cognate to '-ic' in English or '-ique' in French.


The ancient Iranian kingdom of Khwarazm had been ruled until 995 by the old established line of Afrighids of Kath. Khwarazm, or the classical Chorasmia, was the well irrigated and rich agricultural region of lower Oxus. Surrounded by all sides by steppe land and desert, it was geographically isolated from other areas of civilization. This isolation allowed it to maintain a separate distinctive Iranian language and culture .[5] Khwarazm was one of the early areas of Iranians civilization, and the local Chorasmian historian, Abu Rayhan Biruni traces civilization there beyond the first millennium BC.[5] Before the 8th century, there had only been few ineffectual Arab raids on the fringes of Chorasmia from the directions of Khorasan and Transoxania. But in 712 AD, Qutayba ibn Muslim was able to intervene in a civil war between the Afrighid Shah and his brother Khorrazad. Two Arab invasions lead to much destruction as Biruni notes. Once the Arabs withdrew from their raid, the Shahs recovered power in Chorasmia and they continued to adhere to their ancestral faith, which according to Biruni was Zoroastrianism. The local shahs continued to ally with local Iranians princes, Soghdian merchances and even Turks and Chinese in order to resist the Arabs.[4]

It thus came vaguely under Muslim suzerainty, but it was not until the end of the 8th century or the beginning of the 9th century that that an Afrighid was first converted to Islam appearing with the popular convert’s name of ‘Abdallah (slave of God). In the course of the 10th century, the local family of the Ma'munids who were based in Gurganj, on the left bank of the Oxus grew in economic and political importance due to trade caravans. In 995, they violently overthrew the Afrighids of Kath and themselves assumed the traditional title of the Khwarazm Shah. Briefly, the area was under Samanid suzerainty, before it passed to Mahmud of Ghazna. From then on, Turco-Mongolian invasions and long rule by Turco-Mongol dynasties supplanted the Iranian character of the region[5] although the title of Khwarizm Shah was maintained well up to the 15th century.[5]

Name of Rulers

Only consonants of the pre-Islamic names are known with long vowels, since in Arabic script, the short vowels are not written and diacritic signs are used to clarify when required. After the conversion of 'Abdallah, all the names expect possibly 'Eraq are Arabic and their pronunciation is known. Unfortunately, the manuscripts that have also come down have also suffered some corruption due to scribal errors,[4] since the Chorasmian names were incomprehensible for most non-natives. Biruni himself utilizes the extra letters of Chorasmian which were not used in Arabic writings.

More is known about the dynasty in the Islamic era after the beginning of the 8th century and their conversion to Islam.

Name of the rulers given by the native Chorasmian speaker Biruni[4][7]

1) ʾfrḡ, Āfrīḡ.

2) bḡrh(Bagra)

3) sḵḵsk(Sahhasak)

4)ʾskǰmwk(Askajamuk I)

5) ʾzkʾǰwʾr(Azkajwar I)

6) sḵr [I](Sahr I)

7) sʾwšš, Sāvoš (Syavash/Shaush)

8) ḵʾmkry/ḵʾnkry(Hamgari/Hangari)

9) bwzkʾr(Buzgar)

10) ʾrṯmwḵ, Arṯamūḵ (Arsamuh/mentioned also in coins)

11) sḵr(Sahr II)

12) sbry(Sabri)

13) ʾzkʾǰwʾr [II].

14) ʾskǰmwk [II].

15) šʾwšfr.

16) trksbʾṯh

17) ʿAbdallāh.

18) Manṣūr.

19) ʿErāq.

20) Moḥammad.

21) Aḥmad.

22) Abū ʿAbdallāh Moḥammad, killed in 385/995.


  3. C.E. Bosworth, “The Ghaznavids” in History of Civilization: Central Asia in History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume IV: The Age of Achievement : A.D. 750 to the End of the Fifteenth Century : Part One : The Historical Social and Economic Setting/edited by M.S. Asimov and C.E. Bosworth. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1999, 485 pages. (Vol. IV, Pt. I). ISBN 81-208-1595-5. Excerpt from page 101: “The ancient Iranian kingdom of Khwarazm had been ruled until 995 by the old established line of Afrighids of Kath, but control subsequently passed to the new line of Khwarazm Shahs, the Ma'munids of Gurganj”
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Bosworth, C. E. "ĀL-E AFRĪḠ". Encyclopædia Iranica. Columbia University. Retrieved 17 January 2013. 
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Clifford Edmund Bosworth, The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual, Columbia University, 1996.
  6. Encyclopedia Iranica, “ĀL-E AFRĪḠ (Afrighid dynasty)” by C. E. Bosworth
  7. L. Massignon, "Al-Biruni et la valuer internationale de la science arabe" in Al-Biruni Commemoration Volume, (Calcutta, 1951). pp 217-219. excerpt: In a celebrated preface to the book of Drugs, Biruni says: It is through the Arabic language that the sciences have been transmitted by means of translations from all parts of the world. They have been enhanced by the translation into the Arabic language and have as a result insinuated themselves into men's hearts, and the beauty of this language has commingled with these sciences in our veins and arteries. And if it is true that in all nations one likes to adorn oneself by using the language to which one has remained loyal, having become accustomed to using it with friends and companions according to need, I must judge for myself that in my native Chorasmian, science has as much as chance of becoming perpetuated as a camel has of facing Kaaba.

Further reading

  • ĀL-E AFRĪḠ” IN Encyclopædia Iranica by C.E.Bosworth
  • Chorasmia in Encyclopædia Iranica by Yuri Aleksandrovich Rapoport
  • Albiruni. The Chronology Of Ancient Nations, trans.Edward Sachau. London: Elibron Classics, 2005.
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