Abd-Allah ibn Jahsh

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Abd-Allah ibn Jahsh (عبد الله بن جحش) (c.586625)[1] was a cousin and companion of Muhammad.

He was the son of Jahsh ibn Riyab, an immigrant to Mecca from the Asad tribe,[2] and Umama bint Abdulmuttalib, a member of the Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe. One of his sisters was Zaynab bint Jahsh, a wife of Muhammad.[3] He is described as "neither tall nor short and had a lot of hair."[4]

He married Fatima bint Abi Hubaysh,[5] who was a cousin of Khadija from the Asad clan of the Quraysh,[6] and they had one son, Muhammad.[7]

Abd-Allah ibn Jahsh embraced Islam under the influence of Abu Bakr.[8] He joined other Muslims in the second emigration to Abyssina in 616.[9] He returned to Mecca in late 619 and was one of the first to emigrate to Medina in 622.[10]

Abd-Allah ibn Jahsh was killed in the battle of Uhud by Akhnas ibn Shariq.[11] According to his family, his opponents mutilated his corpse by cutting off his nose and ears.[12]


  1. Muhammad ibn Saad, Tabaqat vol. 3. Translated by Bewley, A. (2013). The Companions of Badr, p. 68. London: Ta-Ha Publishers. “Abdullah was about forty on the day he was killed."
  2. Muhammad ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah. Translated by Guillaume, A. (1955). The Life of Muhammad, p. 116. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  3. Muhammad ibn Saad, Tabaqat vol. 8. Translated by Bewley, A. (1995). The Women of Madina, p. 33. London: Ta-Ha Publishers.
  4. Bewley/Saad vol. 3 p. 68.
  5. Bewley/Saad vol. 8 p. 173.
  6. Guillaume/Ishaq pp. 82, 339.
  7. Guillaume/Ishaq, p. 215.
  8. Guillaume/Ishaq p. 116.
  9. Guillaume/Ishaq, p. 146.
  10. Guillaume/Ishaq, p. 215.
  11. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:OMvm-P93CZgJ:forums.almaghrib.org/printthread.php%3Ft%3D1963+%22Akhnas+ibn%22&hl=sv&gl=se&ct=clnk&cd=63
  12. Guillaume/Ishaq, pp. 387-388, 401.

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