8-inch Mk. VI railway gun

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8-inch Mk. VI railway gun

8-inch Mk. VI railway gun
Type railway
Place of origin United States
Service history
In service 1941–1946
Used by United States
Wars World War II
Production history
Manufacturer Baldwin locomotive works
Produced 1941
Number built 24?
Weight tube and breech, 42.000 Lbs.
Length 30-feet 9-inches

Shell separate loading HE, and AP.
Caliber 8 in (200 mm)
Breech Interrupted screw, step cut
Recoil Hydeopnematic
Carriage M1A1 railway
Elevation 45 degrees
Traverse 360 degrees
Rate of fire 2 rounds a minute
Muzzle velocity 2,750 ft/s (840 m/s) AP, or 2,840 ft/s (870 m/s) HE.
Maximum firing range 35,300 yd (32,300 m)
Feed system hand

The 8-inch Gun Mk. VI, mod 3A2, on railway mount M1A1 was a World War II version of the earlier M1888 gun. and was used to support coast artillery fortifications.


The MK. VI railway gun was quickly put together at the start of World War II, to supplement and replace the older World War I M1888 railway gun. these guns had a very short life, rolling out in February 1941, and being cut up for scrap immediately after the war. The gun was based on the Navy's 8-inch (200 mm) Mark VI, and may have been built at Watervliet Arsenal. It was mounted both en Barbette as well as on the M1A1 railway carriage.


Sighting and fire control equipment

The following sighting equipment was used with the gun.

  • M1 Deflection board
  • M1 fire adjustment board
  • M1A1 Range correction board
  • M3 Spotting board
  • M1912 Clinometer
  • M1 Percentage corrector
  • M1A1 Height finder, or M2A1
  • M6 Azmuth indicator
  • M5 Elevation indicator
  • M1910A1 Azmuth instrument
  • M8 Helium filling kit
  • M1 Gunners quadrant
  • Type B, set forward rule
  • M1 prediction scale
  • bore site
  • firing table, 8-I-1.
  • M7 stereoscopic trainer
  • M1 generating unit

support cars

  • M2 fire control car
  • M1 machine shop car
  • modified box car for ammunition

Surviving Artifacts

  • one survivor at Fort Miles
  • Two 8-inch Guns Mk VI M3A2 (#160L2 & #154L2)

Battery 404, Fort Abercrombie, Kodiak, AK

  • One 8-inch Gun Mk VI M3A2 (#134L2)

Kodiak Airport, Kodiak, AK (gun formerly at Battery 403, Fort J.H. Smith, Kodiak, AK)

  • One 8-inch Gun Mk VI M3A2 (# ) on railway carriage (bored to 9.12-inches)

Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, VA

See also


  • TM 9-2300 Standard Artillery and Fire Control Material. dated 1944
  • TM 9-463
  • SNL E-34
  • FM 4-49

External links

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