The 25L6 is an octal-based vacuum tube of the beam-power tetrode type. It found common application in AC/DC radio receivers - such as those of the All American Five type - and was also found in large numbers in early computers, such as the UNIVAC I.
This family is not to be confused with the 6L6 which has the same basing diagram, but has more than twice the power capability of the 25L6.
The 25L6 was introduced as a metal tube November 4, 1936, but most examples of this family were made of glass. The ST14 Glass 25L6G came out March 30, 1937, The T9 size GT version came out April 11, 1938. There was also a 25L6G in the smaller ST-12 glass envelope.
Computer equipment used this tube as a relay driver or to run the solenoids in key punch machines. The heater in this case ran off the 24 volt power line in the equipment resulting in long life, and slightly lower power output. The industrial type 6046 is a 25L6GT rated for that application.
Also see All American Five.
50L6 datasheet - from RCA RC-29 Tube Manual (NJ7P tube database)
Sibley, Ludwell, Tube Lore, 1996