2013 Burma anti-Muslim riots

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2013 Burma anti-Muslim riots
Location Sagaing Region, Mandalay Region, Shan State
Date March 20, 2013 (2013-03-20) – October 2, 2013 (2013-10-02) (UTC+06:30)
Attack type Religious
Deaths 50
Injured (non-fatal) 80+

The 2013 Burma anti-Muslim riots were a series of conflicts in various cities throughout central and eastern Burma (Myanmar), coinciding with the rise of the Buddhist 969 Movement led by nationalist monk U Wirathu. Many believe the 969 Movement has been responsible for inciting violence against Muslims in Burma.

March riots in Meiktila

Tensions between Buddhist and Muslim ethnic groups flared into violent clashes in Meiktila on March 20 and continued until the 22nd, killing at least 40 and wounding 61 people. The violence started on March 20 after a Muslim gold shop owner, his wife, and two Muslim employees allegedly assaulted a Buddhist customer and her husband in an argument over a golden hairpin. The situation further escalated when a local Buddhist monk was dragged from his bicycle, doused in petrol, and burnt alive by six Muslim youths at a nearby mosque.[1]

The deadliest incident occurred when a Buddhist mob attacked and torched Mingalar Zayone Islamic Boarding School. While security forces stood by, rioters armed with machetes, metal pipes, chains, and stones killed 32 teenage students and four teachers. [2]

On the 25th of March, communal rioting targeting Muslim houses and mosques spread to the towns of Othekone, Tatkone and Yamenthin. At least 9,000 residents were documented to have been displaced by the violence.[3] In April, the BBC provided a video showing police officers standing by while rioters torched houses and businesses in Meiktila. The video also shows the brutal burning and killing of at least two Muslim students by the hands of the rioters, which included Buddhist monks.

On the 21st of May, seven Muslims, including the gold shop owner and those who perpetrated the murder of the monk, were convicted for inciting the unrest and jailed from 2 up to 28 years. In July, the Burmese courts sentenced 25 Buddhists to up to 15 years in prison for murder and other crimes during riot.[4]

April riots in Okkan

On the 30th of April, 400 Buddhists armed with bricks and sticks overran mosques and torched more than 100 homes and shops in Okkan, killing two people and injuring at least ten more. Another 77 homes were destroyed in the nearby villages of Yadanakon, Panipin, Chaukthe and Thekon. The riot reportedly began when a Muslim girl on a bicycle bumped into a Buddhist monk, knocking over his alms bowl.[5]

May riots in Lashio

On the 29th of May, violence broke out in Lashio, in Shan state bordering China, after reports that a 48-year-old Muslim man named Ne Win poured petrol on a young Buddhist woman with whom he was arguing and set her on fire. In response, a Buddhist mob armed with machetes and bamboo poles torched a mosque, a Muslim orphanage, and several shops after the police refused to surrender Ne Win. The Buddhists and Muslims continued to fight into the next day and at least one person died.[6] Sword-wielding Buddhist gangs began patrolling the streets on motorbikes, forcing as many as 1,400 Muslims to take shelter in a Buddhist monastery until the police and army were able to restore order.

August riots in Kanbalu

On the 24th of August, violence once again flared up in Htangon village, 16 kilometers south of Kantbalu in the Sagaing Region, after the alleged attempted rape of a Buddhist women by three Muslim men. Local monks led the enraged Buddhist villagers to retaliate by burning down Muslim owned businesses and the village mosque. State television reported that 44 houses and 15 shops owned primarily by Muslims were razed during the three-hour riot. One firefighter and one civilian were injured in the incident.[7][8]

October riots in Thandwe

Between September 29 and October 2, Rakhine Buddhists have rioted and attacked Kamein Muslims in Thabyachaing and Linthi villages, about 20 kilometers north of the coastal town of Thandwe in Rakhine State. Seven Muslims and two Buddhists were killed and between 70 and 80 houses were set on fire. About 500 ethnic Kamein Muslims were forced to flee from their homes.[9][10] Local residents were worried a further round of violence between Rakhine Buddhist and Muslim communities after two young Rakhine Buddhists girls aged five and six, were found murdered on November 17 and 18 in separate incidents. One victim reportedly appeared to have been raped.[11]


  • In April 2013, Muslim and Buddhist detainees from Burma clashed at a refugee camp in Indonesia. Eight Buddhists were killed and fifteen other people were wounded.[12] Sources have asserted that the provocation for the riot was due to sexual harassment against female Rohingya Muslim inmates by the Rakhine Buddhist inmates.[13][14] Indonesian court jailed 14 Muslim Rohingya for nine months each in December. The sentence was lighter than the maximum penalty for violence resulting in death, which is 12 years. The men's lawyer said they would appeal for freedom because there was no real evidence shown during the trial.[15]
  • In May, two Muslims were arrested for planning to attack the Myanmar embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia with pipe-bombs.[16] The mastermind of the plot said he was still at war with anyone oppressing Muslims.[15]
  • In June, at least four killings in Malaysia were linked to ethnic tensions in Myanmar. All the victims, including a man slashed to death by machete-wielding mob in Kuala Lumpur, were Buddhists from Burma. Malaysian police had arrested approximately 60 Burma immigrants in an attempt to control tensions.[17]
  • On August 5, two pipe-bombs went off outside the Ekayana Buddhist Centre in West Jakarta as some 300 people gathered inside the temple for a sermon, injuring three people.[18] There was a note from the perpetrators that read "We respond to the screams of the Rohingya".[19]

See also


  1. "Special Report: Buddhist monks incite Muslim killings in Myanmar". Retrieved 25 October 2013. 
  2. http://www.3news.co.nz/Buddhists-sentenced-over-Burma-riot/tabid/417/articleID/304686/Default.aspx
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-21921080
  4. "Burma jails 25 Buddhists for mob killings of 36 Muslims in Meikhtila". The Guardian. 11 July 2013. Retrieved 14 July 2013. 
  5. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/30/myanmar-anti-muslim-violence_n_3185932.html?utm_hp_ref=world
  6. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/inpictures/2013/05/201352973111407914.html
  7. http://www.irrawaddy.org/archives/42777
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/burmamyanmar/10265942/Buddhists-burn-Muslim-homes-and-shops-in-Burma.html
  9. http://www.irrawaddy.org/burma/six-suspects-confess-thandwe-murders-home-affairs-ministry.html
  10. "Thandwe Death Toll Rises to 7 With Discovery of Two More Bodies". The Irrawaddy. Retrieved 12 October 2013. 
  11. "Rakhine on edge after two girls found dead". The Myanmar Times. Retrieved 27 November 2013. 
  12. http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Sumatra:-eight-dead-and-15-wounded-in-clashes-between-Burmese-Buddhists-and-Muslims-27571.html Sumatra: eight dead and 15 wounded in clashes between Burmese Buddhists and Muslims
  13. "Indonesian prison riot sparked by rapes of Female Rohingya Inmates". Democratic Voice of Burma. 10 April 2013. Retrieved 10 April 2013. 
  14. "Rohingya-Buddhist Clashes in Indonesia 'Caused by Rape of Three Rohingya Muslim Women'". Democratic Voice of Burma. 9 April 2013. Retrieved 10 April 2013. 
  15. 15.0 15.1 "Indonesia jails Myanmar Muslims over Buddhist killings". 5 December 2013. Retrieved 7 December 2013. 
  16. 16.0 16.1 http://www.economist.com/news/asia/21582321-fuelled-dangerous-brew-faith-ethnicity-and-politics-tit-tat-conflict-escalating Buddhism v Islam in Asia: Fears of a new religious strife
  17. http://www.irrawaddy.org/archives/36612
  18. http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/news/jakarta/explosion-at-indonesian-buddhist-temple-injures-one-police
  19. http://world.time.com/2013/08/07/jakarta-bomb-a-warning-that-burmas-muslim-buddhist-conflict-may-spread/
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