Fu (kana)


Transliteration: fu, hu
Hiragana Man'yōgana:
Katakana Man'yōgana:
kana gojūon
n wa ra ya ma ha na ta sa ka a
sokuon wi ri mi hi ni chi shi ki i
dakuten ru yu mu fu nu tsu su ku u
chōonpu we re me he ne te se ke e
wo ro yo mo ho no to so ko o

, in hiragana, or in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, each of which represents one mora. The hiragana is made in four strokes, while the katakana in one. It represents the phoneme /hu͍/, although for phonological reasons, the actual pronunciation is [ɸu͍] ( listen), which is why it is romanized fu in Hepburn romanization instead of hu. Written with a dakuten (ぶ, ブ), they both represent a "bu" sound, and written with handakuten (ぷ, プ) they both represent a pu sound.

The katakana フ is frequently combined with other vowels to represent sounds in foreign words. For example, the word "file" is written in Japanese as ファイル (fairu), with ファ representing a non-native sound, fa.

In certain Okinawan writing systems, ふ/フ can be written as ふぁ, ふぃ, ふぇ to make both fa, fi, and fe sounds as well as representing the sounds hwa, hwi, and hwe. In the Ryukyu University system, fa/hwa is written using the wa kana instead, ふゎ/フヮ. In the Ainu language the katakana with a handakuten プ can be written as a small ㇷ゚ to represent a final p sound. In the Sakhalin dialect, フ without a handakuten can be written as small ㇷ to represent a final h sound after an u sound (ウㇷ uh).

Forms Rōmaji Hiragana Katakana Example words (with kanji)
Normal f-
(は行 ha-gyō)
  • ふゆ fuyu 冬 winter
  • ふえる fueru 増える to grow/increase
  • ふつう futsū 普通 normal
  • ふみきり fumikiri 踏み切り level crossing
  • ふとん futon 布団 quilt/blanket
  • ふるえる furueru 震える to shake
  • フランス furansu France
ふう, ふぅ
フウ, フゥ
Addition dakuten b-
(ば行 ba-gyō)
  • はんぶん hanbun 半分 half
  • かぶ kabu 株 share/stump
  • ぶし bushi 武士 samurai
  • ハーブ hābu herb
ぶう, ぶぅ
ブウ, ブゥ
Addition handakuten p-
(ぱ行 pa-gyō)
  • ランプ ranpu lamp
ぷう, ぷぅ
プウ, プゥ
Other additional forms
Rōmaji Hiragana Katakana
Form (f-)
Fa/Hwa ふぁ/ふゎ ファ/フヮ ファール fāru foul
Fi/Hwi ふぃ フィ フィンランド finrando Finland
Fu フリー furī Free
Fe/Hwe ふぇ フェ フェルト feruto felt
Fo ふぉ フォ フォード fōdo Ford
Additional Okinawan forms

Stroke order