, or o with low ring inside, is a phonetic character from Landsmålsalfabetet, a phonetic alphabet for the transcription of Swedish dialects. It is used to represent a rounded back vowel between [o] and [ɔ].

Unicode encodes as "Latin Small Letter O With Low Ring Inside" at codepoint U+2C7A.


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Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Letter O with diacritics
Óó Òò Ŏŏ Ôô Ốố Ồồ Ỗỗ Ổổ Ǒǒ Öö Ȫȫ Őő Õõ Ṍṍ Ṏṏ Ȭȭ Ȯȯ O͘o͘ Ȱȱ Øø Ǿǿ Ǫǫ Ǭǭ Ōō Ṓṓ Ṑṑ
Ỏỏ Ȍȍ Ȏȏ Ơơ Ớớ Ờờ Ỡỡ Ởở Ợợ Ọọ Ộộ Ɵɵ Ɔɔ