

Jonna Lee singing live at Way Out West 2011
Background information
Origin Sweden
Genres Electronic, ambient, synthpop, dream pop, experimental
Years active 2009–present
Labels D.E.F



iamamiwhoami is an electronic music and multimedia project headlined by Swedish singer-songwriter Jonna Lee. Videos released from the project's YouTube channel have spread virally.[1] The first clip was uploaded on December 4, 2009, and was forwarded to a number of music journalists and blogs. Another two short videos followed. Chris Cantalini and MTV writer James Montgomery reported about iamamiwhoami, fueling speculation online.[2][3]

The project currently consists of three series of music videos and a feature length concert video. The number series, highly stylized teaser videos, set the tone of the project, established several mysteries, and served to foreshadow the projects' complete songs. The letter series is the equivalent of a studio album containing fully realized singles. (Released on iTunes and Amazon.com, each single also bears the phrase "To Whom It May Concern." Several official remixes of the letter songs have also been released.) The letter series "BOUNTY" serves as the core of the project. The final set of videos, the date series (their titles correspond to the date on which they were released), set up the webcast concert on November 16, 2010 and asked fans to elect one of their own to attend the concert. On November 16 at 12:15 CET "In Concert" was webcast; it was removed approximately 4 hours later.

On 4 December 2010, the one-year anniversary of the posting of the first iamamiwhoami video, mp3s of "In Concert" were uploaded to Amazon, Spotify and iTunes.

iamamiwhoami is notable not only for its artistic multimedia output, but also the creators' leveraging of social technology (YouTube) and phenomena (viral videos, crowdsourcing) to disseminate their music and music videos.

As of 1 June 2011, iamamiwhoami was confirmed to be appearing at the annual Way Out West Festival in Gothenburg, Sweden on 12 August 2011. iamamiwhoami was also discovered to be officially signed to D.E.F. Management, who is known for recording artists Moby, Röyksopp, Kleerup, Fever Ray, and Robyn.[4]


YouTube videos

To date, iamamiwhoami have released 23 videos, six of which are short, roughly one-minute long teasers.

The first three videos were originally released with footage of animals derived from existing YouTube videos. The individual who owns the video of the goat birth flagged the video for copyright infringement, leading to its removal. iamamiwhoami's videos were subsequently re-uploaded replacing the copyrighted footage with animal illustrations.

The first six videos contained numeric titles, which were later decoded by fans. The next sequence bear single letters for titles. These seven videos were followed by single releases on iTunes and Amazon.[5]

iamamiwhoami's videos often refer to other YouTube videos by posting links in the description of uploads. Examples include a news segment for the release party of high-end bottled water ("Bling H20"), a video featuring a child preacher, and a clip of a child beauty pageant. These are speculated to hint towards the meanings of iamamiwhoami's videos.


Numeric codes

The first six videos are titled with a series of numbers. When indexed into the alphabet, these spell out words such as "educational", "I am", "its me", "mandragora", "officinarum", and "welcome home". Mandragora officinarum refers to the mandrake root, which when fresh or dry may cause hallucination.[5] Imagery associated with the folklore of the mandragora (the flowering humanoid, berries, and semen of a hanged man) recurs throughout iamamiwhoami's videos.


Each of the first six clips end with a drawing of a different animal (a goat, owl, whale, bee, llama, and monkey). Having blogged about the videos, MTV journalist James Montgomery received a package by messenger, which included a lock of blond hair, a piece of bark, and a pictogram of the six animals with the question "Says what?"[2] Furthering the mystery; the sixth video ("") ends with the woman whispering "Why" or "Y."[5]

As the seven videos with letter titles were slowly released, fans quickly realized that the videos were likely to spell the word "bounty". Each of the seven videos begins with the corresponding sound of the animal, however, the animal sounds are not present in the released tracks. The conclusion of "In Concert" reveals that the onomatopoeia used to represent the animals' calls can be made to approximate the pronunciation of the English word "bounty".

Artists' identities

With the release of "b" and "o" fans soon guessed that Jonna Lee was the visually distorted lead singer. Lee's identity was confirmed with the release of the video for "t", in which her face was fully revealed without any makeup or distortion to conceal her identity.

According to rraurl.com[6] and MTV Brasil,[7] "o" was directed by Viktor Kumlin, who is also the director of Lee's music video for "Something So Quiet".

Registered songs

On 7 February 2011, several registered songs on ISWC were discovered to be closely related to iamamiwhoami. For example, songs titled, "Up!/Higher", "The Sound of Letting Go/Love", and "Little Hope/Sing a Song of Fire" all pertain to lyrics in iamamiwhoami's songs, "b", "o", and "y", respectively. The works were registered by Lee and Claes Björklund, the two who are believed to be responsible for the iamamiwhoami project. These songs were registered around the same time as several songs from Lee's This Is Jonna Lee 2009 album.[8]


iamamiwhoami is managed by the London-based D.E.F. Artist Management. Other artists on their roster include Fever Ray, The Knife, Robyn, Moby, Röyksopp, and other Swedish artists.[4]

First published interview

On November 7, 2011, Bullett Media posted a interview article with iamamiwhoami for their Winter 2011 'Secrets' Issue. Questions were answered strictly with sampled lyrics from the current repertoire of songs, with some additional and unknown phrases purported to be lyrics for future musical releases. The article also included promotional images of iamamiwhoami, nude in the forest and posed among similar elements from "; john" and "t".[8] The article is referenced to be written and photographed by iamamiwhoami.

Music video observations


The seventh music video, uploaded on March 14, 2010, was titled "b", containing no numbers, breaking the trend of the previous videos. It does not include an illustration at the end, nor a numeric code. It begins with a shot of a children's mobile, along with the words 'to whom it may concern." in a wooden cabin. An hourglass is turned over and a blonde woman, wrapped in plastic, begins to play the piano. Four men sit in the room, seemingly entranced by her music. Their behavior and shots of their footwear suggest they are using the woman and her singing for medicinal purposes. The hourglass runs out and the woman finishes her song. The video ends with the camera on an empty crib, while a black cat exits the room six times on a loop.


The eighth video, "o", begins in the same cabin seen in "b." A black cat is beside a leafless, potted tree. The camera pans to the back of the cabin, and a greenhouse/botanical nursery is revealed with more potted, leafless trees. The trees have blinking eyes. The woman is seen standing in a pot, covered in netting. She eventually frees herself. She wears an Elizabethan collar, standing beneath a cup hanging from the ceiling. The recurring number, six is shown in the form of six skulls. The woman is then sitting on the edge of a pot, freed from her collar. The camera pans back into the cabin where we see the tree, with her discarded collar hanging from the branches, now bearing berries.


"u-1," features a man in briefs running through a forest towards a fort made of cardboard, and another with a puppet. At the start of the music video, the puppet utters, "a quién le corresponda," Spanish for "to whom it may concern." This phrase has been featured in the artwork of all single downloads. The woman from "b" and "o" does not appear in this video. The scene is filmed in the same cabin as "b" and "o."


"u-2" sees the man wandering through the fort. Upon finding a bottle of liquid and touching it, he begins to dance. Various scenes are shown of the man in briefs presumably performing sexual acts to the puppet.


At the beginning, the cat is seen puring and can be heard a buzzing bee (which refers to "") and a barking dog. Then, the woman is seen lying in tin foil atop wooden boards, covered in various foods. Six lettuce leaves are placed at her head. She is later seen in a forest, covered in a dark substance. The camera pans out to reveal this covers only her face and shoulders; as wears red cup-like devices on her breasts, and holds two cups of white liquid. More cups dot the forest floor. We see a structure made of white papers. Inside, there is a wooden computer where a black cat sits. In a mirror, we see a camera, with a young child operating it. As the video closes a figure covered in plastic bottles walks into the forest.


"t," the twelfth video, the woman is naked and covered in white drops. It opens with footage of a snail dropping off a leaf. Standing waist-deep in the water, she raises her hands to claim a floating crown made of aluminium foil. Also in the water are an orb and sceptre made of the same material. Her face is shown, and the previously unidentifiable woman is now revealed to be Jonna Lee. Lee marches through the forest, finds both the orb and sceptre, and emerges with a ruff around her neck singing atop a cliff. Six women are seen on a car wrapped with aluminium foil, and they create a message with their bodies, "I am me". As the video ends, Lee discards the ruff and dives into the water, leaving behind the three items she found to float around the water at sunset.


"y" the thirteenth video, begins with a black cat walking on a dining table. The camera turns to the man in briefs from "u-1" and "u-2" sitting on a throne while having the foil objects from "t" while chucking paper around. Jonna Lee is then seen singing underwater. The entire location is revealed to be within a tree in a forest wrapped with aluminum foil. Lee climbs out of one tree with a vaginal opening and receives a lighted bulb from a hand above. The forest then suddenly has ceiling lights, and they each light slowly. A knight is then shown attacking a tree simultaneously while it is implied that the man in briefs masturbates and his own semen is splattered on his face.

A paper-constructed room is shown, and Lee has a paper attached to her face whilst she stands in between plant pots, filled with small leafless trees. After a baby's sneeze/cough is heard, she turns around, her face visible. Her face and entire body blackens which is seen in "n" and the first six videos. She is then wrapped in aluminium foil. She sings inside, and the scene cuts back to the starting scene of the black cat on a dining table. A foil-wrapped object sits in the centre. The recurring theme of six is present in six plates, cups, chairs and cutlery. Bare feet dripping white liquid are shown suspended above a pot of peppercorn where it drips upon. Attached to the pot is a strip of paper emblazoned, "To whom it may concern." The peppercorn move slightly, prompting an emergence.

20101001 (video deleted)

On Friday 1 October 2010 a video titled "20101001" was uploaded calling for one volunteer. The viewers of the video are trusted to select a representative who will then supply their name, telephone number and home address by Friday 8 October at 12:00AM CET. The video links to a website that appears to promote an upcoming concert. The initial volunteer was YouTube user "tehhils", but due to issues in obtaining a passport in time for the project, YouTube user "ShootUpTheStation" was appointed by "tehhils".


"20101104" opens in a white residence, continuing from the end of "y". The feet belong to the man in briefs, surrounded by the recurring cat and dog in the series. The bowl of peppercorn below him spontaneously spills across the floor. An extreme close-up of the man's hand reveals he is wearing a plain gold ring. A different hand wearing a similar ring (belonging to the blonde woman in the bathtub) is then shown. Dripping water is heard occurring in a bathroom, from a shower head into a bathtub. A crane shot reveals an ostensibly drowned blonde woman in briefs in the bathtub. (Both people have plastic bags over their heads.)

A foot slowly emerges from the spilled peppercorn pot which hops through a hallway. Animals follow in a parallel hallway. They arrive at the foyer of the residence, a naked woman is seen, her head still hidden in the pot. As she removes the pot, the screen goes black. In the darkness, her voice can be heard singing. As she finishes her brief lyric, the black screen is revealed to be in her perspective (point of view shot) as she lifts the pot from her head, approaches, unlocks, and turns the handle of the door. A wisp of blonde hair is seen on her shoulder.

20101109 (video deleted)

"20101109" continues where the previous video left off. Now outside the apartment, the woman descends flights of a spiral staircase as the theme from "20101104" plays in the background. She stops at a landing where a telephone is mounted to the wall. A printed email is fixed above it. The woman's finger hovers over the text as it comes in and out of focus. The letter, sent by Hillary (YouTube user "Tehhils"), apologizes for not being able to participate in the project and recommends YouTube user "ShootUpTheStation" as a replacement. Although parts of the email are redacted, ShootUpTheStation's telephone number has been penciled in below his username. The woman dials the number and twists the phone's cord around her finger as it rings. A man's voice answers, and the woman tells him to turn on his camera. The film switches to the man's low-quality webcam. He's young, blond, facing away from the camera, and speaking on a mobile phone. The latter half of the video is dedicated to their conversation, in which the woman questions the young man about himself, his preferences, and his metaphysical beliefs. The conversation concludes with the woman telling him that he must record his journey to her and that they will meet at the airport.

101112 - 101115-2 and http://towhomitmayconcern.cc/ (videos deleted)

"101112" is the start of a vlog style of videos by YouTube user "ShootUpTheStation." The video documents his journey from Germany to Sweden to meet an unknown group of people. He boards a plane at the Berlin Tegel Airport. Upon arriving, he takes an elevator which reads "Våning ett"(Swedish for "first floor"). He then boards a car and is driven to what was later identified as the Handen Quality Hotel Winn Haninge.[9]

"101112-2" follows the same trend as before, with "ShootUpTheStation" arriving at his hotel, entering his room and reading through an envelope marked with the words, "To whom it may concern". The rest of the video shows what is in the envelope, a piece of paper with an itinerary on it. Each day is busy, from Friday 12 November to Sunday 14 November. The itinerary is packed with Visitors at 6pm on Friday, visitors at 1pm and 4pm, with 7pm being filled with a 'talk' on Saturday, there is a glimpse at Sunday, but no details. The video finishes here.

"101113" begins with "ShootUpTheStation" answering a ringing phone in his hotel room and telling the speaker that the camera is on. Music begins playing in the background, and there is a knock on the door. He goes to answer it, whilst the camera continues to only film the bed; leaving the viewer to guess what is happening. The sound of plastic and presumably masking tape is heard. Camera flashes are seen and heard as well, presumably for ShootUpTheStation's "funeral" photo. The video ends with a baggy-sleeved arm reaching for the camera's power button.

"101114": A bearded man, his face obscured in post-production, enters ShootUpTheStation's room and briefly teaches him how to do the waltz that takes place in the concert (whilst humming "The Blue Danube") and bow. The lesson complete, the men shake hands and the bearded man departs.

"101115": A man in braces, his face obscured in post-production, arrives with the plastic bag holding ShootUpTheStation's concert attire, which he lays out on the man's hotel bed (off-screen) before leaving. After the man leaves, ShootUpTheStation provides a brief look at the dark ensemble.

"http://towhomitmayconcern.cc/": Over the recurring visual of a corkboard to which a cutout phrase ("To Whom It May Concern.") is pinned, and featuring the (slightly different) words "10.11.16 12AM CET IN CONCERT" in pointillism, the woman's voice speaks: "At 12:01 AM Swedish time we act in concert on the wish to evolve. We will present you with a plausible path available for 6 hours on 'It Is What It Is'."

"101115-2": Uploaded just before midnight CET, it features a static shot of ShootUpTheStation's empty hotel room as he has a brief telephone conversation and someone knocks on his door.

; john

The video begins at the mouth of a creek with a man in underwear and a bag falling from the sky. The man proceeds to run with the bag through various locations, and the video cuts to a scene of Jonna in a room with plastic sheets and a bed made of rolls of toilet paper. The recurring black dog from other videos runs through a town, the forest from "t" and past a white house. She wears a single terrycloth-like jumpsuit and hood. As the video progresses, she begins to move erotically and dance on the bed while underwear-clad people outside of the room wait to be allowed entry. Eventually she opens the door to allow a man in, and they engage in sexual intercourse, seen through surveillance televisions lining the wall outside of the room. The video ends as the camera pulls back throughout the entire setting, revealing the waiting line of nude people, a change room where white coat hangers litter the room and people are disrobing. Jonna, now only clad in underwear, knots a plastic bag and places it into a hole above a door. The final scene shows a hooded figure picking up a phone while a dialing tone sounds for the remainder of the video. The video ends with the door to the white house closing.

Common elements throughout the series, such as the black dog, people in underwear, and cups of white substance reappear in this video.

The main prop of the video, the toilet paper bed, was used during their first live performance at Way Out West.


"clump" appears to be a continuation of "; john" (the camera is focused on Lee's face while she lies on the toilet paper bed from "; john"). The perspective is shown from above, as if the viewer is above her. Her body moves up and down as if being casually penetrated. When she closes her eyes, images of a woody scenery show a figure with long blonde hair moving through cattails and long grass. A naked Lee later finds the blonde figure midst the foliage and appears to be happy as she caresses the blonde figure's head; she abruptly flees soon after. For the duration of the video's end, the scene in the woods of Lee fleeing are alternated six times with the scenes of Lee on the toilet paper bed.

In Concert

  1. "u-1"
  2. "b"
  3. "Prelude 699130082.451322-"
  4. "t"
  5. "20101001"
  6. "n"
  7. "o"
  8. ""
  9. "u-2"
  10. ""
  11. "y"
  12. ""
  13. "."

The concert was scheduled to begin at 12:01 AM CET [6 PM EST] on 16 November 2010. A fan website (http://www.iambounty.tk/), provided a countdown clock and allowed fans to live blog the event. At 12:01 AM CET the concert did not start promptly. The concert began at approximately 12:15 AM CET, with the corkboard date notice being replaced by a streaming Flash video of the concert.

The concert video was 1 hour and 4 minutes in length. After 4 hours the video was removed, despite the assumption that it would remain up for 6 hours (as inferred from the YouTube video "http://towhomitmayconcern.cc/"). Tech-savvy fans downloaded the high-quality streaming FLV as well as ripping the audio from the file. Upon the concert's removal, they uploaded the video and audio to file sharing websites (such as MediaFire) and file hosting services (such as YouTube) for those that missed the original broadcast. (An example of a fan effort to disseminate the concert can be found at http://www.iamconcert.com.) 15 hours after the concert ended, the videos setting up the concert ("101112" - "101115-2", "20101001", "20101109", and "http://towhomitmayconcern.cc/") were deleted from the iamamiwhoami YouTube account.

Although the concert appeared to be a live, "one take" tracking shot there are clear areas where cuts where used to edit segments of the concert together. For example, the transition from "n" to "o" occurs by passing by a dark tree in closeup, then cutting to a similar shot of ShootUpTheStation in the "church". The transition from "o" to "" occurs when the camera zooms in on one of Lee's minions' black shirt, then zooms back out.

On 4 December 2010 the full, unedited audio of the concert was released digitally on Amazon and iTunes titled "In Concert". Segmented tracks of "b", "t", "n", "o", "u-2", "y" and "." also became available alongside the complete audio. (The YouTube video "20101104" contained a lyrical fragment from ".", a new song featured only in "In Concert".)

Video synopsis

In a direct continuation of "101115-2" a white-hooded figure and ShootUpTheStation leaves the hotel. A glimpse of the hooded figure's face reveals it is Jonna Lee. They board a car along with a driver in a ski mask. The interior is taped in plastic and holds instruments for the concert. The camera lingers over figures matching the animals from the Prelude "number" series of videos. Lee sings "u-1", with the backing track playing on the car's speakers as they navigate a highway system.

The car arrives at the concert site and the view switches to an exterior video camera placed before the parked car. Lee uses a keyboard to play "b" using a harpsichord synth. She then exits and continues the song at the boot of the car. On her neck is a strawberry necklace from the Prelude videos.

At the end of "b", Lee takes ShootUpTheStation by the hand, leading him from the car through concert barrier gates. They brave a phalanx of veiled laughing people, while a remix of "Prelude 699130082.451322-" is playing in the background. When they reach a turn in the gates, Lee mimes tracing smoke in the distance, then begins "t" featuring thundering cathedral bells. Behind her, tents light up in the darkness in sync with the song's bassline. She walks away into the darkness and ShootUpTheStation follows.

At a backlit tree, Lee rests in an over-sized cardboard gown. ShootUpTheStation enters the cardboard gown structure from below and "20101001" plays. Within the gown is a wood. A man holding the lightbulb from "y" lights his way. "n" begins and he comes upon the cardboard puppet from "u-1". Lee, in the distance as her incarnation from "y", with long, flowing blonde hair, awaits him. They waltz and bow, as foreshadowed by "101114", in part to a dissonant electric guitar solo. As the song concludes we see men in briefs miming sex acts on trees.

The song ends and ShootUpTheStation stands alone in front of the hair-clad Lee in a makeshift church within the wood, the stained glass windows and rosette represented by white paper illuminated from behind. In the middle of the space is a cardboard box. As Lee sings a remix of "o" she sheds her hair suit, revealing a black leotard, fingerless black-lace gloves, and a prominent clerical collar at her neck. Lee beckons for ShootUpTheStation to get into the box and he is sealed inside. The song ends and "" begins as Lee and her minions lay hands on the cardboard box coffin. Lee reappears in a dark green bodysuit and lays down on the coffin and an image of ShootUpTheStation is turned over on her chest in a mock-funeral.

Lee gets up and dances to a new interlude as her minions gyrate at the coffin's side. The coffin is led away to a remix of "u-2". She leads the procession out of the forest, beneath the fluorescent lights from "y", and over plank bridges to a road where the car from the intro awaits. A man on the hood is manipulating a synthesizer, and the procession 'rounds the car and reaches the cardboard box fort from "u-2".

The minions load the coffin box into the castle while "" plays in the background. Crosses from "" can be seen in the background. Lee's funeral body suit is removed, revealing a white suit. The minions retreat, closing the fort. The fort is engulfed in flames and she begins singing "y". The camera faces skyward, revealing a wicker mirror suspended by a beam. Its cracked face reflects Lee, lying on knotty pine reminiscent of the lodge seen in "o" and "u-1", caressing herself. The camera returns to Lee. A new bridge plays as she crawls to the site of the burnt fort. She rubs ash on her body and face. She then gathers some of the ash in a piece of aluminum foil. She carries it with her as she sings the lyrics to "" unaccompanied.

Lee buries the aluminum-foil-wrapped ashes using a shovel. She sits at a keyboard nearby, covers herself with black chiffon veil, and sings "." (a complete version of the lyrical fragment found at the end of "20101104") using the keyboard's organ synth as an accompaniment.

After finishing the song she covers the keyboard with the veil and dons a false tail and monkey mask. Lee walks to a table where men dressed in papier-mâché costumes of an owl and a goat are seated. Men dressed as a llama, whale, and bee join them. The owl pours champagne, Lee toasts, and the assembly each make their animal noises from the Prelude videos. When the animal calls are made in order, their vocalizations approximate the pronunciation of the English word "Bounty", thus solving the project's central riddle. The assembly drinks and the concert ends.

Way Out West Festival

  1. "u-1" (soundcheck)
  2. intro ("; john")
  3. "n"
  4. "o"
  5. "t"
  6. "b"
  7. "u-2"
  8. "+46 702 888 037"
  9. "y"
  10. "clump"
  11. "; john"

On May 31, 2011, Way Out West Festival announced iamamiwhoami as part of the line-up for 2011 to be held during August 11–13, 2011, in Gothenburg, Sweden.[10] This was their first live concert. The towhomitmayconcern.cc featured a promo image for the concert with a Sweden phone number; calling, it answers with a recording of an acapella song with a background ringing, apparently as a continuation of "; john".[11] This song is currently referred to as "+46 702 888 037".

The concert saw the return of the toilet paper bed and white terrycloth from "; john" and "clump". The concert opened with a screening of a continuation of where the "; john" video left off, with the camera view entering the open door of the white house, and seeing one of the men in underwear placing a plastic bag into a hole in the wall. Three cameramen were seen following Lee throughout the performance, which included explicit symbolism. Concert interludes depicted copulation and fertilization with toilet paper rolls, and Lee's choreography mimicked several sexual and gestational themes. All of iamamiwhoami's released tracks were performed with the exception of "In Concert; .". "u-1" was performed in the soundcheck before the concert. After the festival had finished on Sunday 13 August, the concert promo image on the website towhomitmayconcern.cc was removed and replaced with the black screen they used after the To Whom It May Concern concert.

Awards and nominations

Year Award Category Result
2011 Grammis Innovator of the Year (Årets innovatör) Won[12]
2011 MTV O Music Awards Innovative Artist Nominated[13]
2011 MTV O Music Awards Best Web-Born Artist Nominated[14]

Grammis 2011

At the Swedish Grammis held on January 2011, iamamiwhoami won the award of "Innovator of the Year" (Årets Innovatör), a newly inaugurated category. An anonymous woman (referred to as 'Key Lady' by the fans as she wore a key necklace) received the award on their behalf and handed to the speaker an envelope with the words "To whom it may concern" taped in front. The content is revealed to be an empty piece of paper. Before leaving, the woman says, "Thank you. That's all I am allowed to say".

MTV O Music Awards 2011

iamamiwhoami was nominated for an MTV O Music award in January 2011 in the "Innovative Artist" category. Fellow nominees included Lady Gaga, Kanye West and Tyler, the Creator. The award eventually went to Lady Gaga.[15]

The project was nominated again in October 2011 at OMA's second edition, this time in the "Best Web-Born Artist" category. Unfortunately, iamamiwhoami lost the award to Kina Grannis.


To whom it may concern.
Title Release date Related releases
Video streaming[A] Digital download Release Digital download
"Prelude 699130082.451322-" December 4, 2009 (2009-12-04)

January 31, 2010 (2010-01-31)[B]

"" January 7, 2010 (2010-01-07)

February 1, 2010 (2010-02-01)[B]

"" January 25, 2010 (2010-01-25)

February 1, 2010 (2010-02-01)[B]

"" February 10, 2010 (2010-02-10)
"" February 22, 2010 (2010-02-22)
"" March 1, 2010 (2010-03-01) "o" April 11, 2010 (2010-04-11)
"b" March 14, 2010 (2010-03-14) March 15, 2010 (2010-03-15) Tara Busch remix April 19, 2010 (2010-04-19)
"o" April 12, 2010 (2010-04-12) April 11, 2010 (2010-04-11) Adrian Lux remix April 29, 2010 (2010-04-29)
"u-1" May 3, 2010 (2010-05-03) May 3, 2010 (2010-05-03)
  • July 9, 2010 (2010-07-09)
  • July 16, 2010 (2010-07-16)
"u-2" May 7, 2010 (2010-05-07) May 7, 2010 (2010-05-07)
"n" June 2, 2010 (2010-06-02) June 3, 2010 (2010-06-03) Eineinmeier remix June 25, 2010 (2010-06-25)
"t" June 30, 2010 (2010-06-30) June 30, 2010 (2010-06-30) Tele Tele remix September 24, 2010 (2010-09-24)
"y" August 4, 2010 (2010-08-04) August 5, 2010 (2010-08-05) Zoo Brazil remix November 3, 2010 (2010-11-03)
"20101001" October 1, 2010 (2010-10-01)[C]
"20101104" November 3, 2010 (2010-11-03) IN CONCERT; "." December 4, 2010 (2010-12-04)
IN CONCERT November 16, 2010 (2010-11-16)[D] December 4, 2010 (2010-12-04)
  • IN CONCERT; "b"
  • IN CONCERT; "t"
  • IN CONCERT; "n"
  • IN CONCERT; "o"
  • IN CONCERT; "u-2"
  • IN CONCERT; "y"
  • IN CONCERT; "."
December 4, 2010 (2010-12-04)
"; john" May 15, 2011 (2011-05-15) May 16, 2011 (2011-05-16) "+46 702 888 037"[E]
"clump" July 31, 2011 (2011-07-31) August 1, 2011 (2011-08-01)

A. ^ All YouTube videos, except where noted.
B. ^ 1 2 3 Re-upload date. The original upload of these videos was removed.
C. ^ This video was deleted on November 16, 2010.
D. ^ Streamed on towhomitmayconcern.cc.
E. ^ Phone call stream.

Other videos

These videos are not musical releases and were deleted on November 16, 2010, the day of the concert.

Remixes for other artists

Official app

On the same date as the release of the "b" mp3, 15 March 2010, the official iamamiwhoami iOS app appeared in the iTunes Store sold by iLike, Inc.[16] The app's icon features a question mark on a black background. The main menu features the wood grain album art of u-1 and u-2, with sub menus that lead to videos and music. The video menu contains an RSS feed of the currently available YouTube videos. The music menu contains a full stream of the available songs from iLike.com, the option to purchase individual songs in the iOS's default iTunes store app, and the option to see more of iamamiwhoami's music in the iOS' default iTunes store app (such as the In Concert songs, which are not featured in the official app).

The app is currently no longer available for purchase on iTunes.


Leither Magazine http://www.leithermagazine.com/2010/09/25/who-am-i-why-i-am%E2%80%A6.html

The Music Magazine http://www.themusicmagazine.co.uk/iamamiwhoami-performs-live-concert

Niall Byrne: Best ever viral project? http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/day-and-night/niall-byrne-best-ever-viral-project-2436789.html

The Mysterious Allure of Bands with Secret Identities: http://flavorwire.com/164334/the-mysterious-allure-of-bands-with-secret-identities

The Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/7511381/Mystery-over-identity-of-YouTube-star-iamamiwhoami.html

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