cGh physics

cGh physics refers to the mainstream attempts in physics to unify relativity, quantum mechanics, and gravitation, in particular following the ideas of Matvei Petrovich Bronstein and George Gamow. The letters are the standard symbols for the speed of light (c), the gravitational constant (G), and Planck's constant (h).

If one considers these three universal constants as the basis for a 3-D coordinate system and one envisions a unit cube, then this pedagogical construction provides a framework referred to as the "cGh cube" or "physics cube". This cube can used for organizing major subjects within physics as occupying each of the eight corners.[1][2] The eight corners of the cGh physics cube are:

Other cGh subjects include Planck units and Hawking radiation.

While there are several other physical constants, these three are given special consideration, because they can be used to define all Planck units and thus all physical quantities.[3] The three constants are therefore used sometimes as a framework for philosophical study and as one of pedagogical patterns.[4][5]

In popular culture


  1. ^ Gorelik, Gennady (1992-01-01). "Studies in the history of general relativity: First Steps of Quantum Gravity and the Planck Values". Einstein Studies (Birkhäuser Boston) 3 (1): 364–379. Retrieved 2009-05-01. 
  2. ^ The Physics Cube, C.J. Wainwright
  3. ^ Duff, Michael; Lev B. Okun , Gabriele Veneziano (2002). "Trialogue on the number of fundamental constants". Journal of High Energy Physics (3). arXiv:physics/0110060. Bibcode 2002JHEP...03..023D. doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2002/03/023. 
  4. ^ Okun, Lev (1991-01-01). "The fundamental constants of physics". Soviet Physics Uspekhi (Sov. Phys. Usp.) 34 (9): 818–826. Bibcode 1991SvPhU..34..818O. doi:10.1070/PU1991v034n09ABEH002475. PACS 06.20.Jr.. 
  5. ^ Christoph Schiller, Motion Mountain - an on-line physics textbook that is based on the cGh cube, and puts it in the preface.