Zhangpu County

Zhangpu (Chinese: 漳浦县) is a county under Zhangzhou municipality (or prefectural city) in southernmost Fujian. The governmental seat is at SuiAn Town (绥安镇).

Zhangpu is bordered by the County-level city of Longhai in the north, the counties of Pinghe and Yunxiao in the west, and the Taiwan Strait in the south and east. The major Shenyang--Haikou coastal expressway cuts through the county, keeping about midway between the coast and the old National Route 324.


Besides SuiAn, Zhangpu oversees 16 other towns (镇): Fotan (佛昙), Chihu (赤湖), Jiuzhen (旧镇), Duxun (杜浔), Xuemei (霞美), Gongfu (官浔), Changqiao (长桥), Qianting (前亭), Shentu (深土), Pantuo (盘陀), Maping (马坪), Shiliu (石榴), Shaxi (沙西), Dananban (大南坂), Liu'ao (六鳌) and Gulei (古雷). The last two (Liu'ao and Gulei) share names with the long peninsulas where they are situated, which project into the Taiwan Strait to form large bays.

There are also four townships (乡): Nanpu (南浦), Chitu (赤土), Huxi (湖西) and Chiling (赤岭). The latter two are protected ethnic (minority nation) townships (民族乡), both for She nation citizens.

Tourist Attractions of Historical Interest

In Huxi She-nation Ethnic Township (湖西畲族乡) there is a fortified compound called Zhaojiabao (赵家堡), where a party of Southern Song royals in flight from the Mongol conquistadors of the late 13th century took up a residence long in term and low in profile. With the Ming restoration of Han Chinese ethnic supremacy to the empire some ninety years and five generations later, the Zhao family (赵家) revealed their pedigree and the compound received its current name.

Zhaojiabao has its own exit right on the Shenyang—Haikou expressway, about 40 minutes south of Zhangzhou (ie of its central urban district Xiangcheng).

The ruins of the Liu'ao Fortress (六鳌古城, Liu'ao Gucheng, or 六鳌城墙, Liu'ao Chengqiang) are located near the tip of the Liu'ao Peninsula. The fortress - a contemporary of the better known Chongwu Fortress in Hui'an County - was constructed in 1388 by the Hongwu Emperor's general Zhou Dexing.[1]

Although most of the famous Fujian Tulou are located in Fujian's interior (Nanjing County,Yongding County, and surrounding areas), there are a few tulou structures in Zhangpu County as well. (Out of the 56 "exemplary tulou" listed in Huang Hanmin's monograph, 6 are in Zhangpu County). One of them, Miangjiang Lou, located in Mianjiang village of Shentu Town, was built in 1791-1803, and consists of 3 concentric rings. It is one of the few tulou located in Fujian's coastal area.[2][3]


  1. ^ Yang Shuiming (杨水明), 六鳌古城:倾听历史的涛声 (The old Liu'ao Fortress: listening to the waves of history) (Chinese)
  2. ^ 锦江楼 (Mianjiang Lou) (Chinese)
  3. ^ Huang, Hanmin (黄汉民) (2009), 福建土楼-中国传统民居的瑰宝 (Fujian Tulou: a jewel of China's traditional residential architecture), 三联书店 (Sanlian Books), pp. 354-356