
Yuppie (short for "young urban professional" or "young upwardly mobile professional")[1][2] is a term that refers to a member of the upper middle class or upper class in their 20s or 30s.[3] It first came into use in the early-1980s and largely faded from American popular culture in the late-1980s, due to the 1987 stock market crash and the early 1990s recession. However it has been used in the 2000s and 2010s, in places such as in National Review, The Weekly Standard, and Details.[4][5][6]



Yuppies are joked around of for their conspicuous personal consumption and hunger over attention social status among their peers,Cornell University economist Robert H. Frank, author of Luxury Fever, has remarked, "When people were denouncing yuppies, they had considerably lower incomes than yuppies, so the things yuppies spent their money on seemed frivolous and unnecessary from their vantage point."[4] Pro-skateboarder and businessman Tony Hawk has said that yuppies give "us visions of bright V-neck sweaters with collars underneath, and all that was vile in the eighties", and he has remarked as well as that a "bitchin’ tattoo cannot hide your inner desire to be Donald Trump."[7]

Author and political commentator Victor Davis Hanson has written:

Yuppism... is not definable entirely by income or class. Rather, it is a late-20th-century cultural phenomenon of self-absorbed young professionals, earning good pay, enjoying the cultural attractions of sophisticated urban life and thought, and generally out of touch with, indeed antithetical to, most of the challenges and concerns of a far less well-off and more parochial Middle America. For the yuppie male a well-paying job in law, finance, academia, or consulting in a cultural hub, hip fashion, cool appearance, studied poise, elite education, proper recreation and fitness, and general proximity to liberal-thinking elites, especially of the more rarefied sort in the arts, are the mark of a real man.[5]

Political leanings in the United States

A contradictory stereotype exists about yuppies that they are either more liberal than the blue-collar or more conservative than the urban poor. Yuppies greatly influenced both the Democratic and Republican parties, they usually register with a political party en masse when it is considered in style to affiliate with a certain political party (i.e. Republicans in the mid 1980s or late 1990s and Democrats in the early 1990s or late 2000s) and whichever president is successful in instituting economic policies, like Ronald Reagan in the 1980s and Bill Clinton in the 1990s, that benefited the yuppie and upper-middle class. President Barack Obama has been described as an embodiment of yuppies by magazines such as The New Republic and the National Review due to his Ivy League educational background and urban professional lifestyle in Chicago prior to entering politics.[8][9] Generally, yuppies (particularly in the East) have liberal positions on social issues, (such as drug control, prostitution, federal funding, censorship, abortion, & gay marriage), though conservative economic views (supportive of tax cuts & free trade).


Although the term yuppies had not appeared until the early 1980s, there was discussion about young urban professionals as early as 1968.

Critics believe that the demand for "instant executives" has led some young climbers to confuse change with growth. One New York consultant comments, "Many executives in their 20s and 30s have been so busy job-hopping that they've never developed their skills. They're apt to suffer a sudden loss of career impetus and go into a power stall."[10]

Joseph Epstein was credited for coining the term in 1982.[11], although this is contested and it is claimed that the first printed appearance of the word was in a May 1980 Chicago magazine article by Dan Rottenberg.[12] The term gained currency in the United States in 1983 when syndicated newspaper columnist Bob Greene published a story about a business networking group founded in 1982 by the former radical leader Jerry Rubin, formerly of the Youth International Party (whose members were called yippies); Greene said he had heard people at the networking group (which met at Studio 54 to soft classical music) joke that Rubin had "gone from being a yippie to being a yuppie". The headline of Greene's story was From Yippie to Yuppie.[13][14] The proliferation of the word was effected by the publication of The Yuppie Handbook in January 1983 (a tongue-in-cheek take on The Official Preppy Handbook[15]), followed by Senator Gary Hart's 1984 candidacy as a "yuppie candidate" for President of the United States.[3] The term was then used to describe a political demographic group of socially liberal but fiscally conservative voters favoring his candidacy.[16] Newsweek magazine declared 1984 "The Year of the Yuppie", characterizing the salary range, occupations, and politics of yuppies as "demographically hazy".[3]

In a 1985 issue of The Wall Street Journal, Theressa Kersten at SRI International described a "yuppie backlash" by people who fit the demographic profile yet express resentment of the label: "You're talking about a class of people who put off having families so they can make payments on the SAABs ... To be a Yuppie is to be a loathsome undesirable creature". Leo Shapiro, a market researcher in Chicago, responded, "Stereotyping always winds up being derogatory. It doesn't matter whether you are trying to advertise to farmers, Hispanics or Yuppies, no one likes to be neatly lumped into some group".[3]

Later, the word lost most of its political connotations and, particularly after the 1987 stock market crash, gained the negative socio-economic connotations that it sports today. On April 8, 1991, Time magazine proclaimed the death of the yuppie in a mock obituary.[17]

In the 1990s, most yuppies made a transition to the middle class but they maintain an upper-middle level lifestyle, as they age well to their 30's and 40's the "yuppie" generation often got married and settled down to have children. The economic boom at the time have transformed some yuppies or higher-income couples into Bobos or the "bohemian bourgeois".

The term has experienced a resurgence in usage during the 2000s and 2010s. In October 2000, David Brooks remarked in a Weekly Standard article that Benjamin Franklin- due to his extreme wealth, cosmopolitanism, and adventurous social life- is "Our Founding Yuppie".[6] A recent article in Details proclaimed "The Return of the Yuppie", stating that "the yuppie of 1986 and the yuppie of 2006 are so similar as to be indistinguishable" and "[h]e’s a shape-shifter... he finds ways to reenter the American psyche."[4] Victor Davis Hanson also recently wrote in National Review very critically of yuppies.[5]

There has been publicized talk of the "Second Generation yuppie", affluent children grown to young adulthood entering the white collar workforce in the 2000s. However, due to the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, speculation that yuppies would finally vanish as a subculture has shown their volatile status or they will become part of American history of pop culture alike the cowboy, pioneer, hippie and GI soldier.

Yuppie subculture expansion

The Yuppie subculture of the early 1980's was once concentrated in urban centers like Chicago, the Eastern Seaboard (i.e. New England States) and West Coast of the United States. But the subculture has quickly expanded and migrated to the Southern United States and the interior Western United States in the decade. That was when White-collar and financial-based economies boomed in the Southeast and Southwest regions, esp. in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Arizona, Colorado and Utah by the late 1990's. The rise of a yuppie subculture thrived in Canada during the Prime Minister Brian Mulroney era at the same time.

Usage outside of the United States

A September 2010 article in The Standard described the items on a typical Hong Kong resident's "yuppie wish list" based on a survey of 28 to 35 year olds. About 58% wanted to own their own home, 40% wanted to professionally invest, and 28% wanted to become a boss.[18] A September 2010 article in the New York Times defined as a hallmark of Russian yuppie life adoption of yoga and other elements of Indian culture such as their clothes, food, and furniture.[19]

The rise of the yuppie can be observed in developed nations such as Japan where the sarariman (Salary Man) took prominence in the 1980s and '90s, esp. the country has a yuppie culture to produced what was then the world's 3rd then second largest economy, and yuppie/upper-middle classes in white-collar careers throughout the western world.

In Mexico, the term "yupi" is a neologism for residents of metropolitan Mexico City known for having a modern white-collar economy. Yuppification has occurred in economic booming nations of China, India, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and South Africa in the late 1990's and 2000's.

In South America yuppie was used in the same way as the rest of the western world.

Notable cultural depictions of yuppies

Related terms

See also


  1. ^ Algeo, John (1991). Fifty Years Among the New Words: A Dictionary of Neologisms. Cambridge University Press. pp. 220. ISBN 0-521-413-77X. 
  2. ^ Childs, Peter; Storry, Mike, eds (2002). "Acronym Groups". Encyclopedia of Contemporary British Culture. London: Routledge. pp. 2–3. 
  3. ^ a b c d Burnett, John; Alan Bush. "Profiling the Yuppies". Journal of Advertising Research 26 (2): 27–35. ISSN 0021-8499. 
  4. ^ a b c Gordinier, Jeff. "The Return of the Yuppie". Details. http://www.details.com/culture-trends/critical-eye/200611/the-return-of-the-yuppie?currentPage=1. Retrieved August 15, 2010. 
  5. ^ a b c Victor Davis Hanson (August 13, 2010). "Obama: Fighting the Yuppie Factor". National Review. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/243667/obama-fighting-yuppie-factor-victor-davis-hanson. Retrieved August 16, 2010. 
  6. ^ a b David Brooks (October 23, 2000). "Our Founding Yuppie". The Weekly Standard. http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Protected/Articles/000/000/011/743hxgre.asp. Retrieved August 21, 2010. 
  7. ^ Telling, Gillian. "Tony Hawk Takes On Yuppies". Details. http://www.details.com/culture-trends/critical-eye/200611/tony-hawk-takes-on-yuppies#ixzz0whupwMIo. Retrieved August 15, 2010. 
  8. ^ John B. Judis (February 3, 2010). "He's a Yuppie". The New Republic. http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/hes-yuppie. Retrieved November 10, 2010. 
  9. ^ Jonah Goldberg (April 16, 2008). "Barack Obama, The Yuppie Candidate". National Review. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/224211/barack-obama-yuppie-candidate/jonah-goldberg. Retrieved November 10, 2010. 
  10. ^ Kessler, Felix. "Executive Promotion Path: Fast Track for Young Managers". Management Review 57 (3): 25. ISSN 0025-1895. 
  11. ^ Ayto, John (2006). Movers And Shakers: A Chronology of Words That Shaped Our Age. Oxford University Press. pp. 128. ISBN 0-198-614-527. 
  12. ^ Dan Rottenberg (May 1980). "About that urban renaissance.... there'll be a slight delay". Chicago Magazine. p. 154ff. 
  13. ^ Budd, Leslie; Whimster, Sam (1992). Global Finance and Urban Living: A Study of Metropolitan Change. Routledge. pp. 316. ISBN 0-415-070-97X. 
  14. ^ Hadden-Guest, Anthony The Last Party: Studio 54, Disco, and the Culture of the Night New York:1997--William Morrow Page 116
  15. ^ Living: Here Come the Yuppies!, Time, January 9, 1984
  16. ^ Moore, Jonathan (1986). Campaign for President: The Managers Look at '84. Praeger/Greenwood. pp. 123. ISBN 0-865-691-320. 
  17. ^ Shapiro, Walter (1991-04-08). "The Birth and -- Maybe -- Death of Yuppiedom". Time. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,972695-1,00.html. Retrieved 2007-04-28. 
  18. ^ Wong, Natalie (September 8, 2010). "Homes, cash top fairy tales on yuppie wish list". The Standard. http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?pp_cat=11&art_id=102699&sid=29504212&con_type=1. 
  19. ^ "New York Times". September 14, 2010. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/15/world/europe/15iht-moscow.html. 
  20. ^ Will Lee (28 April 2000). "Things that Make You Go Hmmm...". Entertainment Weekly. http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,276085,00.html. Retrieved 2007-04-28. 
  21. ^ a b R.Z. Sheppard (June 24, 2001). "Yuppie Lit: Publicize or Perish". TIME magazine. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,145267,00.html. Retrieved 2007-04-28. 
  22. ^ Mary Ellen Mark (August 1996). "Jay Watch". Elle magazine UK. http://www.maryellenmark.com/text/magazines/elle%20uk/909O-000-007.html. Retrieved 2007-04-28. 
  23. ^ . http://eightiesclub.tripod.com/id434.htm. 
  24. ^ Tom Brook (5 November 1999). "Showdown at the Fight Club". BBC. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/special_report/1999/03/99/tom_brook/506620.stml. Retrieved 2007-04-28. 
  25. ^ Girl with Curious Hair at Amazon.com
  26. ^ American Psycho: a double portrait of serial yuppie Patrick Bateman
  27. ^ Amazon.com: American Psycho
  28. ^ Arizona Daily Wildcat: 'American Psycho' ties yuppie greed to serial killing
  29. ^ George Mason University: Into the Wilds of an American Psycho's Identity: Parallels between Into the Wild & American Psycho
  30. ^ Filmmaker Magazine: "Die Yuppie Scum!"
  31. ^ Goddard College Pitkin Review: "The Pen is Mightier: Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho"
  32. ^ Entertainment Weekly: Book News: "American Psychodrama"
  33. ^ Patricia Hersch (October 1988). "thirtysomethingtherapy: the hit TV show may be filled with "yuppie angst," but therapists are using it to help people". Psychology Today. Archived from the original on 2007-03-13. http://web.archive.org/web/20070313123701/http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1175/is_n10_v22/ai_6652864. Retrieved 2007-04-28. 
  34. ^ Rodriguez, Gregory (2008-02-25). "White like us". Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-rodriguez25feb25,0,1952462.column. Retrieved 2008-03-20. 
  35. ^ "Wall Street Review". Channel 4 (UK). http://www.channel4.com/film/reviews/film.jsp?id=109998. 
  36. ^ "imdb "Yuppy Love" episode profile". imdb (UK). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0666595/trivia. 
  37. ^ "imdb=Christmas Vacation". http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097958/. 
  38. ^ Ayto 2006, p. 225.
  39. ^ The American Heritage Abbreviations Dictionary. Houghton Mifflin Reference Books. 2002. p. 89. ISBN 0-618-249-524. 
  40. ^ Dale, Rodney; Puttick, Steve. Wordsworth Dictionary of Abbreviations & Acronyms. pp. 44. ISBN 1-853-263-850. 
  41. ^ Merriam-Webster (1991). The Merriam-Webster New Book of Word Histories. p. 141. ISBN 0-877-796-033. 
  42. ^ Tom VanRiper. “Going Green Cuts Profits”. The New York Daily News, 2005-4-22. Retrieved on 2008-11-11
  43. ^ http://www.scuppie.com
  44. ^ John W. Leigh, Moving Towards New Forms of Social Success, Southern Illinois UNiversity, 2008
  45. ^ Meiskins, Peter; Whalley, Peter (2202). Putting Work in Its Place: a Quiet Revolution. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-8952-5. 
  46. ^ Algeo 1991, p. 228.
  47. ^ Packhard, Randall M. (2004). Emerging Illnesses and Society: Negotiating the Public Health Agenda. Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 156. ISBN 0-801-879-426. 

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