
Type Cocktail
Primary alcohol by volume
Commonly used ingredients

(Ratio varies to taste)

Preparation Mix thoroughly and drink quickly!

Yorsh (Russian: ёрш, means "Ruffe") is a Russian drink consisting simply of beer thoroughly mixed with an ample quantity of vodka. As a neutral spirit, the vodka does not greatly alter the flavor of the beer, but greatly increases the alcohol content. Yorsh is traditionally drunk in a social setting, typically with a toast followed by downing a full glass of yorsh at one go.

Seeing In/Out White/Brown Bear

It's rather popular among students game in Russia. Some number of players sitting around big tan full of beer. When the tan is full of beer it's called Brown Bear. Then every player drink a shot of beer and pours a shot of vodka into the tan. This process is called Seeing out brown bear or Seeing in white bear. Then they drink this mix and pour vodka. When the tan is full of vodka it's called White bear. Then players drink vodka and pour beer - this is Seeing in brown bear or Seeing out white bear. The winner is the player (or players) who is not absolutely drunken at the moment when the tan would be full of beer again.

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