Yang-style t'ai chi ch'uan

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Yang family-style (Chinese: 楊氏; pinyin: yángshì) t'ai chi ch'uan (taijiquan) in its many variations is the most popular and widely practised style in the world today and the second in terms of seniority among the primary five family styles of t'ai chi ch'uan.[1]



The Yang family first became involved in the study of t'ai chi ch'uan (taijiquan) in the early 19th century. The founder of the Yang-style was Yang Lu-ch'an (楊露禪), aka Yang Fu-k'ui (楊福魁, 1799–1872), who studied under Ch'en Chang-hsing starting in 1820. Yang became a teacher in his own right, and his subsequent expression of t'ai chi ch'uan became known as the Yang-style, and directly led to the development of other three major styles of t'ai chi ch'uan (see below). Yang Lu-ch'an (and some would say the art of t'ai chi ch'uan, in general) came to prominence as a result of his being hired by the Chinese Imperial family to teach t'ai chi ch'uan to the elite Palace Battalion of the Imperial Guards in 1850, a position he held until his death.[2]

Yang Lu-ch'an passed on his art to:

Yang Chengfu removed the vigorous Fa-jing (發勁 release of power) from the Hand (solo) Form, as well as the energetic jumping, stamping, and other abrupt movements in order to emphasise the Da jia (大架 large frame style), but retained them in the Weapons (sword, saber, staff and spear) forms.[3] The Hand Form has slow, steady, expansive and soft movements suitable for general practitioners. Thus, Yang Chengfu is largely responsible for standardizing and popularizing the Yang-style t'ai chi ch'uan widely practised today.[Note 1]

Short forms

The Cheng Man-ch'ing and Chinese Sports Commission short forms are said to be derived from Yang family forms, but neither is recognized as Yang family t'ai chi ch'uan by current Yang family teachers. The Chen, Yang and Wu families are now promoting their own shortened demonstration forms for competitive purposes.

Yang Chengfu also developed his own shortened version of the Yang Long Form in order to have it easier to teach to modern students who are busy with modern life. Despite being shortened, Yang Chengfu managed to keep the essentials of the Yang Long form. Correctly taught and practiced, the 108 movement form still retains much of its health and self-defense benefits (the original comprises over 300 movements).

The Chinese government has also commissioned short 16 Forms from each of the five major families recently. Although the 16 Forms have now been taught for some time, the families all presented them as a set to attendees of the First International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium in Nashville, TN in July 2009.[4]

Some notable descendants of Yang Lu-ch'an

Yang Shou-chung

Yang Shou-chung (aka Yeung Sau Chung, Yang Zhen-Ming, 1910–1985) is from the fourth generation of the Yang family. He was the oldest son of Yang Chengfu by his first marriage, and started learning his family-style when he was eight years old under the strict supervision of his father.

In 1949, he escaped from the Chinese communists to Hong Kong. There he taught many students privately at his home until his death in 1985.

He had three daughters—Tai Yee, Ma Lee, and Yee Li—and all continue to teach in Hong Kong. Over the years he had taught many people, but he accepted only three people as his disciples. These Yang family t'ai chi ch'uan practitioners are:

Yang Zhen Duo

Grandmaster Yang Zhen Duo is from the fourth generation of the Yang family and is officially the Fourth Lineage Holder of the Traditional Yang-style T'ai chi ch'uan. He was born in Beijing in 1926 and is the third son of Yang Chengfu. He started studying with his father when very young and continued studying with his older brothers after his father died. In 1960, Yang Zhen Duo moved to Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. Since then, Yang-style t'ai chi ch'uan has gradually spread within Taiyuan and to other cities, provinces, and countries.

Since 1980, he has served as Vice-President of the Shanxi Wushu Association. In 1982 Yang Zhen Duo founded the Shanxi Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association, and has served as President since. The Association has now grown to over 30,000 members throughout the Province and is the largest martial arts organization of its kind in China. In October 1998, Yang Zhen Duo founded the International Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association, serving as Chairman of the Board. Under his leadership, the International Association has grown to 28 centers in 12 countries with over 2,000 members. The Chinese Wushu Academy recognized Master Yang Zhen Duo in 1996 as one of the top 100 Wushu Masters in China. He has also been honored by proclamations from the Mayors of San Antonio, Texas and Troy, Michigan.

In July 2009, at the First International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium,[4] held at Vanderbilt University, in Nashville, TN, Grandmaster Yang Zhen Duo officially named his grandson Yang Jun as the Fifth Lineage Holder of the Traditional Yang-style T'ai chi ch'uan.

Yang family tree

Names denoted by an asterisk are legendary or semilegendary figures in the lineage, which means their involvement in the lineage, while accepted by most of the major schools, is not independently verifiable from known historical records.

Zhang Sanfeng*
circa 12th century
Wang Zongyue*
Chen Wangting
1600–1680 9th generation Chen
   |                                                                   |
Chen Changxing 陳長興                                               Chen Youben
1771–1853 14th generation Chen                                     circa 19th century 14th generation Chen
Chen Old-Frame                                                     Chen New-Frame
   |                                                                   |
Yang Luchan 楊露禪/Yang Fukui 楊福魁                                 Chen Qingping
1799-1872                                                          1795–1868
YANG-STYLE                                                         Chen Small-Frame, Zhao Bao-Frame
   |                                                                   |
   +---------------------------------+-----------------------------+   |
   |                                 |                             |   |
Yang Banhou 楊班侯              Yang Jianhou 楊健侯                  Wu Yuxiang
1837–1892                         1839–1917                        1812–1880
Yang Small-Frame                     |                             WU /Hao-STYLE
   |                                 +-----------------+                      |
   |                                 |                 |                      |
Wu Ch'uan-yu                      Yang Shao-hou     Yang Chengfu 楊澄甫      Li I-yu
1834–1902                         1862–1930         1883–1936               1832–1892
   |                              Yang Small-Frame  Yang Big-Frame            |
Wu Chien-ch'uan                                        |                    Hao Wei-chen
1870–1942                                           Yang Shou-chung         1849–1920
WU-STYLE                                            1910–1985                 |
108-Form                                               |                      |
   |                                                Ip Tai Tak              Sun Lutang 孫祿堂
Wu Kung-i                                           1929–2004               1861–1932
1900–1970                                                                   SUN-STYLE
   |                                                                          |
Wu Ta-k'uei                                                                 Sun Xingyi
1923–1972                                                                   1891–1929
from Yang Chengfu 楊澄甫
        |              |
  Zhèng Mànqīng 鄭曼青  |
  1901-1975            |
  Short (37) Form      |
              Chinese Sports Commission
              Beijing 24-Form
              42-Competition Form
             (Wushu competition form combined from Sun, Wu, Chen, and Yang styles)


  1. ^ Yang Ch'eng-fu moved to Shanghai in the 1920s, teaching there until the end of his life. His descendants are still teaching in schools associated with their family internationally. Tung Ying-chieh (Dong Yingjie, 董英杰, 1898–1961), Ch'en Wei-ming (Chen Weiming), Fu Zhongwen (Fu Chung-wen, 1903–1994), Li Yaxuan (李雅轩, 1894–1976), and Cheng Man-ch'ing were famous students of Yang Chengfu. Each of them taught extensively, founding groups teaching T'ai Chi to this day. Cheng Man-ch'ing, perhaps the most famous outside of China, significantly shortened and simplified the traditional forms Yang taught him.

See also


  1. ^ Horwood, Graham (September 2008) (Paperback). Tai Chi Chuan And The Code Of Life: Revealing The Deeper Mysteries Of China's Ancient Art For Health And Harmony. Singing Dragon. pp. 192. ISBN 978-1848190016. 
  2. ^ "Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association". http://www.yangfamilytaichi.com/yang/history. Retrieved December 24, 2009. 
  3. ^ Rodell, Scott M. (1991). Taiji Notebook for Martial Artists. Seven Stars Books and Video. ISBN 0-9743999-3-0. http://www.sevenstarstrading.com/html/booksvideos/notebook. 
  4. ^ a b "International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium". Nashville, TN. July 5–10, 2009. http://www.taichisymposium.com. 

Further reading

External links