PUD (operating system)

Company / developer Ping-Hsun Chen and Many Others
OS family Unix-like
Working state Inactive
Source model Free and open source software
Latest stable release 0.9.2
Available language(s) Multilingual
Update method APT
Package manager dpkg (front-ends like Synaptic available)
Supported platforms x86 x86_64
Kernel type Monolithic (Linux)
Default user interface LXDE
License CC: BY-NC-SA
Uses parts of software released under the GNU GPL.
Official website PUD GNU/Linux - Sourceforge

PUD (Penk's Underbred Distro) GNU/Linux is a Taiwanese Linux distribution based on Ubuntu,[1] with ideas borrowed from the LAMPPIX and Damn Small Linux projects, and with support for Traditional Chinese (zh_TW). Its main purpose is to provide a complete Linux desktop with many popular applications and tools, yet remain small and simple to operate.

System Requirements

• Recommended: 384MB of RAM
• 50 MB free space on Hard Drive [2]


  1. ^ "DistroWatch.com : PUD GNU/Linux". distrowatch.com. Distrowatch.com. http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=pud. Retrieved 2009-04-10. 
  2. ^ "xPUD Frequently Asked Questions". System Requirements. n2j3 (New Version). http://www.xpud.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9. Retrieved 2011-02-02.