
X-Sat is a microsatellite developed and built by the NTU(Nanyang Technological University) in collaboration with Defence Science Organisation(DSO) singapore.[1]

The objective of the X-SAT mission is to demonstrate technology in support of high-resolution imaging capabilities and to analyze and implement onboard parallel processing algorithms, thereby demonstrating improved mission achievements for generally downlink-limited small satellite imaging missions.



The purpose of X-Sat is :


The satellite carries three payloads, namely the imaging system IRIS, the communication platform ADAM, and the parallel computer PPU for image processing. Further research experiments using the communication and navigation instruments on-board will be conducted to investigate atmospheric question and communication related issues.[2]


The camera is built by SatReCi and designed as a push-broom scanner with three individual scan lines in the green (520 nm – 600 nm), red (630 nm – 690 nm), and near-infrared (760 nm – 890 nm) wavelength range. The three linear detectors consists each of 5000 active elements, which were all manufactured on the same wafer and subsequently coated with different interference filters to select the appropriate spectral characteristic. The design provides a high degree of band-to-band alignment, i.e. 0.1 pixels. The provided spatial resolution will be 10 m for the nominal altitude of 685 km, thus enabling a swath width of 50 km. The optics were designed as a variant of the Mangin telescope with a primary and secondary mirror as well as two correction lenses and has an aperture diameter of 120 mm. Internally the IRIS is equipped with a redundant signal processingand control module, which pre-processes the image data for the storage in the 8 Gbit large memory module. Note that this bulk storage module is entirely under the control of the IRIS and independent from the earlier mentioned RAM-Disk.


The instrument is a two-way low data rate communication link using UHF [4] to acquire oceanographic data, e.g. temperature, salinity, and water pressure from autonomous, operating buoys that drift in the open sea. Further applications are in aeronautics, search and rescue missions as well as in land-based data collection. For the downlink of the gathered information to the individual ground receiving station the satellite’s S-band transmitter is utilised.

Parallel Processing Unit

The third payload is the PPU that will provide processing of acquired imagery on a parallel architecture. The objective is to increase the mission’s benefits by enabling unsupervised data processing in space and therefore easing the bottleneck of transmission to the ground receiving station. The computer consists of four fully connected radiationhardened Xilinx Virtex FPGAs with each of it hosting four processing nodes (PN). In addition, spare processor nodes are kept available in case a regular PN will become inoperative due to the environmental conditions. Every node comprises a StrongArm processor that is clocked at 100 MHz and 64 MByte of local memory (SDRAM). The choice for this processor was determined through its 0.35 mm manufacturing process, i.e. the relatively small sensitivity to radiation, and the provided performance energy ratio of 115 MIPS / 200 mW. [3]


  1. ^ a b http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/article1712789.ece
  2. ^ a b http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/x-sat.htm
  3. ^ Bretschneide, Timo. "SINGAPORE’S SATELLITE MISSION X-SAT". N4-02a-32 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore: Nanyang Technological Universit. p. 4. http://www.dlr.de/iaa.symp/Portaldata/49/Resources/dokumente/archiv4/IAA-B4-0506P.pdf. Retrieved 26 April 2011. 

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