In statistics, Wombling is any of a number of techniques used for identifying zones of rapid change, typically in some quantity as it varies across some geographical or Euclidean space. It is named for statistician William H. Womble.
The technique may be applied to gene frequency in a population of organisms, and to evolution of language.
- William H. Womble 1951. "Differential Systematics". Science vol 114, No. 2961, p315–322. doi:10.1126/science.114.2961.315
- Liang, S.; Banerjee, S.; Carlin, B.P. (2009) "Bayesian Wombling for Spatial Point Processes", Biometrics, 65 (11), 1243–1253 doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2009.01203.x
- Ma, H.; Carlin, B.P. (2007) "Bayesian Multivariate Areal Wombling for Multiple Disease Boundary Analysis", Bayesian Analysis, 2 (2), 281–302
- Banerjee, S. ; Gelfand, A.E. (2006) "Bayesian Wombling: Curvilinear Gradient Assessment Under Spatial Process Models", J Am Stat Assoc., 101(476), 1487–1501. doi:10.1198/016214506000000041