
Temporal range: Upper Lower Cambrian–Mid Middle Cambrian
Fossil specimen on display at the Smithsonian in Washington, DC
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Superphylum: Lophotrochozoa
Phylum: incertae sedis
(unranked): Halwaxiida
Family: Wiwaxiidae
Walcott, 1911
Genus: Wiwaxia
Walcott, 1911
Type species
Wiwaxia corrugata
(Matthew, 1899)
  • W. corrugata (Matthew, 1899)
  • W. taijiangensis Zhao, Qian & Lee, 1994[1]

Wiwaxia is a genus of soft-bodied, scale-covered animals known from Burgess shale type Lagerstätte dating from the upper Lower Cambrian to Middle Cambrian.[1][2] The organisms are mainly known from dispersed sclerites; articulated specimens, where found, range from 3.4 millimetres (0.13 in) to a little over 50.8 millimeters (2 in) in length. The precise taxonomic affinities of the genus are a matter of ongoing debate amongst palaeontologists.


History of discovery

Wiwaxia was originally described by G.F. Matthew in 1899,[3] from an isolated spine that had been found earlier in the Ogyopsis Shale, and classified as a hyolithid.[2] Further specimens were found by American paleontologist Charles Doolittle Walcott in 1911 as a result of one of his field trips to the nearby Burgess Shale in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, and he classified it as a member of the polychaete group of annelid worms.[4]

In 1966 and 1967 a team led by Harry B. Whittington revisited the Burgess Shale and found so many fossils that it took years to analyze them all, and Wiwaxia was one of the most difficult to analyze.[5] 464 complete specimens of Wiwaxia are known from the Greater Phyllopod bed, where they comprise 0.88% of the community.[6] Eventually in 1985 Simon Conway Morris, then a member of Whittington's team, published a detailed description that concluded Wiwaxia was not a polychaete.[2] All the known specimens came from in and around the Burgess Shale until 1991, when fragmentary fossils were reported from Australia's Georgina Basin.[7] In 2004 additional finds which may represent two different species were reported from the same area.[8]


Reasonably complete specimens have been found in the Burgess Shale, middle part of the Middle Cambrian with date 505 million years ago,[9] and fragmentary specimens in nearby strata slightly older than and younger than the Burgess Shale,[2] in China's lowermost Middle Cambrian beds of the Kaili Formation,[10][11][1] in the Middle Cambrian beds of the Tyrovice Member, Buchava Formation of the Czech Republic,[12] in the Lower Cambrian Mount Cap formation (Mackenzie Mountains, Canada),[13] in the Emu Bay Shale of Kangaroo Island, South Australia, upper Botomian Stage of the Lower Cambrian,[8] and in the Middle Botomian Sinsk Biota of the Siberia, Russia.[14] These finds show that Wiwaxia and most of the other Burgess Shale type fauna were very widespread.[1][15] The Chinese material was originally considered to represent a separate species; like W. corrugata, it possessed spines and regions of sclerites (although it is only known from disarticulated remains), but the sclerites bear a higher density of ribs, and there are two distinct thicknesses of rib (i.e. larger and smaller).[1] However, at a microscopic level, the sclerites do not differ from Burgess Shale or Mount Cap sclerites.[11] The possibility remains that knob-bearing sclerites from all three localities belong to a different species.[11][13] Isolates spines are more common than sclerites in localities with a poor preservation potential, suggesting that the spines were more recalcitrant; however, in well-preserved sites such as the Phyllopod bed, spine and sclerite abundance is comparable in disarticulated instances to the proportions on complete fossils.[16]


Upper lateral
Lower lateral
       = Frontal
Wiwaxia sclerite zones, seen from front
Wiwaxia viewed from top (moving up) and right

This concentrates on the species Wiwaxia corrugata, found in the Burgess Shale, since the other specimens consist only of fragments, while the Burgess Shale has provided at least 138 complete ones.[2][8]

Wiwaxia was a bilaterally symmetrical animal. Viewed from the top the body was elliptical with no distinct head or tail, and from the front or rear it was almost rectangular. The most complete fossils fall into two size ranges: 2 centimetres (0.79 in) to 5 centimetres (2.0 in) long, which are thought to be adults; and 3.4 millimetres (0.13 in) to 1.5 centimetres (0.59 in), which are thought to be juveniles. Estimating their height is difficult because specimens were compressed after death; a specimen of the average length, 3.4 centimetres (1.3 in), may have been 1 centimetre (0.39 in) high excluding the spines on their backs. The ratio of width to length does not appear to change as the animals grew.[2] The animal was covered in small ribbed armor plates called sclerites, that lay flat against the body, overlapped so that the rear of one covered the front of the one behind, and formed five main regions — the top, with 8-9 rows of sclerites; the upper part of the sides, with 11-12; the lower part of the sides, with 8; the front; and the area nearest the sea-floor, with 12-17 rows.[17] Most of the sclerites were shaped like oval leaves, but the ventro-lateral ones, nearest the sea-floor, were crescent-shaped, rather like flattened bananas, and formed a single row with the tips pointing down. In addition there were two rows of ribbed spines running from to rear, one along each side of the top surface, and projecting out and slightly upwards, with a slight upwards curve near the tips. Specimens ranging from 11 millimetres (0.43 in) 52 millimetres (2.0 in) have about the same number of ventro-lateral sclerites just above the foot. On the other hand the number of spines seems to depend on the size of the specimen, up to about 12 per side. The number and spacing of the spines is asymmetrical in the specimens found, and this may have been natural rather than a result of events in the animal's life or after death. Although the spines in the middle of each row are usually the longest, up to 5 centimetres (2.0 in), a few specimens have rather short middle spines, perhaps because these were part-grown replacements. The smallest specimens may have lacked the long dorsal spines, which appear to have grown quickly in larger juveniles and then more slowly in adults.[2]

       = Root
Wiwaxia spine, seen from front and side

Each sclerite was rooted separately in the body; the roots of body sclerites are 40% of the external length or a little less, while the roots of the spines are a little over 25% of the external length; all were rooted in pockets in the skin, rather like the follicles of mammalian hair. The roots of the body sclerites were significantly narrower than the sclerites, but the spines had roots about as wide as their bases; both types of root were made of fairly soft tissue. They bore protrusive, presumably structural, ribs on their upper and (seemingly) lower surfaces.[16]:544 The sclerites and spines were not mineralized, and the frayed appearance of some broken ones suggests a fibrous structure. The way they were preserved suggests they were not made of chitin, from which insects' exoskeletons are formed. They may have been made of tanned proteins or of collagen, which is the main component of cartilages and tendons in humans. Since the body sclerites had bases that were narrower than the hard external parts, it is hard to see how they grew. They may have enclosed soft tissue that could have secreted the hard walls, but there is no convincing evidence for this.[2] Butterfield (1990) examined some sclerites under both optical and scanning electron microscopes and concluded that they were not hollow, and that the bases split and spread to form the blades, a pattern that is also seen in monocot leaves. [18]

Wiwaxia’s flat underside was soft and unarmored. Little is known of the internal anatomy, although the gut apparently ran straight and all the way from the front to the rear. At the front end of the gut, about 5 millimetres (0.20 in) from the animal's front in an average specimen about 2.5 centimetres (0.98 in) long, there was a feeding apparatus that consisted of two (or in rare large specimens three) rows of backward-pointing conical teeth. The feeding apparatus was tough enough to be frequently preserved, but unmineralized and fairly flexible, as it folded and retracted when not in use. It would have had to be pushed forward out of the mouth in order to feed. Even the smallest specimens have this type of apparatus, with two rows containing the same number of teeth as in larger ones. This indicates that Wiwaxia’s feeding habits remained the same throughout its life after the larval stage. The feeding apparatus may have acted as a rasp to scrape bacteria off the top of the microbial mat that covered the sea-floor, or as a rake to gather food particles that lay on the sea-floor.[2]

Since there is no sign of eyes or tentacles, Wiwaxia may have relied mainly on chemical senses such as smell and taste. Its respiratory system is also unknown.[2]

The long dorsal spines may have been a defense against predators, and finds of broken spines suggest that Wiwaxia was attacked. The animal appears to have crawled on the surface of the sea-floor feeding on particles that fell from higher levels of the sea. Wiwaxia shows no signs of legs and was probably too large to move on cilia, so it probably moved by muscular contraction that made its foot ripple. Juveniles may have burrowed into the sea-floor. In one specimen a small brachiopod, Diraphora bellicostata, appears to be attached to one of the ventro-lateral sclerites. This suggests that adult Wiwaxia did not burrow or even plough much into the sea-floor as they moved. Two other specimens of Diraphora bellicostata have been found attached to dorsal sclerites. Wiwaxia appears to have been solitary rather than gregarious.[2]


Wiwaxia grew by expansion rather than addition; that is to say it appears to have maintained a constant complement of scales as it grew, with each sclerite growing larger (by an unspecified means, probably by molting and replacement) and changing slightly in shape, but no new sclerites being inserted. 16–18 ventro-lateral sclerites are present on each side of a specimen,:532 and the dorsal sclerites are arranged in 7–9 rows;:541 the variation in number may be genuine but could reflect partial preservation.[2] Its length:width ratio was constant through growth (although spineless:538 "juveniles" may have been slightly flatter).[2]

One juvenile specimen appears to be preserved while molting and not yet completely detached from its discarded armor. Its new set of spines seem less rigid than the old ones and slightly underdeveloped, as if the next stages were going to be inflated by body fluids and then hardening. The new armor may have had an internal volume 50% to 70% larger than the old one. Molting appears to have occurred all at once, as adult specimens shows no signs of interruptions in the sclerite armor that would indicate molting of parts of the armor or of individual sclerites. Since the bases of the body sclerites are relatively narrow and these is no sign of sclerites splitting during molting, withdrawing soft tissue from the old sclerites would probably have required the tissues to be broken down in to a more fluid form, as happens in the claws of lobsters and crabs when they molt. The skin must also have been shed, since the discarded armor appears as a complete unit rather than scattered sclerites. In the juvenile that was apparently molting when it died, the feeding apparatus also appears to have been shed, as half of one tooth row is pointing forwards.[2]


During the Cambrian, most of the main groupings of animals recognised today were beginning to diverge. Consequently, many lineages (that would later become extinct) appear intermediate to two or more modern groups, or lack features common to all modern members of a group, and hence fall into the "stem group" of a modern taxon.[19] Debate is ongoing as to whether Wiwaxia can be placed within a modern crown group and, if it cannot, in which group's stem it falls. When Walcott first described Wiwaxia, he regarded it as a polychaete annelid worm, and its sclerites as similar to the elytra ("scales") of annelids.[4] More recently the debate has been intense, and proposed classifications include: a member of an extinct phylum distantly related to the molluscs; a crown-group polychaete; a stem-group annelid; a problematic bilaterian; a stem- or possibly primitive crown-group mollusc.[20]

In 1985 Simon Conway Morris agreed that there were similarities to polychaetes, but considered that Wiwaxia’s sclerites were different in construction from annelids' elytra. He was more impressed by the similarities between Wiwaxia’s feeding apparatus and a molluscan radula, and assigned the animal to a new taxon Molluscata, which he proposed should also contain the molluscs and hyolithids.[2] When he later described the first fairly complete specimens of Halkieria, he suggested that these were closely related to Wiwaxia.[21]

Nick Butterfield, then a postgraduate paleontologist at Harvard inspired by Stephen Jay Gould's lectures, agreed that the sclerites were not like elytra, which are relatively fleshy and soft. However, since the sclerites were solid, he concluded that Wiwaxia could not be a member of the "Coeloscleritophora", a taxon that had been proposed in order to unite organisms with hollow sclerites, and could not be closely related to the halkieriids, which have hollow sclerites. Instead he thought that they were very similar in several ways to the chitinous bristles (setae) that project from the bodies of modern annelids and in some genera form leaf-like scales that cover the back like roof tiles – in composition, in detailed structure, in how they were attached to the body via "follicles" and in overall appearance. Some modern annelids also develop on each side rows of longer bristles, which both Walcott and Butterfield considered similar to Wiwaxia’s dorsal spines.[18] including the halkieriids.

Butterfield also contended that Wiwaxia’s feeding apparatus, instead of being mounted in the middle of its "head", was just as likely to be mounted in two parts on the sides of the "head", an arrangement that is common in polychates. He went so far as to classify Wiwaxia as a member of a modern order, Phyllodocida, and pointed out that Wiwaxia’s lack of obvious segmentation is no barrier to this, as some modern polychaetes also show no segmentation except during development.[18] He later noted that Wiwaxia lack some polychate features which he would expect to be easily preserved in fossils, and therefore a stem-group annelid, in other words an evolutionary "aunt" of modern annelids.[22]


"Siberian halkieriid"





Halkieria evangelista


Cladogram:Conway Morris & Peel (1995)[23]

Conway Morris and Peel (1995) largely accepted Butterfield's arguments and treated Wiwaxia as an ancestor or "aunt" of the polychaetes, and said Butterfield had informed them that the microscopic structure of Wiwaxia’s sclerites was identical to that of the bristles of two Burgess Shale polychaetes Burgessochaeta and Canadia. Conway Morris and Peel also wrote that one specimen of Wiwaxia showed traces of a small shell, possibly a vestige left over from an earlier stage in the animal's evolution, and noted that one group of modern polychaetes also has what may be a vestigial shell. However they maintained that Wiwaxia’s feeding apparatus was much more like a molluscan radula. They also argued that Wiwaxia was fairly closely related to and in fact descended from the halkieriids, as the sclerites are divided into similar groups, although those of halkieriids were much smaller and more numerous; they also said that in 1994 Butterfield had found Wiwaxia sclerites that were clearly hollow. They presented a large cladogram according to which:[23]

Marine biologist Amélie H. Scheltema et al. (2003) argued that Wiwaxia’s feeding apparatus is very similar to the radulas of some modern shell-less aplacophoran molluscs, and that the sclerites of the two groups are very similar. They concluded that Wiwaxia was a member of a clade that includes molluscs.[24] Scheltema has also highlighted similarities between Wiwaxia and the larvae of certain solenogaster molluscs, which bear iterated calcareous sclerites arranged into three symmetrical lateral zones.[25]

Danish zoologist Danny Eibye-Jacobsen argued in 2004 that Wiwaxia lacks any characters that would firmly place it as a polychaete or annelid. Eibye-Jacobsen regarded bristles as a feature shared by molluscs, annelids and brachiopods. Hence even if Wiwaxia’s sclerites closely resembled bristles, which he doubted, this would not prove that Wiwaxia’s closest relative were annelids. He also pointed out that the very different numbers of sclerites in the various zones of Wiwaxia’s body do not correspond to any reasonable pattern of segmentation; while Eibye-Jacobsen did not think that this alone would prevent classification of Wiwaxia as a polychaete, he thought it was a serious objection given the lack of other clearly polychaete features. In his opinion there were no strong grounds for classifying Wiwaxia as a proto-annelid or a proto-mollusc, although he thought the objections against classification as a proto-annelid were the stronger.[17]

Butterfield returned to the debate in 2006, repeating the arguments he presented in 1990 for regarding Wiwaxia as an early polychaete and adding that, while bristles are a feature of several groups, they appear as a covering over the back only in polychaetes.[20]

See also

External links


  1. ^ a b c d e Zhao, Y.L.; Qian, Y.; Li, X.S. (1994). "Wiwaxia from Early-Middle Cambrian Kaili Formation in Taijiang, Guizhou". Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 33 (3): 359–366. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Conway Morris, S. (1985). "The Middle Cambrian metazoan Wiwaxia corrugata (Matthew) from the Burgess Shale and Ogygopsis Shale, British Columbia, Canada". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 307 (1134): 507–582. Bibcode 1985RSPTB.307..507M. doi:10.1098/rstb.1985.0005. JSTOR 2396338.  edit
  3. ^ Matthew, G.F. (1899). "Studies on Cambrian Faunas, No. 3.—Upper Cambrian Fauna, Mount Stephen, British Columbia.—The Trilobites and Worms". Transactions of the Royal Society 5: 39–68. 
  4. ^ a b Walcott, C.D. (1911). "Middle Cambrian annelids. Cambrian geology and paleontology, II". Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 57: 109–144. 
  5. ^ Gould, S.J. (1990). Wonderful Life. London: Hutchinson Radius. pp. 77 and p. 189. ISBN 0091742714. 
  6. ^ Caron, J. -B.; Jackson, D. A. (October 2006). "Taphonomy of the Greater Phyllopod Bed community, Burgess Shale". PALAIOS 21 (5): 451–465. doi:10.2110/palo.2003.P05-070R.  edit
  7. ^ Southgate, P.N., and Shergold, J.H. (1991). "Application of sequence stratigraphic concepts to Middle Cambrian phosphogenesis, Georgina Basin, Australia". Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics 12: 119–144. 
  8. ^ a b c Porter, S.M. (May 2004). "Halkieriids in Middle Cambrian Phosphatic Limestones from Australia". Journal of Paleontology 78 (3): 574–590. doi:10.1666/0022-3360(2004)078<0574:HIMCPL>2.0.CO;2. ISSN 0022-3360. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3790/is_200405/ai_n9377598/pg_1?tag=artBody;col1. Retrieved 2008-08-01. 
  9. ^ "Age of Burgess Shale". Burgess Shale. Bristol University. http://palaeo.gly.bris.ac.uk/palaeofiles/lagerstatten/Burgess/Setting.html. Retrieved 2007-09-05. 
  10. ^ Yuanlong, Z.; Maoyan, Z. H. U.; Babcock, L. E.; Jinliang, Y.; Parsley, R. L.; Jin, P.; Xinglian, Y.; Yue, W. (2005). "Kaili Biota: A Taphonomic Window on Diversification of Metazoans from the Basal Middle Cambrian: Guizhou, China". Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition 79 (6): 751. doi:10.1111/j.1755-6724.2005.tb00928.x.  edit
  11. ^ a b c Harvey, T.; Ortega-Hernández, J.; Lin, J.-P.; Yuanlong, Z.; Butterfield, N.J. (2011). "Burgess Shale-type microfossils from the middle Cambrian Kaili Formation, Guizhou Province, China". Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. doi:10.4202/app.2011.0028.  edit
  12. ^ Kraft, Petr; Fatka, Oldrich (August 2009). "Eldonia and Wiwaxia from the Cambrian of the Barrandian Area (Czech Republic)". In Smith, Martin R.; O'Brien, Lorna J.; Caron, Jean-Bernard. International Conference on the Cambrian Explosion (Walcott 2009). Abstract Volume. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: The Burgess Shale Consortium. 31st July 2009. ISBN 978-0-9812885-1-2. http://burgess-shale.info/abstract/fatka-2. 
  13. ^ a b Butterfield, N. J. (1994). "Burgess Shale-type fossils from a Lower Cambrian shallow-shelf sequence in northwestern Canada". Nature 369 (6480): 477–479. Bibcode 1994Natur.369..477B. doi:10.1038/369477a0.  edit
  14. ^ Ivantsov, Andrey Yu.; A. Yu. Zhuravlev, A. V. Legutaa, V. A. Krassilova, L. M. Melnikovaa and G. T. Ushatinskaya (2005). "Palaeoecology of the Early Cambrian Sinsk biota from the Siberian Platform". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 220 (1–2): 69–88. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2004.01.022. 
  15. ^ "The Cambrian World". http://paleobiology.si.edu/burgess/cambrianWorld.html. Retrieved 2008-08-04.  Reconstruction of the Burgess Shale and map of the world in Mid-Cambrian times.
  16. ^ a b Conway Morris, S. (1985). "The Middle Cambrian metazoan Wiwaxia corrugata (Matthew) from the Burgess Shale and Ogygopsis Shale, British Columbia, Canada". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 307 (1134): 507–582. Bibcode 1985RSPTB.307..507M. doi:10.1098/rstb.1985.0005. JSTOR 2396338.  edit
  17. ^ a b Eibye-Jacobsen, D. (2004). "A reevaluation of Wiwaxia and the polychaetes of the Burgess Shale". Lethaia 37: 317. doi:10.1080/00241160410002027.  edit
  18. ^ a b c Butterfield, N.J. (1990). "A reassessment of the enigmatic Burgess Shale fossil Wiwaxia corrugata (Matthew) and its relationship to the polychaete Canadia spinosa. Walcott". Paleobiology 16 (3): 287–303. doi:10.2307/2400789. JSTOR 2400789. 
  19. ^ Budd, G.E. (2003). "The Cambrian Fossil Record and the Origin of the Phyla". Integrative and Comparative Biology 43 (1): 157–165. doi:10.1093/icb/43.1.157. PMID 21680420. http://icb.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/43/1/157. Retrieved 2006-08-20. 
  20. ^ a b Butterfield, N.J. (2006). "Hooking some stem-group worms: fossil lophotrochozoans in the Burgess Shale". Bioessays 28 (12): 1161–1166. doi:10.1002/bies.20507. PMID 17120226. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/113471993/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0. Retrieved 2008-08-06. 
  21. ^ Conway Morris, S., and Peel, J.S. (June 1990). "Articulated halkieriids from the Lower Cambrian of north Greenland". Nature 345 (6278): 802–805. doi:10.1038/345802a0. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v345/n6278/abs/345802a0.html. Retrieved 2008-07-31.  A short but free account is given at "Showdown on the Burgess Shale". http://www.stephenjaygould.org/library/naturalhistory_cambrian.html. Retrieved 2008-07-31. 
  22. ^ Butterfield, N.J. (2003). "Exceptional Fossil Preservation and the Cambrian Explosion". Integr. Comp. Biol. 43 (1): 166–177. doi:10.1093/icb/43.1.166. PMID 21680421. http://icb.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/43/1/166#I1540-7063-043-01-0166-BUTTERFIELD. Retrieved 2006-12-02. 
  23. ^ a b c Conway Morris, S., and Peel, J. S. (1995). "Articulated Halkieriids from the Lower Cambrian of North Greenland and their Role in Early Protostome Evolution". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 347 (1321): 305–358. doi:10.1098/rstb.1995.0029. JSTOR 55950. 
  24. ^ Scheltema, A.H., Kerth, K., and Kuzirian, A.M. (2003). "Original Molluscan Radula: Comparisons Among Aplacophora, Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, and the Cambrian Fossil Wiwaxia corrugata". Journal of Morphology 257 (2): 219–245. doi:10.1002/jmor.10121. PMID 12833382. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/104528759/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0. Retrieved 2008-08-05. 
  25. ^ Scheltema, A. H.; Ivanov, D. L. (2002). "An aplacophoran postlarva with iterated dorsal groups of spicules and skeletal similarities to Paleozoic fossils". Invertebrate Biology 121: 1–10. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7410.2002.tb00124.x.  edit

External links