
Wisely series (Chinese: 衛斯理 (Wai Si Li)), sometimes transliterated "Wesley", is a series of novels about the fictional character of the same name, created by author Ni Kuang.

There are currently 145 Wisely stories, with 136 authored by Ni Kuang. After Ni Kuang's retirement, a Wisely Memoir (衛斯理回憶錄) series was authored by Dr. Ye Lihua, attempting to explain the internal inconsistencies of the previous stories written by Ni Kuang.

The Wai Si Li stories are written as a first person narrative, the conceit being that the Wisely series was created as a record of his adventures and encounters.



Wisely is a legendary character that has many strange encounters. Born into a wealthy and traditional big family, somewhere in the south-eastern region of the Yangtze River. After he grew up he moved to Hong Kong and married the daughter of the head of an underground society.

In the course of his adventures he has visited Earth's core, heaven, hell, the future and alien planets. He has met extraterrestrials, transparent people, seers, and other strange beings. He meets his love, Bai Su (a.k.a. Pai Su or Pak Sue), during his adventuring days, and later searches for his long lost daughter. In the end, due to the influence of his friend Wen Baoyu, he decided to take his family to live on other planet.

Wisely lives in modern ages (1960s-2000s), and lives in Hong Kong (although it is not stated explicitly, it can be deduced from the stories).


The novel series has spawned several movies, TV series, novels and comic books. Wisely is portrayed differently in every version.

Comic book series


TV series

External links