Willem de Kooning Academy

Willem de Kooning Academie

1773 'Hierdoor tot Hooger'

1998 Willem de Kooning Academie
Type Public College
Students 2,100+ Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Location Rotterdam, Netherlands
Website Willem de Kooning Academy

The Willem de Kooning Academy is a Dutch Academy of art and design based in Rotterdam and named in memory of the famous Dutch artist Willem de Kooning.



The Willem de Kooning Academy is the art school of Rotterdam and part of the Hogeschool Rotterdam, a university of applied sciences. It is regarded as one of the most prestigious artschools in the country and the number 1 in Advertising and Copywriting.

The Academy, in the past Academie van Beeldende Kunsten (Academy of Visual Arts), carries the name of alumnus Willem de Kooning (1904-1997) since 1998 in honour of the artist. Willem de Kooning was born in north Rotterdam and graduated in Decoration Art (now Styling). He left to New York at the age of 22, and there developed himself as a frontman of the Abstract Expressionism painting movement of the 1940's and 1950's.

Part of the Academy is the Piet Zwart Institute, which houses the postgraduate programmes. That part is named after faculty alumni Piet Zwart (1885-1977), who in the 1920 's designed all kinds of things: stamps, print advertising, books, interiors, furniture (including the Bruynzeel kitchen) and also spent a huge amount of time photographing and painting. He has been officially awarded the title Dutch Designer of the 20th Century.

The Academy is proud of De Kooning and Zwart, two artists who were far ahead of time and broke through the boundaries of fine art and styling, and inspire every artist at the Academy, both students and faculty.

History of the Academy

Although the namechanges the Academy is widely known as the Rotterdamse Academie till 1998.

The Programmes

The Academy undergraduate faculty consist of 12 fulltime and 4 parttime programmes leading to a BA degree. The fulltime programmes: Animation, Fine Art, AudioVisual, Advertising, Graphic Design, Illustration, Interactive Multimedia, Interior Design, Lifestyle, Fashion Design, Digital Photography and Teacher's Program. The parttime programmes: Teacher's Program, Styling, Visual Communication and Graphic and Drawing.

In the 5th and 6th semester (3rd year) students choose their minor, which can be a specialization or differentiation depending on the major. Student can choose a minor offered by the entire university, or choose one of the Academy minors, which are: Art and the City, 3D Computer Graphics, Copywriting, Forecast and Creative Marketing, Photography, Identity, Art Education in Practice, Art Theory, Brands and Packaging, Motion Graphics, Digital Media Design, Open Project Atelier, Products and Concepts, Editorial Design, Painting, Collection, Graphics, Internet Documentary, Presentation, Environmental Communication and Textiles.

The Piet Zwart Institute consist of 3 fulltime postgraduate programmes leading to an MA degree: Fine Art, Interior Design and Media Design. These programmes are regarded as rigorous and the Institute is highly selective with each of the programmes only admitting 10-12 student annually.


The Willem de Kooning Academy is located at Blaak 10 and Wijnhaven 61, two adherent buildings connected with an airbridge. Blaak 10 has always been regarded as the 'home base' of the Academy. Due to expansion and increase of students enrolling, the adherent Hogeschool Rotterdam building behind, Wijnhaven 61 where the Academy already occupied classrooms, will be entirely Academy starting September 2007. Also, the already existing program Leisure Management, will move to the Academy campus.

Young Talents

The Academy is regarded the number 1 in Advertising and Copywriting, as many alumna have been responsible for creating some of the most successful advertisements and campaigns in the country and outside. Students participate with national and international contests related to the arts and many participate beyond their own program. Stichting Jaarprijzen Personeelcommunicatie (SJP), a foundation founded to improve recruiting advertisements, yearly awards individuals and companies, for creating the best advertisement. Since 1999 also students are encourage to join and this has led to the estabelishment of the Jong Talent (young talent) Awards, with 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize, and Honorary Notice.

Since 1999, Academy students received Honorary Notices in all years. And with the exception of 2005, Willem de Kooning Academy students have won Jong Talent Awards every year, often more than 1 prize. In 2003 it claimed all 3 prizes.

Notable Alumni (faculty and students)

External links