Golden Sun (series)

Golden Sun

Logo from Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.
Genres Role-playing video game
Developers Nintendo, Camelot Software Planning
Publishers Nintendo
Composers Motoi Sakuraba[1][2][3]
Platforms Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS
Platform of origin GBA
Original release 2001

Golden Sun (黄金の太陽 Ōgon no Taiyō?) is a series of fantasy role-playing video games developed by Camelot Software Planning and produced by Nintendo. Golden Sun follows the story of a group of magically-attuned "adepts" who are charged with preventing the potentially destructive power of alchemy from being released as it was in the past.[4] It later focuses on the descendants of the original heroes.[5] In this strain, Golden Sun follows the traditional RPG theme of wandering around and fighting.[6]

The original two games, Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age, were released in 2001 and 2003, respectively, for the Game Boy Advance platform. Following a six-year hiatus, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn was announced at the Nintendo E3 2009 conference on June 2, 2009, for release in 2010 for the Nintendo DS platform.[5] In Golden Sun, the player plays as Isaac and his friends as they set off into the world of Weyard to prevent a group of anti-heroes from releasing alchemy to the world. Golden Sun: The Lost Age, however, follows the plight of the surviving members from the previous game's antagonists as they continue to pursue the release of alchemy into the world by means of lighting four elemental lighthouses.[7] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn follows the path of the descendants of the previous two games' heroes.[5]

Golden Sun has been widely lauded as among the best games for the Game Boy,[8] with the first game receiving Nintendo Power's Best GBA Game of 2001 and ranking in IGN's Readers Choice Top 100 games ever.[9] The Lost Age performed even better than its predecessor, ranking 78 on IGN's Readers Choice Top 100 games ever.[10]


Common gameplay elements

The Golden Sun series follows a contemporary presentation of the traditional role-playing video game formula. Players guide a cast of characters as they journey through a fantasy-themed world, interact with other characters, battle monsters, acquire increasingly powerful magic spells and equipment, and take part in a building, predefined narrative.[6] Much of the game's time spent outside of battle takes place in dungeons, caves, and other locales, which generally require the player to find items that grant the bearer new forms of Psynergy in order to solve the puzzles integrated into their layout. To complete these puzzles, players must either push pillars to construct negotiable paths between elevated areas, climb up and rappel down cliffs, or obtain a special item to progress through the story and game world.[11][12] Outside of these dungeons and locales, the player must traverse through a large world map as they navigate between forests, rivers, mountain ranges, and in The Lost Age, the ocean.[13]

Successful exploration of the game's world and conduction of the game's battles is heavily dependent on the strategic usage of the extensive pool of Psynergy spells available.[14] Whereas many other role-playing video games limit the usage of their forms of magic to battles as offensive and defensive measures, Psynergy spells can be used both for battle, and for solving puzzles in the game's locales.[15] A portion of the game's Psynergy can only be used in combat; conversely, many spells are only used in the game's overworld and non-battle scenarios. At the same time, there are Psynergy spells can be used in both situations; for example, the "Whirlwind" spell that can be used to damage enemies in battle is also used out of battle to clear away overgrown foliage that may block the player's path.[16] Psynergy comes in four elements: Venus (manipulation of rocks and plants), Mars (revolving around fire and heat), Jupiter (based on wind and electricity), and Mercury (concerning water and ice).[17] The player gains more Psynergy spells as the game progresses, both through leveling up and the acquisition of special Psynergy-bestowing items, and with each "utility" Psynergy spell the party gains access to more locations and secrets hidden in the game world. Players can return to previous locations in the game to finish puzzles which they could not solve earlier because of the lack of a specific Psynergy spell.[13]


Golden Sun contains both random monster encounters, featuring randomly selected enemies,[18] and compulsory battles involving set enemies, which advance the story. When a battle begins, a separate screen is brought up where the player's party and enemy party face-off on opposing sides. During a battle, the characters and the background rotate to give a pseudo-3D effect.[19]

Additional gameplay during battle is similar to that of traditional role-playing video game by defeating enemies in a variety of measures, including the afore-mentioned psynergy skill, summoning other-worldly entities by use of Djinn, or direct combat through various forms of weaponry.[20] In addition, there are various measures to keep one's own party alive through supportive psynergy and healing items—as well as calling upon Djinn to revive a downed player.[21] If the player's entire party is downed by reducing their hit points to zero, it is considered "Game Over", and the party is returned to the last Sanctum that the player visited and suffers a monetary penalty. The successful completion of a battle yields experience points, coins, and sometimes items.[20]

In addition to the main game itself, there is also a competitive battling mode accessible from the menu screen. In this mode, players can enter their currently-developed team from their saved game files into an arena environment where they can either battle increasingly difficult CPU-controlled enemies with their full parties, or select three of their four party members to do battle against another player's three-character team. In neither case is there a reward or penalty for winning or losing.[22]

Djinn system

One of the most distinctive features of Golden Sun is the collection and manipulation of elemental creatures called Djinn (Singular: Djinni). Djinn, based on each of the four classical elements, can be found scattered in hiding throughout the game and split between the characters. The Djinn form the basis of the game's statistic enhancements.[23] Attaching different Djinn to different characters modifies that character's character class, subsequently modifying hit points, Psynergy points, and other statistics, as well as determining what Psynergy the character is able to perform.[24]

In Golden Sun, Djinn can either be "Set" or placed on "Standby". When a Djinni is "Set" to a character, that Djinni exerts influence on that character's statistics and may change the character's class[18] (and, therefore, his or her available Psynergy) relative to both the character's innate element and that of the Djinni.[23] As there are numerous Djinn encompassing the four elements that can be mixed and matched to the different characters, a large array of possible class setups for all characters are potentially available, allowing a variety of combat options.[25]

In combat, a Djinni has several primary uses. Each Djinni has its own special ability which can be invoked during combat by the character it is attached to, which can include enhanced elemental attacks, buffing or debuffing spells, healing/restoration spells, and other effects. After a successful invoke, the Djinni shifts to "Standby" mode until it is "Set" on the character again.[26] While in standby, the Djinn do not contribute to character classes or statistics, but can be used for summon sequences, which are attacks where the player summons a powerful elemental monster to inflict damage on every enemy. This is the game's most powerful method of attack, and also the riskiest, as it requires Djinn to be on Standby and therefore not be available to bolster the statistics of whatever character the Djinn are on.[27] Once a Djinni on Standby has been used for a Summon Sequence, it must rest a number of turns before it restores itself to Set position on a character. There are sixteen Summon Sequences in Golden Sun, four for each element, and each summon sequence takes between one and four Djinn of the same element on Standby.[26] The later games added more summons that require Djinn of mixed elements to use.

Recurring characters

The player controls a total of four players in Golden Sun and up to eight characters in The Lost Age, once a specific plot advancer has been passed. In the original game, Isaac is portrayed a soon to be seventeen-year-old Venus Adept from the village of Vale, who serves as the game's silent protagonist, though his classification as the game's silent protagonist is replaced in subsequent release with their respective main protagonists. Garet, a seventeen-year-old Mars Adept also from Vale, is big and strong but slightly oafish and unfocused; nonetheless he is Isaac's closest companion. Ivan is a fifteen-year-old Jupiter Adept who has lived with a famous merchant in the town of Kalay all his life, but whose real hometown is actually Contigo, a town on the continent of Atteka; he is a somewhat quiet, insightful boy. Mia, a seventeen-year-old Mercury Adept from the wintry town of Imil, is a gentle healer from a heritage of Mercury Adept clansmen. Felix serves as Golden Sun's anti-hero and is the Lost Age's main protagonist. His younger sister, Jenna, a seventeen-year-old Mars Adept also from Vale, and a fourteen-year-old girl and Jupiter Adept named Sheba, as well as a sharp-witted elderly scholar named Kraden were all captives of the original game's antagonist: Saturos and Menardi.[28] This position would later be replaced by Karst & Agatio. In addition, a large, floating eyeball named "The Wise One" is likely to be the orchestrator of the events in both Golden Sun and The Lost Age, helping the heroes herald in a new era of alchemy.[29]

In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, four of the main characters – Matthew, Tyrell, Karis, and Rief – are the children of Isaac and Jenna, Garet, Ivan, and Mia, respectively.


Golden Sun

The force of Alchemy was prevalent in Weyard's ancient past, allowing for the development of great civilizations, but this eventually gave way to worldwide conflict that had subsided only with the sealing away of Alchemy.[30] The keys to unlocking Alchemy, four magic jewels named the Elemental Stars, have been hidden within the mountain shrine, Mt. Aleph, which in turn has been guarded by the town of Vale at the mountain's base over the ages. Three years prior to the start of the game in the game's prologue, however, Saturos and Menardi, along with a raiding party, raid Mt. Aleph with the intent to take the Elemental Stars for themselves, but fail to solve the riddles guarding them and are driven away by the mountain's trap, a magically generated thunderstorm and rock slide.[31] Yet, as teenaged adepts from Vale, Isaac, Garet, and Jenna, join Kraden in his research of Mt. Aleph,[32] Saturos and Menardi manage arrive with Felix[33] and Alex, and they coerce Isaac into giving them three of the four stars,[34] all the while escaping with Jenna and Kraden as hostages.

Isaac and Garet valiantly pursue Saturos' group to the first Lighthouse, Mercury Lighthouse, and along the way they are joined by other young adepts named Ivan[35] and Mia.[36] But in spite of their best efforts, they fail to prevent Saturos from activating Mercury Lighthouse with the Mercury Star.[37] Saturos' group immediately leaves for the next Lighthouse while Isaac's party immediately resumes its pursuit, and the lengthy chase and journey that follows eventually spans two continents, during which Isaac finds that Saturos has taken another adept hostage as well: the female Jupiter adept, Sheba.[38] Golden Sun climaxes at Venus Lighthouse; Saturos and Menardi activate the lighthouse with the Venus Star, but are again confronted by Isaac's party.[39] Attempting to annihilate their opponents, Saturos and Menardi magically merge to form a gigantic two-headed dragon,[40] but the fierce battle ultimately ends in victory for Isaac's party as they slay Saturos and Menardi for good.[41] Their victory is a hollow one, though, as they come to the conclusion that the remnants of Saturos' group, headed by Felix and Alex, are still on its quest to light the remaining two Lighthouses, while Jenna, Sheba, and Kraden are still with them.[42] The game ends as Isaac's party boards a ship entrusted to them previously and sail out into Weyard's open seas in search of their continued objectives.[43]

The Lost Age

The antagonists of the previous game, Saturos and Menardi, have been slain in battle by the game's protagonists led by Isaac,[44] but not before the pair succeeded in activating two of four great lighthouses situated across the world of Weyard, the Elemental Lighthouses.[7] But now Saturos' remaining travelling companion, Felix, has taken the rest of Saturos' group and now sets out on a journey of his own to complete Saturos' original objective to activate the remaining two Lighthouses, for lighting all four will achieve the restoration of the powerful force of Alchemy to Weyard.[7] Sailing the oceans of Weyard on a ship with their new companion Piers, Felix and his party embark on an epic expedition while pursued by Isaac's party.[45] Eventually, Felix's party is able to achieve entrance into a legendary, secluded Atlantis-like society named Lemuria far out in the ocean.[46] When they convene with Lemuria's ancient king, Hydros, they learn about Alchemy's true nature; it has always been the sustenance of Weyard's very life force, and its absence over the past ages has caused the world's continents to decrease in size and parts of the world to collapse into the abyss.[47] Knowing that restoring Alchemy is what must be done to actually save the world, Felix sets out to climb and activate Jupiter Lighthouse. But when Isaac's pursuing party enters the lighthouse, they are trapped and ambushed by the vengeful Mars Adept Warriors, Karst and Agatio. Felix comes to assist Isaac to defeat Karst and Agatio.[48]

Felix is finally able to explain to Isaac why Alchemy's release is a necessary thing for everyone, and that Saturos and Menardi were aiming for this goal merely for the sake of the survival of their home colony of Prox to the far north, located near the Mars Lighthouse.[49] Felix and Isaac's two traveling parties join forces to form one unified group that sets out north to activate Mars Lighthouse;[50] however, when they reach the tower's top, the Wise One, the entity responsible for originally tasking Isaac to prevent the breaking of Alchemy's seal, confronts them. He warns them that mankind could very well destroy Weyard themselves if they had possession of such a power,[51] and when Isaac insists on breaking the seal regardless the Wise One summons a giant, three-headed dragon for the party to battle in the final struggle.[52]

When the party of Adepts have slain the dragon, they discover that the Wise One had transformed Isaac and Felix's parents into the now-dead beast."[53] After a short period of mourning, they gather the resolve to finish their objective and activate Mars Lighthouse; with all four towers across Weyard lit, the process that heralds the return of the force of Alchemy to Weyard ensues at the mountain sanctum Mt. Aleph. Alex is there, however; he took advantage of everyone else's quests so that he would gain immense magic power for himself when Alchemy is unleashed.[29] Unfortunately for him, though, the mountain collapses and sinks into the ground with him still on it,[54] just as the Wise One originally planned.[55] The heroes, meanwhile are able to recognize that the reason the Wise One appeared to play that cruel trick on them before was to test their resolve as Adepts, and therefore test their ability to handle a great new responsibility: To ensure that throughout the world the newly released force of Alchemy is not abused by Weyard's populace like it was in the ancient past.[55]

Dark Dawn

The story of Dark Dawn begins thirty years after the conclusion of The Lost Age. Due to Isaac and the others bringing the power of the Golden Sun to Weyard, continents have shifted, new countries have emerged, and new species have appeared. However, Psynergy Vortexes, which suck the elemental Psynergy from both the land and the power-wielding Adepts, are appearing all over Weyard. The children of the previous games' heroes – Matthew, Karis, and Tyrell – set out to solve the mystery of the vortexes, and cross a world that is succumbing to a new evil.[56] Also appearing in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn are five other playable characters, such as Eoleo (son of Briggs and Chaucha, also appearing in The Lost Age), Himi, Sveta, Rief (son of Mia), and Amiti.

Tyrell accidentally crashes one of Ivan's inventions, a soarwing, so Isaac sends him out with Matthew and Karis to retrieve a feather of the mountain roc to build a new one. Along the way they encounter the villains Blados, Chalis, and Arcanus. After Rief gets separated from Kraden and his sister Nowell, he joins the party to meet up with Kraden. After activating two Alchemy Machines (a Forge and a Well) they come to the country of Morgal, where beastmen live. Shortly after they obtain the roc feather, they were tricked into activating the Luna Tower, triggering the Grave Eclipse and causing death and suffering across much of the continent. The children then fight to end the eclipse by activating Apollo's Lens, an alchemy machine powered by the Alchemy Forge and Alchemy Well, and defeating Blados, Chalis and a dark monster, who was in secret Sveta's brother. After activating the Apollo's lens and stopping the Grave Eclipse they parted ways from their new friends to return home. However, they return to find an unusually large Psynergy Vortex greeting them.



Originally, Camelot planned to create a single title instead of a series, and in the extremely early stages of their project they had created a game design document for the one Golden Sun game to be on the Nintendo 64 console. When it became apparent the N64 was to be superseded by the Nintendo GameCube, Camelot shifted their focus to making a game on the handheld Game Boy Advance.[57]

Golden Sun underwent a development cycle of between twelve and eighteen months by Camelot Software Planning, which is considered a long period of time for the development of a handheld video game,[58] and was described as a "testament" to the positive results a long development cycle can bring to a game.[59] It was shown in early, playable form at the Nintendo Spaceworld Expo in Japan on August 2000.[19] North American previewers received the game a few weeks before the release, and IGN noted that the experience of developing Shining Force for Sega helped Camelot develop a gripping RPG for the handheld.[60]

The Lost Age was first revealed to Japan in early 2002, with the magazine Famitsu being the first publication to review the game.[61] The Lost Age was highly anticipated; it topped IGN's list of Game Boy Advance "Most Wanted" games for 2003.[62] The North American version of the game was playable at Electronic Entertainment Expo 2002,[63] and IGN noted that the opening of the game did away with the slow opening sequence of Golden Sun, introducing the characters in between the action.[64] GameSpot previewed a localized copy of The Lost Age in February 2003, and noted that the game built on its predecessor's graphics engine, with "the environments in the game featuring rich detail with little touches— such as birds that fly off as you approach."[65]

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn was first revealed and introduced at the Nintendo E3 2009 conference by Nintendo of America president, Reggie Fils-Aime, as a series that "went dark six years ago" but has since been revisited and polished up for the Nintendo DS.[66]


As a handheld title, Golden Sun was originally going to be a single game, but due to both the hardware limitations of putting the game on a single Game Boy Advance cartridge and the developers' own desire for what they wanted to do with the game, it was expanded to become two successive games, Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Scenario writer Hiroyuki Takahashi and director Shugo Takahashi had previously designed Shining Force III, where the story involved playing through the perspectives of both the "good" side and the "bad" side of the characters. Thinking that it was an effective way of conveying the full story of a fictional game world, they incorporated elements of this storytelling methodology into the two-game setup of the Golden Sun series, having the player control the "good guys" in Golden Sun and members of the antagonistic party in The Lost Age.[67]

In other media

Isaac, the main protagonist of Golden Sun, is an unlockable "Assist Trophy" character in the Nintendo fighting game Super Smash Bros. Brawl. When he is summoned during battle by an Assist Trophy item, Isaac conjures a large hand three times in succession by using his 'Move' psynergy to shove the player's opponents off the stage. Should enemies attempt to evade, Isaac will turn in sync to attack a selected opponent.[68] In addition, a medley of music from The Lost Age was also selected to be on Brawl's soundtrack.[69]

The characters from the first Golden Sun game also appear in a self-published doujinshi manga titled "Golden Sun 4-Koma Gag Battle", from the Hi no Tama Game Comic Series published by Kobunsha. Although it is an unofficial work not officially sanctioned by Camelot, the Japanese doujinshi industry is widespread, and legal action by companies whose characters and fictional properties are being used without their formal permission is uncommon.[70] The manga itself consists of four cell-strips and is drawn by eighteen artists.


Aggregate review scores
Game Metacritic Game Rankings
Golden Sun 91%[71] 90%[72]
Golden Sun: The Lost Age 86%[73] 87%[74]
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn 79%[75] 80%[76]

The series was met with many positive reviews.[77] Reviewers praised the series' vibrant graphics, high-quality sound, and varied, refined RPG gameplay, with particular optimism on the Djinn-based gameplay system and Battle aspect[78] despite the fact that the original two games were limited to the 32-bit cartridge.[79] GamePro raved that Golden Sun was "A huge, fantastic, creative, and wickedly fun RPG that doesn't seem to care that it's 'just' on a GBA,"[80] while they praised that The Lost Age's eye-popping magic effects are beautiful even by console standards.[81] IGN, meanwhile, praised the plot's intricate structure, saying that it "has been so tightly integrated into every ounce of the adventure... such a rich and deep plot that it's almost easy to get lost if you're not paying attention."[59] 1UP praised Dark Dawn as being a huge step forward in terms of pacing and graphics compared to the previous games.[82]

Critics complained that the combat system lacked "smart" combat; if an enemy is killed before other party members attack it, those members switch to defense instead of intelligently attacking the remaining enemies.[81] They also took issue to the long opening sequences in both games that "alienated new players" and "confused them by swamping them with new characters".[83] In addition, some faulted Golden Sun for still relying on the traditional "wander around, get into a random battle, win battle, wander around, random battle, etc." theme evident in many role-playing games.[6] 1UP faulted Camelot for being unwilling to "trim its fat", and noted that all three games in the series "tend to ramble on anytime dialogue boxes start to show up. Its heroes and villains have an uncanny knack for saying incredibly simple things with about three or four times the words they actually need to convey those ideas."[82] Game Informer noted that the difficulty of Dark Dawn was greatly dumbed down compared to previous installments and complained that "characters level up at blazing speeds" while the djinn make "even the longest boss battles a cakewalk."[84]

In 2001, Golden Sun won the Nintendo Power Award for best Game Boy Advance game of the year. Golden Sun was ranked 94 on IGN's Readers Choice Top 100 games ever.[9] In 2007, it was named 24th best Game Boy Advance game of all time in IGN's feature reflecting on the Game Boy Advance's long lifespan,[85] as well as it's Game of the Month for April 2003 because it had "amazing graphics and sound presentation, as well as a quest that lasts for more than thirty hours."[86] Both Golden Sun and The Lost Age sold an average of just slightly less than a million each.[87][88]


  1. ^ "Golden Sun Release Information for Game Boy Advance". GameFAQs. Retrieved March 27, 2011. "Music Motoi Sakuraba" 
  2. ^ "Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Release Information for DS". GameFAQs. Retrieved March 27, 2011. "Composer Motoi Sakuraba" 
  3. ^ "Golden Sun: The Lost Age Release Information for Game Boy Advance". GameFAQs. Retrieved March 27, 2011. "Music Motoi Sakuraba" 
  4. ^ The Wise One: The volcano will erupt... Without the power of the Elemental Stars to contain it, the magma flows freely once again, and this chamber is collapsing. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  5. ^ a b c "Nintendo Introduces New Social Entertainment Experiences at E3 Expo". Nintendo. 2009-06-02. Retrieved 2009-12-14. 
  6. ^ a b c Wadleigh, Matt (2005-03-23). "Golden Sun Review". Thunderbolt Games. Retrieved 2008-06-05. 
  7. ^ a b c Camelot, ed (2003). Golden Sun: The Lost Age Instruction Manual. Nintendo. pp. 6–7. 
  8. ^ Arceo, Abe. "Trailer – Golden Sun: Dark Dawn". The San Francisco Examiner. Archived from the original on 2009-06-04. Retrieved 2009-06-03. 
  9. ^ a b "IGN Rankings". Retrieved October 10, 2006. 
  10. ^ "Readers' Picks Top 100 Games: 71–80". IGN. 2006. Retrieved 2008-01-21. 
  11. ^ Camelot (2002), pp. 20–21.
  12. ^ Kepper, Sean. "Basics: Puzzle Psynergy Spells". IGN. Retrieved 2008-07-13. 
  13. ^ a b Camelot, ed (2002). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Advice for Adepts. Nintendo. pp. 50–53. 
  14. ^ "Psynergy List". Archived from the original on 2008-02-28. Retrieved July 10, 2006. 
  15. ^ Flowe, Doug (2001-12-08). "GBA Reviews: Golden Sun". Retrieved September 19, 2007. 
  16. ^ Camelot, ed (2002). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Advice for Adepts. Nintendo. p. 51. 
  17. ^ Camelot, ed (2002). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Djinn. Nintendo. p. 16. 
  18. ^ a b "Allgame: Golden Sun". Retrieved 2007-09-20. 
  19. ^ a b IGN Staff (2001). "Golden Sun Preview". IGN. Retrieved January 6, 2007. 
  20. ^ a b Nguyen, Chase. "Golden Sun". Archived from the original on 2007-06-03. Retrieved 2007-09-20. 
  21. ^ Camelot, ed (2002). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Shops, Inns, and Sanctums. Nintendo. p. 34. 
  22. ^ Camelot, ed (2002). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: The Arena. Nintendo. pp. 52–54. 
  23. ^ a b Camelot, ed (2002). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Djinn and their Abilities. Nintendo. p. 19. 
  24. ^ Camelot, ed (2002). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Character Classes. Nintendo. p. 32. 
  25. ^ Camelot, ed (2002). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Tips. Nintendo. p. 50. 
  26. ^ a b Camelot, ed (2002). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Dijinn. Nintendo. p. 44. 
  27. ^ Camelot, ed (2002). Golden Sun Instruction Manual. Nintendo. Appendix A. 
  28. ^ Felix: I know I’ve caused you much grief, Jenna. It was a miracle that I survived that day... / Saturos: We are the ones who saved him. / Menardi: We saw him floating unconscious in the river as we passed. / Felix: I’ve been with them ever since...I’ve experienced a lot. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  29. ^ a b Jenna: Alex!? What would he be doing on Mt. Aleph? / The Wise One: He understands far more than you do. He knows that when the four beacons have been lit... Their light will gather at Sol Sanctum. / Kraden: But what would he gain from being there? / The Wise One: When the final beam of light reaches the peak of Mt.Aleph, the Golden Sun shall rise. / Kraden: The Golden Sun!? What is that? And what would Alex want with it? / The Wise One: When the four beams merge into one, they form a golden light, bathing Mt. Aleph's peak. / Ivan: Is... Is that Alchemy? I mean, pure Alchemy made real, at the heart of its power? / Kraden: And it's that light that gives shape to the Stone of Sages? / The Wise One: This has been Alex's one true desire from the very start. / Piers: Alex planned all this? Then he must have been after this power all along! / Garet: We've been duped! He used us all! Oh, you'd better believe he's not getting away with this! Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  30. ^ In-game text: Ages ago, or so the stories tell, the power of Alchemy ruled over the world of Weyard. Alchemy wrought the base elements of humanity into thriving civilizations, like lead into gold. But in time, man's dreams gave birth to untold strife. Dreams of endless riches, of eternal life, of dominion over all that lived... Dreams of conquest and war. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  31. ^ Menardi: How could we have anticipated Sol Sanctum would unleash such fury? / Saturos: It's a miracle that even the two of us were spared. / Menardi: That switch... It must have been a trap. / Saturos: But to think it could conjure up a storm this powerful! / Menardi:...Another demonstration of the awesome powers of Alchemy. / Saturos: Regardless, we must not fail the next time we challenge Sol Sanctum. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  32. ^ Dora: Where do you all plan to go today? / Garet: We're going to Mt. Aleph with Kraden. / Dora: Mountain climbing with Kraden, eh? Kids and their games... / Jenna: No! It's part of our studies... / Dora: Ah, yes... Alchemy. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  33. ^ Felix: I know I've caused you much grief, Jenna. It was a miracle that I survived that day... / Saturos: We are the ones who saved him. / Menardi: We saw him floating unconscious in the river as we passed. / Felix: I've been with them ever since... I've experienced a lot. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  34. ^ Saturos: You heard us... If you wish to save your friends, then give us the Elemental Stars! / Menardi: Do you accept our terms? / Isaac: Yes. / Kraden: No, Isaac! You must not give them the Elemental Stars! / Saturos: Why would you deny us? Don't you want your friends to be safe? Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  35. ^ Ivan: Your quest has been on my mind ever since I left Vault. Remember? I read everything that happened in your minds. I couldn't just leave, not with all these terrible things happening. If I can't rescue Master Hammet, then I want to help you... Please, allow me to join your quest. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  36. ^ Mia: Well, I... Uh... I... I'll be joining Isaac on his quest. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  37. ^ Garet: It's too late! The lighthouse has already been lit! / Mia: It... It can't be! The beacon cannot be lit without the Mercury Star... Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  38. ^ Iodem: There were seven? Is this the same group you were following before? / Soldier 2: I'm certain of it. One of them must have been...Sheba. / Iodem: Sheba, you say... Is this true!? / Soldier 1: The scholar Kraden was protecting her. I'm sure it was Sheba... / Iodem: Did you hear that, Isaac? What do they want with Sheba? Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  39. ^ Saturos: I hope you don't think you've finished us off. / Mia: You may not be finished, but you can barely stand. / Menardi: Right now, yes... But we'll be back on our feet... as soon as we do THIS! / Saturos: (Throws the Venus Star into the Venus Lighthouse well) / Ivan: Oh, no! He threw the Elemental Star into the lighthouse! / Mia: How could this happen... We couldn't keep them from lighting the beacon! / Saturos: That's not all... The energy of the beacon will restore our power. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  40. ^ Saturos: Heh heh... Felix is the least of your worries right now. / Mia: Oh my-they're glowing! / Menardi: It's time you learned what true power is! / Ivan: Their Psynergy is overflowing! / Saturos: Hya ha ha! It's too late to run! / Garet: Uh-oh... They're fusing! / Ivan: They've merged into one another! Everyone get back! Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  41. ^ Saturos: How... How... did we lose? / Menardi: We are superior in every way, but still we were defeated... Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  42. ^ Garet: We did it! We won! / Ivan: We beat them...but have we really won? / Isaac: Yes. / Ivan: Even though we couldn't stop the beacon from being lit? / Garet: What are you talking about? We did everything we could! Sure we couldn't save the Venus Lighthouse, but... We beat them! They're gone! You saw them fall down into the pit... So we don't have to worry about any more beacons being lit! / Mia: But Felix is gone, and he's taken Sheba... Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  43. ^ Garet: But now we can sail the ship of the ancients! / Ivan: It certainly will aid us in our search for Jenna.Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2001-11-11)
  44. ^ Sheba: Saturos and Menardi are gone... / Alex: What do you mean? / Sheba: Another group came... They fought Saturos and Menardi and won. / Jenna: Was it Isaac? / Sheba: Isaac... Yes, I think that's what they called him... / Alex: You expect me to believe Isaac and his companions defeated Saturos and Menardi? Have they really grown so powerful in so short a time? Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  45. ^ Jenna: Believe me, I'd love to see Isaac again, but we just don't have the time to look for him. Plus... / Kraden: Even if we did find them, there's a good chance we'd end up fighting them. / Piers: Why? / Kraden: What we are trying to achieve, they are trying to prevent... And they will fight to stop us. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  46. ^ Kraden: Ooo! Ooo! Finally! What could be waiting for me in Lemuria? I can't wait another moment! / Piers: Oh, hush. I'll keep a close eye on them. You have nothing to fear. / Lemurian soldier: Very well, Piers. We place our faith in you. Enter freely and peacably. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  47. ^ Piers: However, the world seems even smaller now than it appears on Lunpa's map... / Consevato: What are you saying? / Kraden: Time itself has stopped... Think of Weyard as a living, breathing being, possessing its own life force... The four elements are the nourishment needed to sustain this being. / Lunpa: Kraden... This is exactly what King Hydros himself has said to me! / King Hydros: Ever since Alchemy was sealed away, the world has been cut off from its nourishment. It has gone into a state akin to hibernation. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  48. ^ Sheba: But we're not leaving Isaac behind. / Karst: Oh, great... Are you going to betray us now? / Felix: Yes. / Karst: Typical. And you're going to try to stop us from finishing them off, aren't you? Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  49. ^ Villager: Saturos used Felix's parents to force Felix to follow him on his mission. We've fallen on hard times when we need to coerce people to join our cause. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  50. ^ Mia: I'm just relieved we've sorted out our differences. / Piers" Me too, Mia... We could not have stood divided against a common foe. / Garet: Yeah, I guess I'm a little happy that we're not going to have to beat Felix up. / Isaac: Listen, this is Felix's quest now... We're just doing what we can to help out... Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  51. ^ The Wise One: If Alchemy is unleashed, mankind may well destroy all of Weyard itself. / Kraden: But we can combine our strengths, ensure that Alchemy not be used for evil... / The Wise One: It is inevitable. In time, one man will seek to rule over all. It is human nature, inescapable. And it shall come sooner than any of you think. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  52. ^ The Wise One: If you can defeat a miracle, only then can you ignite the beacon's flame. / Kraden: The Wise One is up to something! Be wary, everyone! We don't know what he's capable of! / Sheba: A three-headed dragon? That's your miracle? / Piers: So you would have us fight for our future? Fine, then fight we shall! Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  53. ^ Garet: You monster!!!Why did you do this? Why did you make us fight Jenna's parents? / Sheba: You're no god! You're no protector! You're evil! / Piers: You don't understand the pain you have caused, Wise One. You have no idea the damage done to a child who learns she has destroyed her own parents. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  54. ^ The Wise One: The heavens and earth are changing, Alex! You must flee now! / Alex: Wha-What!? / The Wise One: Mt.Aleph will soon be drawn into the heart of the earth! You must flee or join it forever! / Alex: Flee!? I can't flee! I can't even move! / The Wise One: Ah, yes. You now see the limits of your power. If you are swallowed by the earth, you may not survive. If you survive, perhaps we shall meet again someday... Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  55. ^ a b Isaac: Kraden... Why did the Wise One change our parents into a dragon? Why did he make us fight them? I mean, we almost killed them... He tried to make us kill our own parents. Why? / Kraden: Do you think he intended for them to die from the start? / Felix: No. / Kraden: Ah... You don't understand why he put you through all this if he knew they'd survive... We cannot hope to fathom the motives of a being as all-powerful as the Wise One... / Isaac: You don't know either, Kraden? / Kraden: I can only hazard a guess... The Wise One... wanted to test you. / Isaac: What do you mean, test us? / Kraden: I cannot tell you more... It is up to you to find the answer. Will we use Alchemy to wage war, to raise armies? Or will we use it to grow wise, to rise above our petty feuds and perform great deeds? You were willing to sacrifice everything for your quest. I'd say you've risen to this challenge. Camelot Software Planning. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-04-14)
  56. ^ "Nintendo E3 Network | Nintendo DS". Retrieved 2010-06-15. 
  57. ^ James Mielke (2008). "Previews: We Love Golf!". 1up. Retrieved April 13, 2008. 
  58. ^ IGN Staff (2001). "Import Impressions: Golden Sun". IGN. Retrieved January 6, 2007. 
  59. ^ a b Harris, Craig (2001-11-09). "IGN Golden Sun Review". Retrieved February 1, 2007. 
  60. ^ IGN staff (2001-11-02). "First Look: US Golden Sun". Retrieved 2007-09-29. 
  61. ^ Harris, Craig (2002-05-17). "Screens of Golden Sun 2". IGN. Retrieved 2008-03-27. 
  62. ^ Staff (2003-02-04). "Top 10 Most Wanted 2003/2004". IGN. Retrieved 2008-03-27. 
  63. ^ Harris, Craig (2002-05-21). "E3 2002: First Look: Golden Sun 2". IGN. Retrieved 2008-03-27. 
  64. ^ Staff (2002-07-08). "Golden Sun 2: First Impressions". IGN. Retrieved 2008-03-27. 
  65. ^ Torres, Ricardo (2003-02-28). "Golden Sun: The Lost Age Impressions". GameSpot.;title;0. Retrieved 2008-03-14. 
  66. ^ Terdiman, Daniel (2009-05-02). "Nintendo tries to regain the momentum". CNET. Retrieved 2009-05-03. 
  67. ^ Louie the Cat (2004). "Rumor: Golden Sun for Gamecube?". Nintendo World Report. Retrieved January 7, 2007. 
  68. ^ Nintendo (2008-03-14). "Latecomer Assist Trophies". Retrieved 2008-03-28. 
  69. ^ "Hidden Music". Retrieved 2008-03-28. 
  70. ^ "What is Doujin?". Akiba Angels. Retrieved 2010-12-17. >
  71. ^ "Golden Sun at Metacritic". Retrieved 2007-09-25. 
  72. ^ "Golden Sun at". Retrieved 2007-09-25. 
  73. ^ "Golden Sun at Metacritic". Retrieved 2007-09-25. 
  74. ^ "Golden Sun at". Retrieved 2007-09-25. 
  75. ^ "Golden Sun: Dark Dawn at Metacritic". Metacritic. Retrieved 2010-12-17. 
  76. ^ "Golden Sun: Dark Dawn at". Retrieved 2010-12-17. 
  77. ^ "Rotten Tomatoes review page". Archived from the original on 2007-10-01. Retrieved July 13, 2006. 
  78. ^ IGN Game Rankings review "Game Rankings- Golden Sun". IGN Game Rankings review. Retrieved July 13, 2006. 
  79. ^ Torres, Ricardo (2001-11-12). "Golden Sun for GBA". Retrieved February 1, 2007. 
  80. ^ "Metacritic Game Rankings page". Retrieved July 13, 2006. 
  81. ^ a b "Review: Golden Sun: The Lost Age". GamePro. Archived from the original on 2009-05-01. Retrieved 2008-04-11. 
  82. ^ a b Parish, Jeremy (2010-11-26). "Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Review". Retrieved 2010-12-17. 
  83. ^ Padilla, Raymond (2004-04-26). "Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA)". GameSpy. Retrieved 2008-04-13. 
  84. ^ Kollar, Phil (2010-12-07). "Return To A Lost Age Of Boring Storytelling And Enjoyable Puzzle-Solving". Game Informer. Retrieved 2010-12-17. 
  85. ^ Craig Harris (2007-03-16). "Top 25 Game Boy Advance Games of All Time". Retrieved 2007-03-18. 
  86. ^ "IGN:Game of the Month". IGN. 2003-04-14. Retrieved 2008-07-13. 
  87. ^ "The Century's Top 50 Handheld Games". Next Generation Magazine. 2006-08-02. Archived from the original on 2009-07-10.,2. Retrieved 2008-04-13. 
  88. ^ "Game Boy Advance Software Best Seller Ranking" (in Japanese). 2004-11-21. Archived from the original on 2004-12-09. Retrieved 2008-04-14. 

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