WebPlus is a website design program[1] for Microsoft Windows, developed by UK-based software company Serif. It allows users to design, create and upload their website onto the internet without any knowledge of HTML or other web technologies.
Much like Microsoft Word, WebPlus uses WYSIWYG[2] drag and drop editing to add and position text, images and links as they would appear on the finished web page. Once a user has designed their site, WebPlus can preview the site in a web browser before uploading the site using the in-built FTP.
The software comes with a variety of pre-designed websites which can be used as a template for quickly designing a site. It also provides drawing tools for creating and editing buttons and web graphics.
WebPlus is available both as a paid-for version, WebPlus X5, or as a cut-down Starter Edition which is completely free[3].
Supported platforms
WebPlus was developed for Microsoft Windows and is fully compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista (32/64bit) and Windows 7 (32/64bit)[4].
WebPlus 6 1999
WebPlus 7 2001
WebPlus 8 2003
WebPlus 9 30 July 2004
WebPlus 10 6 October 2006
WebPlus X2 25 February 2008
WebPlus X4 26 October 2009
WebPlus X5 16 May 2011
(There was never a version 11 or X3 released.)
- Web hosting to upload websites to the internet with the address www.sitename.webplus.net and email sitename@webplus.net[5].
- E-Commerce tool to create online stores with providers such as PayPal.[6]
- Form wizard generates online forms to collect information from website visitors.
- Google Maps tool embeds maps and optional navigation markers within a website.
- Site navigation bars adopt a website's structure providing a tool for navigating around the website.
- Photo gallery groups a collection of images together and displays them as an animated slideshow.
- Collect website metrics such as page popularity and number of website hits using Google Analytics.
- WebPlus X5 introduces a button studio for creating button graphics.
- Restrict access to specific pages on a website with a secure member’s area.
- WebPlus automatically converts images and graphics into a web targeted format, optimising them for fast download.
- Embed YouTube videos within a web page.
- Stream news and information feeds to a website using RSS and podcasts.
- Automated Site Checker analyses and corrects potential problems with a website.
- Adsense tool incorporates Google AdSense advertisements into a website
- In-built FTP transfers files onto a web server, uploading a website to the internet.
- In-built Basic Photo Editor the PhotoLab can make automatic adjustments and "Quick Fix's" to photos.
- WebPlus X5 offers image editing and filters, through its PhotoLab and also provides a dedicated background-removal tool in the form of Cutout Studio.[7]
- Filter Effects can be applied to the graphical objects, giving convincing, realistic effects such as glass, metallic, plastic and other 2D/3D filters.[8]
- WebPlus also provides QuickShapes for creating button and web graphics. These predefined shapes can be quickly modified with sliders to adjust certain parameters, for example creating rounded rectangles, etc. Shapes include: rectangles, ellipses, stars, spirals, cogs, petals, etc.[9]
External links