
Waxworms are the caterpillar larvae of wax moths, which belong to the snout moth family (Pyralidae). Two closely related species are commercially bred – the lesser wax moth (Achroia grisella) and the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella). They belong to the tribe Galleriini in the snout moth subfamily Galleriinae.

Anglers and fishing bait shops often refer to the larvae as "waxies". Refrigerated wax worms are also popularly sold as fish bait, especially for members of the sunfish family (Centrarchidae). The adult moths are sometimes called "bee moths", but particularly in apiculture, this can also refer to Aphomia sociella, another Galleriinae moth which also produces waxworms, but is not commercially bred.

These larvae are used extensively as food for terrarium pets and some pet birds, mostly due to their high fat content, their ease of breeding, and their ability to survive for weeks at low temperatures. Waxworms are medium-white caterpillars with black-tipped feet and small, black or brown heads. In the wild, they live as nest parasites in bee colonies and eat cocoons, pollen, and shed skins of bees, and chew through beeswax, thus the name. Beekeepers consider waxworms to be pests. When kept in captivity, they can go a long time without eating, particularly if kept at a cool temperature. Captive wax worms are generally raised on a mixture of cereal grain and honey.


Waxworms as live food

Waxworms are an ideal food for many insectivorous animals and plants. Although they are high in protein and calcium, they are also relatively fattening and should thus be fed sparingly as treats instead of as dietary staples. They can prove beneficial when used as a supplement in the diet of most geckos (e.g., leopard geckos), though feeding too often can cause excessive weight gain.

Waxworms as bait

Waxworms used as fishing bait may be store-bought or raised by anglers.[1] They are used for catching some kinds of panfish, among others – fish for which waxworms have the right size as prey tend to have a size well suited for pan-frying.

Waxworms as an alternative to mammals in animal research

Waxworms can replace mammals in certain types of scientific experiments, especially in studies examining the virulence mechanisms of bacterial and fungal pathogens.[2] Waxworms prove valuable in such studies because the innate immune system of insects is strikingly similar to that of mammals.[3] Waxworms survive well at human body temperature and are large enough in size to allow straightforward handling and accurate dosing. Additionally, the considerable cost savings when using waxworms instead of small mammals (usually mice, hamsters, or guinea pigs) allows testing throughput that is otherwise impossible. Using waxworms, it is now possible to screen large numbers of bacterial and fungal strains to identify genes involved in pathogenesis or large chemical libraries with the hope of identifying promising therapeutic compounds. The later studies have proved especially useful in identifying chemical compounds with favorable bioavailability.[4]

Breeding waxworms

Waxworms are incredibly easy to breed. Any plastic or glass container bigger than 2.5 gallons will work. The bedding in the container should be a mixture of bran, honey, glycerin, wax, and bee pollen. Calcium powder can also be added for further gut loading. Fresh apples, oranges, and leafy greens can be placed inside the container to further increase nutritional value. Several fresh twigs should be included in the habitat, as well. The waxworms will begin to turn into pupae in about two weeks, a little sooner if kept at a higher temperature. The lid should be a fine plastic mesh, a fine metal mesh, or cloth secured very well, such as taping. The pupae will hatch as moths. The moths will mate, lay eggs and die. New larvae will be born from the eggs. To produce more, leave some of the larvae in the breeding container. To store as food, place some of the bran/honey mix in a small plastic container in a refrigerator, which will slow down the growth rate.

See also


  1. ^ Lee Townsend, "Rearing Waxworms". University of Kentucky, Entomology. Retrieved 24 June 2007.
  2. ^ Luísa C. S. Antunes, Francesco Imperi1, Alessandra Carattoli, Paolo Visca, "Deciphering the Multifactorial Nature of Acinetobacter baumannii Pathogenicity". PLoS ONE 6(8): e22674. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022674. Retrieved 21 December 2011.
  3. ^ Kavanagh K, Reeves EP, "Exploiting the potential of insects for in vivo pathogenicity testing of microbial pathogens". FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2004 Feb;28(1):101-12. Retrieved 21 December 2011.
  4. ^ Aperis G, Fuchs BB, Anderson CA, Warner JE, Calderwood SB, Mylonakis E., "Galleria mellonella as a model host to study infection by the Francisella tularensis live vaccine strain". Microbes Infect. 2007 May;9(6):729-34. Retrieved 21 December 2011.

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