Warhammer Armies was a supplement published by Games Workshop in 1988 for the 3rd Edition of their Warhammer Fantasy Battle table top game.
It gave a proscribed limit for the composition of armies in the game for balanced play, a "bestiary" for monstrous creatures as well as new units and warmachines for the various armies covered.
In later editions Warhammer Armies was replaced by individual "Warhammer army" books for each army eg Warhammer Army: High Elves.
The authors were Nigel Stillman "and friends", apparently Rick Priestley, Richard Halliwell, Matt Connell and Bryan Ansell.
Contents |
Armies | ISBN | Release Date |
Vampire Counts | January 2012 | |
Ogre Kingdoms | September 2011 | |
Tomb Kings | May 2011 | |
Orcs & Goblins | March 2011 |
Armies | ISBN | Release Date |
Beastmen | February 2010 | |
Skaven | ISBN 978-1-84154-945-3 | November 2009 |
Lizardmen | ISBN 978-1-84154-918-7 | February 2009 |
Warriors of Chaos | ISBN 978-1-84154-898-2 | November 2008 |
Dark Elves | ISBN 978-1-84154-858-6 | August 2008 |
Daemons of Chaos | ISBN 978-1-84154-886-9 | May 2008 |
Vampire Counts | ISBN 978-1-84154-863-0 | March 2008 |
High Elves | ISBN 978-1-84154-846-3 | November 2007 |
The Empire | ISBN 978-1-84154-799-2 | January 2007 |
Orcs & Goblins | ISBN 978-1-84154-785-5 | October 2006 |
Armies | ISBN | Release Date |
Dwarfs | March 2006 | |
Wood Elves | August 2005 | |
Ogre Kingdoms | January 2005 | |
Bretonnia | February 2004 | |
Beasts of Chaos | ISBN 1 841554 387 | August 2003 |
Kislev | June 2003 | |
Lizardmen | May 2003 | |
Tomb Kings | January 2003 | |
Hordes of Chaos | June 2002 | |
Skaven | March 2002 | |
High Elves | January 2002 | |
Dark Elves | June 2001 | |
Vampire Counts | April 2001 | |
Dwarfs | January 2001 | |
Orcs & Goblins | November 2000 | |
The Empire | October 2000 |
Plus mercenary and ally units, including: