
Platform(s) Windows, Mac, iPhone
Genre(s) Shooter

Warblade is a shareware computer game for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, written by Edgar M. Vigdal. It is also available for retail in the Apple app store for iOS devices (in iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad versions). The game is a 2D space shooter in the vein of the perennial classic Galaga. It is a rewrite and modernization of a popular Amiga shareware game, Deluxe Galaga, which was written by the same author back in the mid-1990s. Where technically possible, the graphics and sounds are respectful to their Amiga origins.


The game consists of an infinite number of levels, although after the 100th level the levels repeat themselves. The player controls a small ship, which can move only along the bottom of the screen. The aliens change every 4 levels, and you are offered a shop where you can buy weapons for money you collect. There is a boss every 25 levels (25, 50, 75, 100, 125..).

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