Wang Ying (ROC)

Wang Ying (Chinese: 王英; Pinyin: Wáng Yīng; ? - January 1951) A Chinese bandit and minor Japanese puppet warlord from western Suiyuan. Wang was involved in the Chahar People's Anti-Japanese Army in 1933, commanding a formation called the 1st Route.[1] Following the suppression of the Anti-Japan Allied Army, Wang Ying went over to the Japanese Kwangtung Army and persuaded them to let him recruit unemployed Chinese soldiers in Chahar Province. He returned to Japanese occupied Northern Chahar with enough men to man two Divisions that were trained by Japanese advisors. By 1936, Wang was commander of this Grand Han Righteous Army attached to the Inner Mongolian Army of Teh Wang.

Following the failure of their first Suiyuan campaign, the Japanese used the Grand Han Righteous Army to launch another attempt to take eastern Suiyuan in January 1937. Fu Zuoyi routed Wang’s army, where it suffered heavy losses.[2]

Later, after 1937, he was able to establish a small puppet army, independent of Mengjiang, in Western Suiyuan under Japanese protection. His Self Government Army of Western Suiyuan, in 1943 is numbered at over 2300 men in three divisions in a March 1943 British intelligence report.[3]

After Japan had been lost, Wang Ying surrender to Fu Zuoyi, and was appointed to the Commander of the 1st Cavalry Group. Next, he transferred to the Commander of the 14th Cavalry Zongdui (縱隊), the 12th War Area. In 1946, he was appointed to the senior staff officer of the Beiping Camp for the Chairperson of the Military Committee (軍事委員會委員長北平行營高級參謀). After that he also held the Supreme Commander of the Military for Subjugation Communists, the Route of Ping-Pu (平蒲路剿共軍総司令).[4]

In 1950, Wang Ying was arrested by People's Republic of China.[4] Next January,[4] because of the charge of Anti-Revolution, he was executed.[5]


  1. ^ Guo Rugui, China's Anti-Japanese War Combat Operations: Anti-Japan military alliance
  2. ^ Jowett pg. 57
  3. ^ Jowett pg. 85, 133
  4. ^ a b c Xu Youchun (main ed.) p.43.
  5. ^ Li Taifen, p.208.

See also
