The WAZ-Mediengruppe (WAZ-Mediagroup) is Germany's third largest newspaper and magazine publisher with a total of over 500 publications in eight countries. WAZ-Mediengruppe is privately held by the founders' families and is headquartered in Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia.
The group's largest paper is Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, largest newspaper in the Ruhr metropolitan region. Owned in Germany is also tv magazine Gong. Besides Germany, WAZ-Mediengruppe has publications in Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, and Russia. It also owns parts of the Austrian Kronen Zeitung and Kurier.
In December 2010 WAZ Mediagroup sold all its assets in Bulgaria to a joint venture between Austrian investors and local tycoons. Until then the company had owned the two largest daily newspapers Trud and 24 hours, the weekly newspaper 168 hours, and a large portfolio of magazines.