
Vritti, in the context of Hinduism and yoga, is the name given to different tendencies, or psycho-physical propensities, which give scope for the mind to express a variety of feelings and emotions. Hindu texts describe vritties to be a result of past actions and experiences that have left an imprint on the mind. The expression of vritties gives rise to the behaviour that makes each person unique: their desires and repulsions, their predispositions and complexes.


Connections made to modern science

According to some modern descriptions, a vritti triggers the gland/s associated with that particular propensity to secrete the corresponding hormone/s. Usually this is done subconsciously, although yogis endeavour to control and master the expression of their vritties, through the practice of asanas (postures) and sadhana (meditation), leading to the attainment of siddhis (occult powers), and giving clear passage for the kundalini to rise.[1]

Vritties need not be considered confined to the esoteric experiences of advanced yogiis. The seat of the vritti of love, or mamata in Sanskrit, is the heart; the seat of the vritti of fear (bhaya) is the stomach. The sensation of feeling one's heart swoon, or "getting butterflies" corresponds to the physical expression of these psychic propensities. Each vritti may have negative or positive expression. Even love, when over-expressed, leads to intense possessiveness. The goal of the yogii is thus not to suppress, or annul their vritties, rather it is to find a harmonious balance, and ultimately, to channelize these tendencies inward.[2]

As a word, vritti means literally vortex (of consciousness), or circular activity with no beginning and no end.

Vrittis of Tantric Chakras

Below are the Vrittis associated with each of the Tantric Chakras:

  1. Muladhara: greatest joy, natural pleasure, delight in controlling passion, and blissfulness in concentration.
  2. Swadhisthana: affection, pitilessness, feeling of all-destructiveness, delusion, disdain and suspicion.
  3. Manipura: spiritual ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolishness and sadness.
  4. Anahata: lustfulness, fraudulence, indecision, repentance, hope, anxiety, longing, impartiality, arrogance, incompetency, discrimination and defiance.
  5. Vishuddha:
  6. Ajna:centre of spiritual energy between the two eyebrows.
  7. Sahasrara:centre of spiritual energy at the crown of the head.

See also


  1. ^ Shrii Shrii Anandamurtii: "The Four Stages of Human Progress", Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 4, Ananda Marga Publications, Calcutta, 1978
  2. ^ Shrii Shrii Anandamurtii, "Plexi and Microvita", Yoga Psychology, Ananda Marga Publications, Calcutta, 1990

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