Vivaro-Alpine dialect

Vivaroalpenc, Vivaroaupenc
Spoken in  France
Region Southern France
Language family
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Linguasphere 51-AAA-gf & 51-AAA-gg

Vivaro-Alpine (English name) or Vivaroalpenc, Vivaroaupenc (native name) is the northeastern dialect of the Occitan language.[1][2] It belongs to the Northern Occitan dialectal group. Vivaro-Alpine is spoken in Southern France and North-Western Italy, and in the remote Guardia Piemontese, Calabria, where it is known as gardiol. The other Northern Occitan dialects are Limousin and Auvergnat.


Naming and classification

Vivaro-Alpine had been considered as a sub-dialect of Provençal, and named provençal alpin (Alpine Provençal) or Northern Provençal.[3]

Its use in the Dauphiné area has also lead to the use of dauphinois or dauphinois alpin to name it.[4] Along with Ronjat[4] and Bec,[5] it is now clearly recognized as a dialect of its own.

The UNESCO Atlas of World's languages in danger[6] uses the Alpine Provençal name, and considers it as seriously endangered.



  1. ^ (French) Jean-Marie Klinkenberg, Des langues romanes. Introduction aux études de linguistique romane, De Boeck, 2e édition, 1999,
  2. ^ La langue se divise en trois grandes aires dialectales : le nord-occitan (limousin, auvergnat, vivaro-alpin), l'occitan moyen, qui est le plus proche de la langue médiévale (languedocien et provençal au sens restreint), et le gascon (à l'ouest de la Garonne). in (French) Encyclopédie Larousse
  3. ^ (French) Jean-Claude Bouvier, "L'occitan en Provence : limites, dialectes et variété" in Revue de linguistique romane 43, pp 46-62
  4. ^ a b (French) Jules Ronjat, Grammaire istorique des parlers provençaux modernes, vol. IV Les dialectes, Montpellier, 1941
  5. ^ (French) Pierre Bec, La langue occitane, Paris, 1995
  6. ^ UNESCO Interactive Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger

See also