
Vitral is a magazine founded in Pinar del Rio Province of Cuba.


Old Cuban constructions inherited from the Spaniards have multicolored or polychrome glass on their windows. In Spanish these are called in "Vitral". They resemble the stained glass windows of a church but on a smaller scale. The magazine's name was intended to symbolize the need for transparency and a plurality of ideas in Cuba. The Vitral was intended to act as a window for Cuba and the people of Cuba to see the outside world.

As defined in its web site "VITRAL is a Cuban socio-cultural catholic magazine. A space for transparency and reflection in the pluralism and multicolor light the Civic and Religious Education Center offers, in the Pinar del Río Diocese". This magazine publishes articles about Cuba by Cubans independent from the government. Some of the articles published are critical of the Cuban government. On April 12 2007, the magazine announced it would close, due to lack of funds.[1]

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  1. ^ "An outspoken magazine of Cuban church closing". Miami Herald. 2007-04-12. Retrieved 2007-04-13.