Virginia Gabriel

Mary Anne Virginia Gabriel (b. 7 February 1825, d. 7 August 1877) was an Irish composer. She was also known as Mrs. George E. March.


Virginia Gabriel was born in Banstead, Surrey, England, into an Irish military family. She studied piano with Johann Peter Pixis, Theodor Dohler, Sigismond Thalberg and Bernhard Molique and composition with opera composer Saverio Mercadante. She married her librettist George March in 1874, and the Times reported that she died from "injuries sustained by a fall from a carriage".[1][2]


Gabriel was known for cantatas and opera[3] and she also wrote songs. Selected works include:


  1. ^ Browning, Robert; McAleer, Edward C. (1966). Learned Lady: Letters from Robert Browning to Mrs. Thomas. 
  2. ^ a b "A FORTY-SIXTH GARLAND OF BRITISH LIGHT MUSIC COMPOSERS". Retrieved 12 December 2010. 
  3. ^ Greenspan, Karen Greenspan (1994). The timetables of women's history: a chronology.