Vidura (Sanskrit: विदुर, Vidūra) was an important figure in the Mahabharata, a major Hindu epic. He was half-brother to the kings Dhritarashtra and Pandu of Hastinapura, born the son of the sage Vyasa and a lady-in-waiting to the queens Ambika and Ambalika of the city. By some accounts, he was an incarnation of the god of death and justice Yama Dharma Raja, who had been cursed by the sage Mandavya for punishing the latter more harshly than his transgression warranted.
Both Ambika and Ambalika were wives of King Vichitravirya of Hastinapura, who, however, died childless. Anxious to ensure the survival of the royal lineage, Vichitravirya's mother Satyavati called another of her sons, the ascetic Vyasa, to bestow motherhood upon the two queens by his mystical powers. Vyasa, as a hermit practising severe austerities, was unpleasant and even fearsome in appearance, so much so that Ambika shut her eyes tight when she saw him, and her sister Ambalika went pale with fear. As a result, the sons they bore were respectively the blind Dhritarashtra and the sickly albino Pandu, neither of whom thus met the ideals of kingliness.
Thereat, Satyavati asked Vyasa to grant a son to a royal lady-in-waiting, to ensure that at least one of the boys born would be fit in all respects to guide the ship of state. This dutiful lady not being frightened by Vyasa appearance had an unafflicted born to her. Thus was Vidura born. He was raised and educated by Bhishma as the half-brother of Dhritarashtra and Pandu, but since neither of his parents was of the blood royal, he was made counsellor to his brothers, the kings, rather than a king himself. Upon the blind Dhritarashtra's succession, he took on the reins of government for all practical purposes, guiding his brother's government until the rise of Duryodhana to manhood, when he was consigned to a secondary role.
In some versions, it is believed that Vidura is elder to Dhritarashtra and Pandu for when Bhishma asked Vidura for counsel on the marriages of the three princes, he indicated in order the brides for Vidura - a Yadava girl, Dhritharashtra - Gandhari and Pandu - Madri, in the order of precedence accorded by age. According to this version, Ambika initially sent a maid in her place out of fear of Vyasa, and the sage perceiving an act designed by Destiny for some greater purpose, blesses her with a son, making Vidura an incarnation of Dharma instead of the Mitra-Varuna pair. This event is considered to be a major transition from the Vedic to the Upanishad age. Contemporary translators, however have ignored this due to transcreations. Ambika later was persuaded to present herself to Vyasa, but turned pale and gave birth to Pandu, as recounted above.
Barring Krishna, Vidura was most respected as an advisor by the Pandavas whom he forewarned on various occasions of Duryodhana's plots to exterminate them, such as Duryodhana's plan to burn them alive in the House of Lac. He was known for his wisdom and statecraft.
Krishna respected Vidura for his devotion to the people's welfare and his proficiency in every sphere of knowledge. When Krishna visited Hastinapura as a peace emissary of the Pandavas, he shunned Duryodhana's offer to stay in the royal palace, preferring instead the dwellings of Vidura, on account of his being the only neutral man in the Kaurava court. Vidura was the only person excepting the prince Vikarna, a brother of Duryodhana, who protested against the humiliation of Draupadi in the Kaurava court. According to krishna vidur was considered as dharmaraj which means lord of truth
In the Sanatsujatiya section of the Mahabharata, shortly before the Kurukshetra War began, Vidura invoked the sage Sanatsujata to answer Dhritarashtra's questions about death. In protest against the Kurukshetra War, Vidura resigned from the post of minister.
After the great battle, Yudhishthira appointed Vidura the prime minister with complete control of the government. However, following the carnage of the war and his own age Vidura did not have the heart to govern. Soon thereafter he retired to the forests as an ascetic with Dhritarashtra, and his sisters-in-law Gandhari, and Kunti. He undertook very severe penances and was the first of the royal ascetics to die.
Vidura is considered as the Mahachohan in the Theosophical world. Mahachohan is said to be the chief of a Social Hierarchy of the trans-Himalayan mystics.[1]
Viduraneeti, or Vidura's Statecraft, narrated in the form of a conversation between Vidur and King Dritrashtra, is considered the precursor in some ways of Chanakyaneeti.
Vidura is held to be a paragon of truth, dutifulness, impartial judgement and steadfast dharma. He is considered the embodiment of the inner consciousness of the Mahabharata.