Vickrey–Clarke–Groves auction

A Vickrey–Clarke–Groves (VCG) auction of multiple goods is a sealed-bid auction wherein bidders report their valuations for the items. The auction system assigns the items in a socially optimal manner, while ensuring each bidder receives at most one item. This system charges each individual the harm they cause to other bidders,[1] and ensures that the optimal strategy for a bidder is to bid the true valuations of the objects. It is a generalization of a Vickrey auction for multiple items.

The auction is named after William Vickrey, Edward H. Clarke, and Theodore Groves.


A Formal Description

For any set of auctioned items M = \{t_1,\ldots,t_m\} and a set of bidders N = \{b_1,\ldots,b_n\}, let V^M_N the social value of the VCG auction for a given bid-combination. A bidder b_i who wins an item t_j pays V^{M}_{N \setminus \{b_i\}}-V^{M \setminus \{t_j\}}_{N \setminus \{b_i\}}, which is the social cost of his winning that is incurred by the rest of the agents

Indeed, the set of bidders other than \{b_i\} is N \setminus \{b_i\}. When item t_j is available, they could attain welfare V^{M}_{N \setminus \{b_i\}}. The winning of the item by b_i reduces the set of available items to M \setminus \{t_j\}, however, so that the attainable welfare is now V^{M \setminus \{t_j\}}_{N \setminus \{b_i\}}. The difference between the two levels of welfare is the payment for t_j paid by the winning bidder b_i.

The winning bidder who has value A for the item t_j derives therefore utility A - \left(V^{M}_{N \setminus \{b_i\}}-V^{M \setminus \{t_j\}}_{N \setminus \{b_i\}}\right).


Example #1

See the example with apples in the introduction of Vickrey Auction.

Example #2

Assume that there are two bidders, b_1 and b_2, two items, t_1 and t_2, and each bidder is allowed to obtain one item. We let v_{i,j} be bidder b_i's valuation for item t_j. Assume v_{1,1} = 10, v_{1,2} = 5, v_{2,1} = 5, and v_{2,2} = 3. We see that both b_1 and b_2 would prefer to receive item t_1; however, the socially optimal assignment gives item t_1 to bidder b_1 (so his achieved value is 10) and item t_2 to bidder b_2 (so his achieved value is 3). Hence, the total achieved value is 13, which is optimal.

If person b_2 were not in the auction, person b_1 would still be assigned to t_1, and hence no harm was done for that bidder. Hence, b_2 is charged nothing.

If person b_1 were not in the auction, person b_2 would be assigned to t_1, and would have valuation 5. b_1 thus caused 2 harm to b_2, and hence b_1 is charged 2.

Optimality of Truthful Bidding

The following is a proof that bidding one's true valuations for the auctioned items is optimal[2]

For each bidder b_i, let v_i be her true valuation of an item t_i, and suppose (without loss of generality) that b_1 wins t_1 upon submitting his true valuations.

Note that the size bid of b_1 has no effect on her utility as long as she wins the item (see the utility function above). Hence, we assume that b_1 does not bid truthfully, and receives item t_j because of his non-truthful bidding. In the truthful bidding case, b_1 has total utility U_1 = v_1-\left(V^{M}_{N \setminus \{b_1\}}-V^{M \setminus \{t_1\}}_{N \setminus \{b_1\}}\right). In the untruthful bidding case, b_1 has total utility U_2 = v_j-\left(V^{M}_{N \setminus \{b_1\}}-V^{M \setminus \{t_j\}}_{N \setminus \{b_1\}}\right). Hence, we must prove that U_1 - U_2 \geq 0, which shows that the utility received from truthful bidding is always at least that received from untruthful bidding.

U_1 - U_2 = v_1 - \left(V^{M}_{N \setminus \{b_1\}} - V^{M \setminus \{t_1\}}_{N \setminus \{b_1\}}\right) - v_j %2B \left(V^{M}_{N \setminus \{b_1\}}-V^{M \setminus \{t_j\}}_{N \setminus \{b_1\}}\right) = \left[v_1 %2B V^{M \setminus \{t_1\}}_{N \setminus \{b_1\}}\right] - \left[v_j %2B V^{M \setminus \{t_j\}}_{N \setminus \{b_1\}}\right]

However, the first term there is the maximum total social value achieved when b_1 received t_1, and the second term there is the maximum total social value achieved when b_1 received t_j. However, we assumed that the VCG auction gave b_1 item t_1; hence, the first term must be greater, and U_1 - U_2 \geq 0.

More general setting

We can consider a more general setting[3] of the VCG mechanism. Consider a set A of possible outcomes and n bidders which have different valuations for each outcome. This can be expressed as, function

v_i�: A \longrightarrow R_%2B

for each bidder i which expresses the value it has for each alternative. In this auction, each bidder will submit his valuation and the VCG mechanism will choose the alternative a \in A that maximizes  \sum_i v_i(a) and charge prices p_i given by:

p_i = h_i(v_{-i}) - \sum_{j \neq i} v_j(a)

where v_{-i} = (v_1, \dots, v_{i-1}, v_{i%2B1}, \dots, v_n), that is, h_i is a function that only depends on the valuation of the other players. This alone gives a truthful mechanism, that is, a mechanism where bidding the true valuation is a dominant strategy.

We could take, for example, h_i(v_{-i}) = 0, but we would have all prices negative, what might not be desirable - we would rather prefer that players give money to the mechanism than the other way round. The function:

h_i(v_{-i}) = \max_{b \in A} \sum_{j \neq i} v_j(b)

is called Clarke pivot rule. It has some very good properties as:


  1. ^ von Ahn, Luis (2008-10-07). "Sponsored Search" (PDF). 15–396: Science of the Web Course Notes. Carnegie Mellon University. Retrieved 2008-11-05. 
  2. ^ von Ahn, Luis (2008-10-07). "Assignment 5 Solutions" (PDF). 15–396: Science of the Web Published Solutions. Carnegie Mellon University. Retrieved 2008-11-05. 
  3. ^ Nisan, Roughgarden, Tardos and Vazirani, Algorithmic Game Theory, Cambridge, 2007