
Vestereng is a recreational park area, in the environs of northern Århus and Skejby, in Denmark, that is also sometimes used as a venue for large outdoor concerts.

Located in a largely residential area, but accessible by many bus routes, one finds Vestereng. As a concert venue it features a rectangular shape, with a small Section A close to whatever stage is built and a much larger Section B behind that, which is essentially just a very large, flat grass area for many thousands of people to stand in, and with ten gates for ticketholders to enter from behind that.

The Aarhus leg of the annual Danish Muscular Dystrophy Association benefit concert tour, Grøn Koncert (Green Concert), is held in Vestereng. Other large popular music concerts are also held, including artists, such as Simple Minds, The Police, Fiction Plane and Metallica, among others.