In mathematics, Verdier duality is a generalization of the Poincaré duality of manifolds to locally compact spaces with singularities. Verdier duality was introduced by Verdier (1967, 1995), as an analog for locally compact spaces of the coherent duality for schemes due to Grothendieck. It plays a role in the theory of perverse sheaves.
Contents |
Image functors for sheaves |
direct image f∗ |
inverse image f∗ |
direct image with compact support f! |
exceptional inverse image Rf! |
The exclamation mark is often pronounced "shriek" (slang for exclamation mark), and the maps called "f shriek" or "f lower shriek" and "f upper shriek" – see also shriek map.
Global Verdier duality states that Rf! has a right adjoint f! in the derived category, in other words
If X is a finite covering space of Y then f! takes sheaves to sheaves and is the same as f∗. If X is a closed subspace of Y then f! again takes sheaves to sheaves, but in general its image on sheaves cannot be represented by a single sheaf, but only by a complex of sheaves on the derived category.
Local Verdier duality states that
in the right derived category of sheaves of F modules over X. Taking homology of both sides gives global Verdier duality.
The dualizing complex DX on X is defined to be
where f is the map from X to a point.
If X is a finite dimensional locally compact space, and Db(X) the bounded derived category of sheaves of abelian groups over X, then the Verdier dual is a contravariant functor
defined by
It has the following properties:
Here Rf∗ denotes the higher direct image, at the derived category level.
In the special case when Y is a point and X is compact this says (roughly) that the cohomologies of dual complexes are dual.
Poincaré duality is a special case of Verdier duality; this can be seen as follows.
In the derived category, cohomology can be interpreted as chain homotopy classes of maps
where F[−k] is the complex with the constant sheaf F concentrated in degree k, and [—, —] denote the chain homotopy classes of maps. The Verdier dual allows us to interpret homology in the derived category as well:
The left hand side is by definition the dual of the cohomology with compact support, so this equation says that homology is dual to cohomology with compact support.
It also follows that for an oriented manifold M, the Verdier dual is given by
Ordinary Poincaré duality of a manifold can then be interpreted as the perfect pairing