
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Veluna, properly known as the Archclericy of Veluna, is a theocratic political state of the Flanaess.



The Archclericy of Voll, originally a vassal to the Viceroyalty of Ferrond, became known as Veluna and claimed independence from the Great Kingdom of Aerdy in 254 CY. The Kingdom of Keoland began a series of occupations of Veluna in 350 CY, only to be ultimately driven out in 438 CY by the forces of Furyondy. In 446 CY, in an agreement known as the Concordat of Eademer, the Velunese College of Bishops voted overwhelmingly to break from the kingdom of Furyondy, establishing the current state known as the Archclericy of Veluna.

Because the moon of Luna held special significance for the original Flan tribes in the area, the region is also sometimes known as the "Vale of Luna", or more simply, "The Vale".


Modern Veluna is generally located in the western-central portion of the Flanaess. It is bordered by the Velverdyva River to the north and east; by the Fals River to the north and west; and by the Lortmil Mountains and the Kron Hills to the south. Most of the original forests in the Vale have been clear cut to make way for farmland, or to supply lumber for building projects. The only remaining woodlands of any note are the Ironwood, the Dapple Wood and the Asnath Copse.

As of 591 CY, the most populous towns are Mitrik (pop. 16,200), Veluna City (pop. 11,100), and Devarnish (pop. 7,900).



As of 591 CY, the population of Veluna totaled 668,800 persons, the vast majority (almost 80%) being humans of mainly Oeridian descent. Elves make up another 10% (mostly of the high elf variety), while the remainder of the population consists of gnomes, halflings, dwarves, half-elves, and half-orcs.


The most popular deities among Velunans are Rao, Saint Cuthbert, Heironeous, the Oeridian agricultural gods, Fharlanghn, Zilchus, and the Seldarine.


The most widely-spoken languages in Veluna include Common, Velondi, Flan, Elven, Halfling, and Gnome.


The Archclericy of Veluna is a theocracy devoted to the worship of Rao, and ruled by the Canon of Veluna, a powerful Raoan cleric advised by the College of Bishops and the Celestial Order of the Moons. The Canon is selected by the College of Bishops and approved by the Celestial Order when the old Canon steps down or passes on. Power to remove the Canon is shared between the College and the Celestial Order. The national capital is Mitrik.

Administrative Divisions

Veluna is divided into eight dioceses for the purpose of administering both church and secular functions. Seven of the dioceses are jointly ruled, half of the governing power being held by a bishop of Rao (appointed by the Canon), and the remaining power given to the most powerful secular noble family in each diocese. The eighth diocese, that of Veluna City, is governed by the Canon himself, though an archbishop is appointed to administer it.

Executive branch

As of 591 CY, Veluna's chief of state is Canon Hazen.

In the Living Greyhawk Campaign, in early 594 CY Canon Hazen was slain by the lich Herion. Priffin Truft, the Archbishop of the Royal College, was chosen as his successor.

Legislative branch

Veluna's bicameral legislature consists of the College of Bishops and the Celestial Order of the Moons.

College of Bishops

The College of Bishops is a council that advises the Canon and maintains various religious functions in Veluna. The College consists of the Bishop of Rao from each of Veluna's seven dioceses, the Archbishop of Veluna City, the rulers of the local churches of Saint Cuthbert and Heironeous, the High Priest of the Knights of Veluna, a representative from the elven churches, and other members appointed by the Canon.

Celestial Order of the Moons

The Celestial Order of the Moons consists of 15 members: two representatives from the ruling secular noble families of each diocese, and a representative from the Viscounty of Verbobonc. The nobles retain all voting power, while the representative from Verbobonc serves only as an advisor. The Order is presided over by the Archbishop of Veluna City, though he serves no other 'official' capacity.


Veluna's coat of arms is blazoned thus: Sable, quarterly a crescent or, over all a mullet of four points argent.



Veluna is noted for its foodstuffs, and mining operations to produce copper, silver, and gold.


The Veluna standard coinage consists of the platinum brilliant (pp), gold crook (gp), electrum staff (ep), silver tower (sp), and copper hand (cp).




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