
Kiosk Valtierrilla
Founder 1593 (Don Gaspar de Valdes)
Elevation 1,710 m (5,610 ft)
 • Total 12,118
Time zone CST, (UTC-6)
 • Summer (DST) CDT (UTC-6)
Postal code 36881



Valtierrilla's population is an important agro-industrial centre for from a few years companies have been created within the industrial corridor. In the framework of development planning at the state level, Valtierrilla constitutes an important reservoir of industrial land, which will meet a strong short-term development. Valtierrilla is just 8 kilometres from the city of Salamanca. Its population growth projections of 20,000 by 2015.

The village of Valtierrilla is a town in the Mexican state of Guanajuato in the city of Salamanca, considered the world capital of nopal. Valtierrilla contributes 5% of the population of the municipality. It has a population of 13,200 inhabitants, is greater than 15 municipal seats in the state of Guanajuato.

Valtierrilla community is the largest settlement in the municipality of Salamanca after the county seat, even higher in the municipal population of 15 municipalities in Guanajuato. Ranks 35th in towns of Guanajuato, according to their population, but depends in many ways the city of Salamanca, because the community has greatly benefited from being part of the 4 most populous municipality in the state, since the greater the amount of resources it receives for that reason, and want independence supposed would be much less resources than are currently perceived it off Valtierrilla community lacks education development has only two high schools, and very few mid-level institutions and higher, so it is very common that its inhabitants find other options in Salamanca, creating dissatisfaction with the salmatinos as the municipality to assist such people are given preference in the morning shift, and all this would end up being a new town and therefore be affected a large number of students from that community, it does not get any benefit by being estudiandes of another municipality. The health centre, the sports complex to be carried out and other infrastructure are due to the importance of Salamanca as a city, there are a number of municipalities with population greater than that of the community of Valtierilla without these benefits, is this reason that many people do not agree with the supposed independence as a municipality because the support would be smaller and the gaps increase.


After the conquest he was known as Valtierra, Its name derives from the Latin Balde (a lot) and Earth, that means "place of much land." It first established the city of Salamanca, Gto.


In the seventeenth century founded the great Valtierra stay south of Salamanca and was Valtierrilla Valtierra starts calling the girl, to differentiate one population from another.

In the early eighteenth century, the inhabitants, he called Santa Cruz Baltierrilla. The name Santa Cruz is due to the process of evangelization that were developing. Beginning in 1918, was known as Andres Delgado, but this name is not thriving because people associated the name with a time band of independence and simply causes problems of location and recognition, so that restitution was promoted name, mainly supported by the local parish at that time against the Father Bernabe Mendez Jesus Montoya. Finally, on February 9, 1928, by Decree No. 13 of the Congress of Guanajuato state, being governor C. Agustin Arroyo Chao, is titled Valtierrilla again.

Location and extension nationwide

Valtierrilla in the municipality of Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico, in the area known as the shoal near the confluence of two rivers, the Lerma River and Laja (the attached). The land area of ​​the town of Valtierrilla is approximately 150 km ². If we look at history to find Valtierrilla cited as a stay of livestock. Valtierrilla is located at 101 ° 07 '40longitude west of the meridian of Greenwich and 20 ° 31' 52north latitude, based on the tower of the parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Its height above sea level is 1.710 m.

Climate topography and hydrography

Within the village there is a rocky outcrop known as Cerro de Comaleros (part elevations hillock, cave, chapel, barrel) at about 1.5 km away from the community. The height of this elevation is of 1,890 m.

South of town is located on the Laja River crosses the town from east to west and comes to lead the Lerma River in a place known as Adjuntas 4 km of the village.

The climate in the town, consists of semi-warm, humid with summer rains and into the fall, humidity low in 92.3% of the territory.

Famous people

Participated in the construction of the Chapel of the Holy Cross in 1724, asked the Viceroy elect Valtierrilla authorities. Participated in the land dispute against Santa Maria. Nativitas by land dispossession carried out, managed to land restitution.


In 1754 the population was 406 Valtierrilla Salamanca and had 1508 inhabitants, as a historical fact. According to the INEGI 2005 census, the county seat of Salamanca accounts for 61.57% of the total municipal population (143,838 inhabitants) and accounts for 5.19% Valtierrilla (12 118 inhabitants). In 2007 a census was reported by a population of 13,200 inhabitants.

Pre-Hispanic times

The first human settlements in Valtierrilla, vestiges of which occurred in the Preclassic or Formative, and chronologically is located between 400 BC and 200, the great culture of Chupicuaro. Semi-nomadic groups who sought the riverbanks madonte (Lerma) and "La Laja" to settle, forming scattered villages with egalitarian social structure. Chupícuaro Man lived on fruit and seed gathering, hunting and fishing, in addition to maize, which ground on stone metate, used the shell and bone to make ornaments such as necklaces and earrings and implemented as needles, spears and punches, with obsidian knives were produced and projectile points. The vessels have a constant quality and take various forms that always have globular or hemispheric contours or compound elements with curved lines, an example of this would be the pots, glasses, bowls, plates, spoons, bowls hollow tripod supports, the leg guy named Bird, mammiform, conical or pyramidal. The decorative designs are painted on the piece, such as geometric combinations, repeat and vary slightly. No monumental architecture and sculpture in stone, remains have been found only alignments of rocks on the surface, west of Cerro Prieto hillock, at the top, but unfortunately at the end of 1985, being the municipal delegate of Valtierrilla Mr. Andres Robles, was given the task of building a bridge over the River Laja to facilitate its passage in times of increasing discharge, and communicate with surrounding towns. Needed material and located on the hill of a cluster of stone comaleros in disarray, which were collected for use in the masonry of the bridge, but to divest all located a stone ceremonial pyramid or stepped, round whose base average about 20 meters in diameter and a projected height of less than 10 meters. The stone was not stuck with some mixture, and just this perfectly well-off, just as he kept a perfect symmetry. Unfortunately those who brought this relic value it failed and ended with her and our historical past.

This culture disappeared or migrated to another place without a trace of the causes, as with many other Hispanic cultures. Do not exclude that there remained semi-nomadic groups in the region which probably remained transparent over time, living mainly by the kindness of the climate, flora, fauna and land offered by the shoal and an important factor is the confluence close two rivers: the Lerma and the Laja, called the "attached", and inserted between the two rivers comaleros the hill. Probably in the twelfth and thirteenth century, passed through this region of the Aztecs shoal, but without dwelling on their pilgrimage, to be completed in the Valley of Mexico.

Before the Spanish arrived there were large groups of Indians in the region that today includes Valtierrilla, Chichimecas groups, including the Fames and guamares on the banks of the River Lerma River "Laja".

Colonial era and independence

After the conquest, the Spanish began to make expeditions into the vast region chichimeca. On May 4, 1593, there was a card for all titles and stays realegadas make themselves the sons of the conquerors. This took advantage of Don Gaspar de Valdez for recognition stays Mancera and Valtierra currently occupying the region in Salamanca, according to minutes of council written.

In 1602, a group of Spanish Viceroy sent the request to be allowed to found a villa near the river, next to the Estancia de Barahona, away from the existing villas Celaya and Leon. The Viceroy Don Gaspar de Zúñiga y Acevedo, Conde de Monterrey, granted permission for the founding of the town of Salamanca on August 6, 1602 in which stipulates that applicants must meet to form a council made up of four council members and two for mayors, from New Year's Day of 1603 would be founded the town of Salamanca.

In the eighteenth century sought the intervention of the Royal Audiencia of New Spain to be restored lands of the natives of the town of Santa Cruz Valtierrilla. Finally, October 12 1716 in Mexico City peno the people of Santa Maria Nativitas and October 27, 1716 requested that the land be restored and also to pay the rent down. Of course this led to discontent among the inhabitants of the population so that year 1716, the natives of the town of Santa Cruz Baltierrilla the jurisdiction of Salamanca, and the governor and other officers of the district Nativitas republic, to separate of the jurisdiction of Salamanca.

The life of the people went quietly, and the Catholic religion was an important part, so in 1724 opened the first religious shrine named "Santa Cruz", which was built by natural Valtierrilla themselves, so that she celebrate the sacrament of Holy Mass, all with the approval and confirmation by the Viceroy Juan de Acuña, Marqués de Casa strong.

Because the record derivatives on the land dispute, and the request to separate the header, did the unrest among the population to elect their authorities, so that in the year 1732 was made a formal request to the instance of the Royal Audiencia of New Spain, on the advice of Indians to the natives of Santa Cruz Valtierrilla to choose mayor and councilman for his government. The response of Viceroy Juan de Acuña Marquez fortified house was positive by a document dated 1733 that says in the words "The viceroy under the Act grants the natives of Valtierrilla, jurisdiction of Salamanca, license to choose mayor alderman without impediment to justice the party. Santa Cruz Valtierrilla, Salamanca. " As in 1734 held its first mayoral election in Valtierrilla being in the person of Sebastian de la Cruz.

The land issue continued throughout the years among the natives of their rights Valtierrilla demanding and greed of some villagers Nativitas and Salamanca, and with the constant analysis, the Real Audiencia of New Spain on the board of land happened again in 1797 a land dispute, due to a deprivation suffered by the natural, this problem was lengthened and the following year, they restored the land to native Valtierrilla.

In the year 1807 being Don Nicholas Angel Lopez and Don Pedro Nolazco, mayor and alderman, respectively, of the people of Santa Cruz Baltierrilla, filed a complaint that is excess demand what belongs to the duty of the register of that village. As annex a list of tributary Indians, list of all the ambiguities that exist in the testimony of tuition. Including the case of Jose de los Santos, a tributary of Indian people. This disagreement led the Indians to support the independence movement.

But there is a significant fact: between 1808 and 1814, documenting the constant watchword available grants and loans from a wide range of indigenous communities in virtually all of the viceroyalty. To support the war between Spain and France. The records reveal names and names of communities that offer their contributions including the "Baltierrilla" Landavazo 1996, p. 167.

The villagers of Valtierrilla supported the independence movement started by Father Miguel Hidalgo, and led by Andres Delgado "Rotation" and a group of over 200 men on horseback, carried out attacks in the region, establishing a headquarters in the community of Valtierrilla, where in June 1818 captured Don Joaquin Cortes, captain of the infantry regiment and was taken prisioneron with others, being around 15 days in the community and was no oversight that he escaped from the rebeldes.En that same year, 1818 is apprehended and shot the guerrilla from the community of Valtierrilla Andrés Delgado "spin."

An epidemic caused many deaths in Valtierrilla was typhus in 1838, so disastrous that many people were buried in the temple courtyard.

In 1871 the telegraph was installed in Valle de Santiago Salamanca and thence south of the state.

In 1858, following the coup Comonfort in late 1857, the president of the Supreme Court, Mr. Benito Juárez, assumed executive authority and went to get security to the state. In Guanajuato, whose governor supported him, and the Liberal army, called the coalition, which had as its chief Gen. Anastasio Parrodi. The Conservative army, commanded by General Luis G. Osollo and General Miguel Miramon and Tomas Mejia, went on the attack and the meeting was Valtierrilla land in a very broad front, but the center and most bitter fighting was the road where the bridge brook was ugly. He died there, Colonel Don José María Calderón, a brilliant military at that time fighting against his former college classmates military generals and Miramon Osollo. It was the first and one of the three great battles of the War of Reform, March 10, 1858.

Current Times

In the early twentieth century, the state promoted the primary, which he called "model schools", which were inaugurated in 1903 in Valtierrilla. Originally stood at the corner of Benito Juarez Street and today the Basque Quiroga and later moved to the street Manuel Doblado. They were schools for boys and girls separately.

In 1918 the name was changed to Santa Cruz Valtierrilla by Andres Delgado, after the guerrilla Valtierrilla native and celebrated 100 years after his death. Unfortunately not prosper and in 1928 restored the name to Valtierrilla.

A mid-year 1918 reached epidemic Valtierrilla "cholera morbus", which was hit much of the country.

In 1922 the Valtierrilla delegate, supported by Father Bernabe Mendez Jesus Montoya, Congress asked the state to secede from the township of Salamanca, and in an act of racism is typical for the mayor argued the request was not feasible, it was a village of Indians, ignorant and unrelated to any office. This request fails.

1926: making Pénjamo boom, Leon and other populations of the entity the Cristero movement. On February 5, 1928 federal forces entered the southern side Valtierrilla. It was about seven in the morning of February 5, 1928, killed the Lord Jesus Mendez Montoya.

By presidential order dated September 19, 1951, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on April 18, 1952 and executed on June 15, 1952, was granted by way of provision of the ejido lands to be "Valtierrilla" an area of ​​250.40 ha, including the school parcel, in fact the recipients were 47 farmers.

On April 27, 1977, requested the expropriation of an area of ​​7.1530 ha intended to expand the refinery Antonio M. Love, the ejido Valtierrilla.

On March 3, 1980, was expropriated an area of ​​5,10,95 has, for the CFE to be used for the construction of a portion of the thermoelectric plant in Salamanca.

Health == == Infrastructure

For decades, the Commonwealth of Valtierrilla has a health center, located in Revolution Square. The center reports directly to the Ministry of Health. Now known as Medical Unit Primary Health Care (UMAPS). It currently has 4 doctors, 1 medical social service intern and 10 nurses. Thanks to the work, now the service is daily from 8 to 20, to the attention of everyone, whether social security (eg, Seguro Popular, IMSS, etc.). Or not entitled, this hospital was built thanks to the support of the city of Salamanca, and was built to cover services in the health sector in all the villages located outside the urban area. and not only of Valtierrilla.

Educational Infrastructure

In the Commonwealth of Valtierrilla is has the following educational institutions:


Since 2005 is held in Valtierrilla of 1 to 6 February with support from the town of Salamanca, the Expo brings together producers Nopal cactus and its derivatives. These come from different parts of the state and Mexico. The Expo will exhibit products Nopal Cactus as tasty stew, cactus tortillas, shampoo, jelly, jam, skin creams, juices, candy, cactus-covered almonds and chocolate and many more.


Football, turns 70 years into practice Valtierrilla.

Weightlifting (weightlifting) is a discipline practiced today within the community, with power statewide. Montserrat Vazquez Edith Silva Champion Panamericana. Three gold medal in consecutive national. Like Rabbit Jorge Godoy, Olympic gold medalist in national category. Coach Jesus Sanchez.


Year 1724'The Viceroy approves and confirms the erection of a chapel named the Santa Cruz, who built the town's natural Valtierrilla, Salamanca jurisdiction so that it celebrates the holy sacrament of the mass. Salamanca Valtierrilla jurisdiction.

Politics and government

The community belongs to the thirteenth Valtierrilla local electoral district, and the federal electoral district eighth. In the 2006 federal election, the register of voters was 8078 Valtierrilla.

Salamanca City Council is composed of a mayor, two aldermen and 12 trustees. In 1992, Juan Lopez Guerra, became the first alderman of Valtierrilla within the city of Salamanca, in more than four centuries of jurisdiction Salamanca.

Valtierrilla community is represented today by a municipal delegate. There are four committees of citizen participation, sector north, south, east and west. On July 26, 2007, was published in the official newspaper of the state government of Guanajuato, the agreement creating the Potable Water and Wastewater of Valtierrilla by its acronym "SAPASVA" as its first Chairman of the Board citizen Guillermo Pérez Hernández. Unprecedented in the state of Guanajuato.