Valley High School is a high school in Valley Station, Kentucky Located at 10200 Dixie High Way.
Valley became a "traditional" school in 1999 in an attempt to boost enrollment after it had fallen to 63% of capacity.[1]
Jefferson County High School - VALLEY was one of five high schools (each school's name denoted the section of the county that it was located in) that came about at a board of education meeting on Saturday, July 19, 1930. On February 28, 1931 the secretary was requested to notify Mr. Tafel, the architect, to prepare tentative plans for an eight room high school building with an auditorium and a basement. The site was to be at the intersection of Valley Station Road, and 18th Street Road, purchased from Betty Dodge and Murray Swindler. The cost of the school was to be approximately $50,000.
In august 1936, the building was complete and ready to be opened, with a grand dedication. Twenty-one graded schools would feed into Valley with the district boundaries ranging from Algonquin Parkway, to West Point and from the Ohio River to what we know today as New Cut Road.
The school colors of gold and white were chosen by David Bruce Brown's (first principal) and coach P.C. Oneals (first football coach). The color blue was added to honor Mr. Brown when he returned from serving in WWII. The name Viking was chosen and became known around the area.
Valley originally housed 570 students, but swelled at on time to over 3,000. Currently the enrollment is about 1,000. Valley has been added onto three times plus has had temporary buildings built. Over the years six schools have been built to relieve Valley enrollment and better serve the greater Louisville area. Valley graduates have gone on to become everything from astronauts to zookeepers! [2]
On Thursday, June 2, 2011 at 5 p.m. EST the Class of 2011 was graduated from Valley Traditional High School. It is considered "the million dollar class" because it is the first class from Valley High School to receive $1,000,000 in scholarships to post-secondary education. The Class of 2011 was also the 74th Graduating Class. [3]
Valley High School Alumni Association
In October, 2009 the Valley High School Alumni Association ( officially incorporated itself with the following purposes: To foster the educational success of students attending Valley High; To provide for scholarships for Valley High School students and graduates who require financial assistance in order to pursue postsecondary education; To work collaboratively with Valley High School and Jefferson County Public Schools to strengthen Valley High School’s academic programs and improve its physical plant; and To engage in other educational and charitable activities consistent with these purposes. [4]
The initial Board Members included: Mary Alvey Class of 1971 and Library Clerk at Valley High School, Joe Goodin Class of 1969 who held the position of Treasurer in the association, Norman Hartman Class of 1968, David Martin Class of 1960 (Deceased), Jim Segrest Class of 1959, Debbie Ward 1975, and Earl Wilhelm, Jr. Class of 1962[5].
On August 19, 2010 the following individuals were nominated to be elected to the Board of Directors. Mr. Jim Segrest, Ms. Leona (Lee) Reardon, Dr. Robert Thrasher, Mr. Norman Hartman, Mr. David Hittle, Mr. Earl Wilhelm, Jr., Mr. Joe Goodin, Ms. Mary F. (Garrison) Alvey, Ms. Sharon (Forsythe) Broussard, Mr. Richard Fowler.
At the 1st Annual Membership Meeting held on September 16, 2010 the following people were elected and/or re-elected as Board of Directors, as 50+ members of the members of the Valley High School Alumni Association. Ms. Leona (Lee) Reardon, Mr. David Hittle, Mr. Earl Wilhelm, Jr., Ms. Mary F. (Garrison) Alvey, Ms. Sharon (Forsythe) Broussard and Mr. Richard Fowler, as well as floor nominees:' Mr. Russell Kersey, Ms. Beverly Imus Jaggers, and Mr. Tom Troutman[6].
On March 17, 2011 Mr. Mark Lynch was elected to fill the vacated seat of Mr. Tom Troutman who had passed away in the months prior[7].
On August 18, 2011 the following individuals were nominated to be elected to the Board of Directors. Ms. Mary F (Garrison) Alvey C/O 1971, Mr. George Ezzell C/O 1966, Mr. David E. Hittle C/O 1986, Ms. Beverly Imus Jaggers C/O 1971, Mrs. Sandy Sheets Murphy C/O 1967, Ms. Leona (Lee) Reardon C/O 1960, Mr. Earl Wilhelm, Jr. C/O 1962, Mr. James Young C/O 2009[8].
At the 2nd Annual Membership Meeting held on September 22, 2011 the following people were elected and/or re-elected to the Board of Directors. Ms. Mary F (Garrison) Alvey C/O 1971, Mr. George Ezzell C/O 1966, Mr. David E. Hittle C/O 1986, Ms. Beverly Imus Jaggers C/O 1971, Mrs. Sandy Sheets Murphy C/O 1967, Ms. Leona (Lee) Reardon C/O 1960, Mr. Earl Wilhelm, Jr. C/O 1962, Mr. James Young C/O 2009[9].
On October 20, 2011, David A.W. Hittle, C/O 2007 was elected as the President of the Valley High School Alumni Association. Lee Reardon remained as the Vice President. On October 20, 2011, James Young was elected as the Secretary of the Valley High School Alumni Association. Beverly Imus Jaggers remained as the Treasurer[10].
As of November 23, 2011 The association has grown to well over 260 members and continues to grow daily[11].