United Nations Security Council Resolution 1215

UN Security Council
Resolution 1215
Date: 17 December 1998
Meeting no.: 3,956
Code: S/RES/1215 (Document)

Vote: For: 15 Abs.: 0 Against: 0
Subject: The situation concerning Western Sahara
Result: Adopted

Security Council composition in 1998:
permanent members:


non-permanent members:

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1215, adopted unanimously on December 17, 1998, after reaffirming all previous resolutions on the question of the Western Sahara, in particular Resolution 1204 (1998), the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) until January 31, 1999 to allow for further consultations between parties.[1]

The Security Council took note of the Moroccan government's view and that the Polisario Front was to implement measures proposed by the Secretary-General Kofi Annan in his report to further the Settlement Plan. It noted that his proposals to launch simultaneously the identification and appeals processes would demonstrate their willingness to accelerate plans for a referendum.

Both parties were called upon to sign the refugee repatriation protocol with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and allow the UNHCR to conduct preparatory work for the repatriation of the refugees. Morocco was called upon to conclude a Status of Forces Agreement to facilitate the deployment of MINURSO military units.

The resolution concluded by asking the Secretary-General to report to the Council by January 22, 1999 on developments in Western Sahara.

See also


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