Uiduk University is located in Kyungju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea. It is situated midway between Pohang and Kyungju near the village of Gangdong-myeon. It has an English department, Chinese department, Japanese department, International Relations department, Social Welfare department, Business department, Physical Education department, Computer science department, Electronics department, Fine Arts department, Mathematics department, Buddhist studies department and an Architecture Department.
The University offers graduate programs leading to either an M.A. and or a PhD.
The University is a private university, and is owned and operated by the Jingkak Buddhist Order. It opened its doors to the first intake of students on March 3, 1996.
The university has an outstanding library [1]. It is actively used by all students living in the vicinity of the university, because it has a selection of excellent up to date books covering all disciplines. The library is open late, but its users in the later hours are not Uiduk students, but other students from other universities or person's preparing to study abroad or families where the parents are encouraging their children to do some extra work for themselves.
The university has only recently opened up special courses for foreign students to learn Korean, and then enroll in the regular courses. The existing foreign student programme has students from China, Vietnam and the Philippines. Many of these students are attracted to Korea, because of its standing in the electronics and the semiconductor industry. They come to learn Korean, and then join another technical department as a full time student.