~ 120 degrees E - all year round
Meridians |
Central |
120 degrees E |
Western border (nautical) |
112.5 degrees E |
Eastern border (nautical) |
127.5 degrees E |
External links |
UTC+08:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of +08:00. In ISO 8601 the associated time would be written as 2012-02-16T15:10:39+08:00 .
With an estimated population of 1.53 billion living within the time zone, roughly 22.5% of the world population, it is the most populous time zone in world, as well as a possible candidate for ASEAN Common Time.
This time zone is used in all Chinese-speaking countries, giving international Chinese websites the same time.
As standard time (all year round)
Discrepancies between official UTC+08 and geographical UTC+08
Areas located within UTC+08 longitudes using other time zones
The western parts of Korea, including the cities Pyongyang and Seoul.
Areas located outside UTC+08 longitudes using UTC+08 time
Areas between 127°30′ E and 142°30′ E ("physical" UTC+09)
- Parts of eastern China including the eastern end of Heilongjiang province.
- Easternmost parts of Western Australia.
Areas between 97°30′ E and 112°30′ E ("physical" UTC+07)
Areas between 82°30′ E and 97°30′ E ("physical" UTC+06)
- Parts of China, including most of Xinjiang province (although most locals observe UTC+06 even if it is officially UTC+08) and most of Tibet.
- Western Mongolia.
Areas between 67°30′ E and 82°30′ E ("physical" UTC+05)
- Parts of western China including western Xinjiang province (although most locals observe UTC+06 even if it is officially UTC+08).
See also