Windows USER

Windows USER is a component of the Microsoft Windows operating system that provides core functionality for building simple user interfaces. The component has existed in all versions of Windows, and includes functionality for window management, message passing, input processing and standard controls.


Functionality and Role

Windows USER provides a large part of the core user experience for Microsoft Windows. Historically, USER was responsible for:[1] [2]

Gradually, as Windows has become larger and better factored, Windows USER has cooperated with other components to provide this functionality:

Developer Experience

Windows USER implements abstractions that are used to build Windows applications. These include

The HWND is the basic unit of visual display and input in the Windows developer platform. All visual elements either have their own HWNDs or live as part of a larger HWND. Many functions in Windows USER manipulate properties on HWNDs such as size, position and title. Each HWND also has a communication channel (WNDPROC - Window Procedure) for delivery of messages.

Windows are managed as a tree, with the desktop window at the root of the hierarchy. Child windows are usually (but not always) visually contained within their parents.

Applications and the operating system communicate with HWNDs using messages. A window message is the combination of a target HWND, a message code, and other details such as mouse position.

By combining calls to Windows USER in the right way, a Windows application processes messages. The core Windows message loop (including calls to GetMessage, TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage) is at the core of any Windows application.

Developer functionality related to Windows USER is provided in the C header file winuser.h.


In 16 bit versions of Windows, Windows USER was implemented as a file called user.exe. The file extension here was a misnomer, as Windows USER was in fact always a dynamic link library.

In 32 bit versions of Windows, the 32 bit version of Windows USER is called user32.dll, while compatibility with 16 bit applications is provided by having a modified version of user.exe also present.

In 64 bit versions of Windows, the 64 bit implementation of Windows USER is called user32.dll, while a modified 32 bit version (also called user32.dll) is present in the SysWOW64 directory.

See also


  1. ^ Petzold, Charles (1998). Programming Windows Fifth Edition, Microsoft Press, ISBN 978-1572319950 .
  2. ^ Chen, Raymond (2007). The Old New Thing, Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN 978-0321440303
  3. ^ Windows Ribbon Framework [1]

External links